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Wikipǣdia:Gecorene gemynddagas/Ærra Geol

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Se Æfterra Geola - Solmonaþ - Hreþmonað - Eastermonað - Þrimilcemonað - Searmonað - Mædmonað - Weodmonað - Haligmonað - Winterfylleð - Blotmonað - Ærra Geol

Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas
Todæg is Tiwesdæg, 1 Winterfylleð, 2024; hit is nū 04:46 (UTC)

1. dæg Geolan: Micel Gæd Dæg in Romanie (1918)

2004 Gävle gāt

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2. dæg Geolan:

Chicago Pile-1

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3. dæg Geolan: Eormenlendisc Crypla Dæg

Tīw Eaxelandscipe Lander

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4. dæg Geolan: Sciphere Dæg on Indeum

Mary Celeste þæt scip

  • 1872Mary Celeste þæt Americanisce scip (on biliþ) fund man forgegiefen on þingum um þe oþ þissum dæge bidaþ uncūþ.
  • 1893Forma Matabele Gewinn: Ridiung þæs Bryttisca Sūþaffrica Gesiþscipe fēðan wæs forsæted and adileged be mar þon 3,000 Matabele wigum.
  • 1954 – Se woruldewīda hamburger snillǣt wrāsen Burger King, gecūðen for his signature þinge se Whopper, wæs gestaðoled in Miami on þara GRA.
  • 1979Bruce George Peter Lee atendede hām in Cyningestūne on Hulle on Eoferwicscīre and æfter þe he wæs benimen acyðede he þe he hæfde elleswise atended nigon banfyre in þæm læppan.
  • 1992George H W Bush Americanisc Foresittend gestefnode Americaniscan þreat on Somale þe he mōt helpan to bringenne fultum onmiddan þeodsceaþan in þǣm lande and staþoldan friþ in þǣm Somalisc Ingewinne.

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    5. dæg Geolan: Þēodisc Dæg and Fæder Dæg on Thailande (1927)

    Heanriges Knoxes artillery folguþ

  • 1484Innocent VIII Pāpa ongeaf papisc banna Summis desiderantes affectibus be naman, se geaf Heinrich Kramer þæs Dominicanic Munuchāde Þurhsmeagend gebannenum dōme to drifenne mæl wiþ drȳcræft on Germanie.
  • 1775Americanisc Onwendung: Henry Knox Fierdstemnþegn in þæm Continental Here cwōm to Ticonderoga Festninge on Nīwum Eoferwice to gedihtenne se Æþele folgend of artillery (on biliðe) hwærmid to atrymmienne þa Boston Asetinge.
  • 1936 – Seo 1936 Sofiet Grundgesetnes, oþre naman seo "Stalin" grundgesetnes, was adopted.
  • 1952 – Se "Micla Smog" begann on Lunden and læstede for fīf dagum and caused 12,000 dēaþe and þis þing berenede þe se Witenagemōt gesetede þa Clean Air Act 1956.
  • 1972Gough Whitlam fang to his ambiht swa se an and tweontigoþa Forma Þegn of Australie and sceap duumvirate mid his forestandend Lance Barnard, and þis endode þrēo and twentig winter of Liberal-Country Party lēodweard on Austaliawerum.

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    6. dæg Geolan: Sundorrīcesdæg on Finnum (1917); Grundgesetnes Dæg on Spēnum

    Blǣst wolcen þæs Halifax Byrst

  • 1060Béla I Cempa wæs gehalgod Ungera Cyning.
  • 1865Þēowdōm on þāra Geānlǣhtan Rīcum wæs be rihte āgylded þan wæs þæt Þrēotēoþa Gebētunge þære Grundgesetnesse þāra Geānedra Rīca American gefæstnod.
  • 1917 – Scip in Halifax Hæfne on Nīwum Scotlande on Canada, berend TNT and picric acid and þās on scipe ǣled wecceden æfter hit cnossede wiþ oðre scip and of þissum wæs se Halifax Byrst middangeardes mæsta mangeweorcede gelumpenlic byrst (on biliðe).
  • 1982 – Se Irisc Þēodisca Hreddunghere byrstede tīdbyrsta in Ballykelly on Lundenderryscīr and slōgon endleofan wigan þæs Bryttiscan Here and siexe unwæpnede menn.
  • 1988 – Se Australisca Hēafodburg Landscipe fōn aganweald.

