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Not a priest


ro:Ioan Budai-Deleanu: "A intrat în conflict cu episcopul Ioan Bob și a renunțat la intenția de a fi hirotonisit ca preot."
→fr: "Il est entré en conflit avec Mgr John Bob et a renoncé à être ordonné prêtre."
→en: "He came into conflict with Bishop John Bob and gave up the intention to be ordained as a priest." - A876 (talk) 03:14, 17 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Images not of Budai-Deleanu


There might not be any actual images of Ioan Budai-Deleanu (1760-1820) at all. In their absence, people seem grabbed images of at least two other people without checking, all around the web. If you look at any given old image, too often it is mapped to two or more unrelated names; also many a historical name seems seem mapped to several images of unrelated people. I see carelessness that borders on vandalism.

At least two images of others have been uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, incorrectly titled Ioan Budai-Deleanu. When such images get copied to Wikimedia, it only reinforces the web-wide mistakes.

not Georg Cantor


One upload was actually an image of (German mathematician) Georg Cantor (1845-1918). (It was deleted here, but copies remain on mirrors of Wikipedia and Wikimedia, and appear in other sites such as goodreads.)

not [Ioan] Inocențiu Micu-Klein


Another image is actually bishop [Ioan] Inocențiu Micu-Klein (1692–1768). (No matter who it is, it can't be Budai-Deleanu because the image shows a bishop, and Budai-Deleanu dropped out of priesthood studies (see previous section).)

I think [Ioan] Inocențiu Micu-Klein and Ioan Budai-Deleanu got conflated in an article that mentions both, but only shows one uncaptioned portrait.

These webpages show similar images, captioned Inocențiu Micu-Klein. (But many others caption identical images "Ioan Budai-Deleanu".):

This wrong page (like many others) captions the image "Ioan Budai-Deleanu (1760-1820)":

Portraits of Samuil Micu-Klein (1745-1806), such as look similar to Inocențiu Micu-Klein. Naturally, this identical image is on Commons as Commons:Category:Moise Dragoș, Q1943044. Good luck resolving that one. Just trying to fix one problem, I find more and more. Many bishops of the era look very similar – same eyes, same beard, same hair, same pose, same robe, similar cross, same purple cap. After a while they start to all look the same. They didn't put names and dates on all the portraits. (And maybe some photographs cropped the names off.) Be careful. Don't just grab images or information off the web, because it is a mess. - A876 (talk) 03:14, 17 June 2019 (UTC)[reply]