European Bathing waters (E319)

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enEuropean Bathing watersBathing waters in Europe identified with Eionet bathingWaterIdentifieredit
svEuropeiska badvattenbadvatten i Europe identifierade av Eionet bathingWaterIdentifieredit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX pq: <>
PREFIX ps: <>
PREFIX p: <>

# see
# project WD:Q107096245 European Bathing Waters
# Example SPARQL query: 
# SELECT * WHERE {?item wdt:P9616 ?bathWater} limit 10

start = @<EuropeanBeach>

<EuropeanBeach> EXTRA wdt:P9616 {
 wdt:P31   [ wd:Q567998 ]  ; # instance of beach
 wdt:P17   . + ; # country
 wdt:P131  .          + ; # located in the administrative territorial entity              
 wdt:P9616  .          + ; # Eionet bathingWaterIdentifier               
 wdt:P625  .          + ; # coordinates              
 wdt:P276  .          * ; # location              
 wdt:P856  .          + ; # official website   
 wdt:P706  .          * ; # located on terrain feature            
 wdt:P206  .          + ; # located in or next to body of water              
 wdt:P973  .          * ; # described by source              
 wdt:P4173  .          * ; # Instagram location id              
 wdt:P1997  .          * ; # Facebook location id              
 wdt:P2572  .          * ; # hashtag              
 wdt:P6375  .          * ; # street address
 wdt:P2789  .          * ; # connects with
 wdt:P3134  .          * ; # Trip Advisory id
 wdt:P4238  .          * ; # webcam page URL
 wdt:P3018  .          * ; # located in protected area

 wdt:P6104  [wd:Q107096245] ; # maintained by WikiProject European Bathing Waters 