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    7. dæg Geolan: Herecumboldæg on Indeum; Þēodlic Meregrotahȳð Gemyndingdæg on þǣm Geānedum Rīcum

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    8. dæg Geolan: Unwemme bearnēacnung Weorðing in þǣre Rēmiscan Cirice; Bodhi Day on Iapanwarum

    IKAROS rodorcræftes gerlicnes
    IKAROS rodorcræftes gerlicnes

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    9. dæg Geolan: Sundorrīces Dæg in Tansanie (1961)

    Ǣrreste circolwyrdes mūs
    Ǣrreste circolwyrdes mūs

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    10. dæg Geolan: Manrihtdæg; Constitution Day in Thailand (1932)

    Edmond Halley
    Edmond Halley

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    11. dæg Geolan:

    Insignia for Apollo 17
    Insignia for Apollo 17

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    12. dæg Geolan: L'Escalade onginn (2008); Sundorrīcesdæg in Cenie

    Yuan Shikai

  • 1915Yuan Scicai, se foresittend þǣre Cynewīse Cīnan, hæfþ himself swā cāsere genamod.
  • 2000 – Ðæt Ealdordōmærn þāra Geānedra Rīca American‎ gēafon his cyre (5–4) in Bush wiþ Gore for þǣm 2000 Americaniscan cyre and hæfþ George W. Bush swā foresittend genamod.
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    13. dæg Geolan: Scte Lucie Mǣssedæg; Tēoþ Dæg on Tefet (on Iudeisc Ǣfæstnesse, 2013); Cynewīse Dæg on Melitan (1974)

    Ðæs Potomaces Here fare geond Rappahannock in þære Friðricesburg Beadwe
    Ðæs Potomaces Here fare geond Rappahannock in þære Friðricesburg Beadwe

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    14. dæg Geolan:

    Amundsen and his menn æt þǣm Sūþende þǣre eaxe

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    15. dæg Geolan: Dæg þǣm Esperanto Gewritum

    Alamut Fæsten

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    16. dæg Geolan: Þēodlic Dæg in Bahraine (1971), Sigesdæg in Bængladesce (1971), Sundorrīcesdæg in Casahstane (1991).

    Oliver Cromwell

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    17. dæg Geolan: Rīcedæg in Bhutan (1907)

    Se Wright Flyer

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    18. dæg Geolan: Cynewīsandæg in Nīger (1958)

    Cublai Cān

  • 218 BC – Se Cartaīnisc here under Hannibale forhīende þǣm Rōmāniscan Cynewīse in þǣre Beadwe be þǣre Trebia, formest grēat cemp in þǣre Ōðre Punisc Gūþ, be þǣm Trebbia ēa in Italie.
  • 1271Mongolisc rīcweard Cublai Cān (in biliðe) onstealde þone Yuan Cynecynn in tōdæges Mongollande and on Seringum.
  • 1987Larry Wall rūngestrēonwritere ābēonn formest version þǣreof Perl þā rūngestrēongeþēode þurh þǣm tidunghēap comp.sources.misc.
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    19. dæg Geolan:

    Hongconges Fana, ǣr 1997

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    20. dæg Geolan:

    Cardiff Burgheall
    Cardiff Burgheall

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    Þara Rocdæl Foregengena forma sceoppa
    Þara Rocdæl Foregengena forma sceoppa

    21. dæg Geolan: Winter sungihte (11:12 UTC, 2012); Gēol and oþra winter sungihtan freolsunge in þæm Northernum Healftrendle, 2012)

  • 1620Wreccan þæs Mayflower þæs scipes (se is "Þrimilcemōnaþblostma") landedon æt þæm stede se is nū Plymouth on Massachusetts, and þær hie staðoledon þā Plymouth Landbūnesse.
  • 1844 – Þā Recedham Ordfruman, ðā wæron, secgð man, se forma spēdiglic efenweorcend sīþ, openedon hiere scoppan (on biliþe) in Recedhame on Lonceaterscīre on Brittum, and weard þæt grund for eallum efenweorcum þæræfter.
  • 1879Et dukkehjem, pleg be Henrik Ibsen þe challenged 19th century marriage norms, wæs ǣrrste geswutoled æt þǣm Cynelican Pleghūse in Ceapmannahæfne on Dēnum.
  • 1910 – In the second worst orebefeall on Englum, undergrund ætbyrst æt þǣm Hultunbanc Cōlstede 3 Pytt and slōg 344 menn.
  • 1937Snāwhwīt and þā Seofen Dweorgas, the first full-lengþ clustor-animated feature in filmstǣre, wæs ǣrrste geswutoled æt þæm Carthay Circle Theatre in Los Angeles.

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    22. dæg Geolan: Modorsdæg in Indonesie

    Ludwig van Beethoven

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    Tokioturr be nihte
    Tokioturr be nihte

    23. dæg Geolan:

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    24. dæg Geolan: Cristesmæsse Ǣfen (on Westernum Cristendōme)

    Earthrise as seen by the crew of Apollo 8
    Earthrise as seen by the crew of Apollo 8

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    25. dæg Geolan: Crīstesmæsse in westernum crīstendōme

    Crīstesmæsses bēam

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    26. dæg Geolan: Boxdæg in Þēodacynewīsan landum; Sctes Stepnes Mǣssedæg (on Westernum Cristendōme); Þā Twelf Hāligan Dagas beginnaþ on Esoteric Cristendōme)


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    27. dæg Geolan: Sctes Stepnes Mæssedæg in Ēasternum Cristendōme

    Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Polena Forma Þegn (1919)
    Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Polena Forma Þegn (1919)

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    28. dæg Geolan: Cilda mæssedæg (on Westernum Cristendōme)

    San Francisco rāpwægn
    San Francisco rāpwægn

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    29. dæg Geolan: Sundorrīcesdæg in Mongollande (1911)

    Tomas Becket
    Tomas Becket

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    Paul Kruger, foresittend þǣre Transvaal Cynewīse
    Paul Kruger, foresittend þǣre Transvaal Cynewīse

    30. dæg Geolan: José Rizal Dæg in þæm Filippiniegum.

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    30. dæg Geolan: Nīw Geares Æfen (þære Gregoriscan gerīmbēc)

    Arthur Guinness
    Arthur Guinness
  • 1225Ly Chieu Hoang, in eallum Fietnames stǣr þæs rīces ān ricsodende cāserin, bewoddede Tran Thai Tong, and hine gewrohtede se forma cāsere þæs Tran Cynecynne æt seofen winterylde.
  • 1759Arthur Guinness (þæs gelicnes is hēr) onseglode 9,000-winter bōc æt £45 ælce geare to þæm Scte Iacobes Geat Beorbriwendhus in Difelin and he begann to briwenne Guinness.
  • 1775Americisc Onwendun: Æt þæm Quebec Beadwe, aweaf Bryttisc þreat onræs be þæm Worulddæles Here se sohteded to fangenne Quebecceaster and findenne Frencisc Canadisc fultum.
  • 1965Jean-Bédel Bokassa, folctoga þæs here þære Middelaffriciscan Cynewīsan, mid his þegnum begann rīcessæc wið David Dacko Foresittende and his leodwearde.
  • 1999 – Panama nām rīce ofer þæm Panama Wæterweg Gyrdle of þǣm Geānedan Rīcum, and swylce dǣd folgend þǣm 1977 Torrijos–Carter Foremæl.
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    Se Æfterra Geola - Solmonaþ - Hreþmonað - Eastermonað - Þrimilcemonað - Searmonað - Mædmonað - Weodmonað - Haligmonað - Winterfylleð - Blotmonað - Ærra Geol

    Þēodscipe for ādihtung gecorene gemynddagas