Capil ka isi

Pamandiran Pamakai:Ezagren

Konten halaman tidak didukung dalam bahasa lain.
Tumatan Wikipidia Banjar, kindai pangatahuan

Site Notice

[babak asal-mulanya]

Halo Ezagren, Pesan di site noticenya begini "Wikimedia Indonesia telah membuka pendaftaran keanggotaan baru untuk periode 2012. Daftarkan diri Anda dengan mengirimkan surat elektronik ke" Terima kasih untuk bantuannya. 06Ivonne 25 Januari 2012 23.01 (ICT)

Ezagren, Pendaftaran keanggotaan Wikimedia Indonesia sudah dibuka hari ini. Bisa tolong dipasang site noticenya? Trims. 06Ivonne 31 Januari 2012 19.50 (ICT)

Thanks Ezagren! 06Ivonne 1 Pibuari 2012 21.10 (ICT)

Tulung tanggapan

[babak asal-mulanya]

Tulung tanggapan di tungkarannaya lah, hehehe... RieMogerZ 28 Januari 2012 19.55 (ICT)

Pencabutan Site Notice

[babak asal-mulanya]

Halo Ezagren, mohon bantuannya lagi untuk mencabut site notice karena yang banyak yang asal mendaftar saja. Terima kasih. 06Ivonne 2 Pibuari 2012 22.08 (ICT)

Deletion of log entries

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hello Esagren. I notice by hasard you used to delete some pages, and then remove the entries for the deletions from the deletion log. You can see some examples here :

  • 04:18, 31 December 2011 (username removed) (log action removed) (edit summary removed)
  • 11:44, 8 April 2011 (username removed) (log action removed) (edit summary removed)
  • 03:38, 16 January 2011 (username removed) (log action removed) (edit summary removed)
  • 11:00, 21 December 2010 (username removed) (log action removed) (edit summary removed)

As you did not put a reason when removing these entries, can you please explain why ? Thanks by advance. -- Quentinv57 10 Pibuari 2012 22.11 (ICT)

That is my personal edits and no specific intent at that time. Ezagren bapandir 14 Pibuari 2012 20.56 (ICT)
This does not really explain why you deleted these entries. As you're the only sysop here, you are the only one that knows what is hidden behind these links. This can't be done, for transparency, and to prevent sysop to abuse of this tools by hidding things for no valid reason. By consequence, please restore these log entries you deleted unless there is a valid reason. Thanks for your understanding. Cordially, -- Quentinv57 17 Pibuari 2012 22.08 (ICT)

Abang, aku ini Akbar kartawijaya

[babak asal-mulanya]

Pak Zag, masih ingat Ssulakbar, itu lho pengguna dalam bahasa Indonesia. Masa lupa? O, ya, sy kan pengguna aktif di wikipedia, knapa bpk zak kirimkan kpd sy surat. --Ssulakbar (pandir) 23 Marit 2012 09.37 (ICT)

You're invited to Wikimedia events in June and July: bot, script, template, and Gadget makers wanted

[babak asal-mulanya]

I'm sorry -- I only speak English.

I invite you to the yearly Berlin hackathon, 1-3 June. Registration is now open. If you need financial assistance or help with visa or hotel, then please register by May 1st and mention it in the registration form.

This is the premier event for the MediaWiki and Wikimedia technical community. We'll be hacking, designing, teaching, and socialising, primarily talking about ResourceLoader and Gadgets (extending functionality with JavaScript), the switch to Lua for templates, Wikidata, and Wikimedia Labs.

We want to bring 100-150 people together, including lots of people who have not attended such events before. User scripts, gadgets, API use, Toolserver, Wikimedia Labs, mobile, structured data, templates -- if you are into any of these things, we want you to come!

I also thought you might want to know about other upcoming events where you can learn more about MediaWiki customization and development, how to best use the web API for bots, and various upcoming features and changes. We'd love to have power users, bot maintainers and writers, and template makers at these events so we can all learn from each other and chat about what needs doing.

Check out the the developers' days preceding Wikimania in July in Washington, DC and our other events.

Best wishes! - Sumana Harihareswara, Wikimedia Foundation's Volunteer Development Coordinator. Please reply on my talk page at Sumanah (pandir) 9 April 2012 06.57 (ICT)

Hei, Ezagren, maaf baru menjawab pesan Anda. (Mungkin Anda sudah mendapat jawaban pertanyaan Anda) Untuk membuka bug baru di Bugzilla, tinggal mendaftar di bugzilla:, lalu klik "Enter a new bug report", lalu pilih "Wikimedia", lalu pilih komponen yang sesuai, misal "Site request", kemudian masukkan bugnya. Selamat mencoba. (untuk jawaban yang lebih cepat, disarankan menghubungi lewat WBI, namun akan saya coba untuk sering-sering menengok WBB) Bennylin (pandir) 27 April 2012 21.41 (ICT)

Apa pandapat pian amun sepak bola dalam bahasa Banjar adalah main bal. RieMogerZ 15 Mai 2012 10.41 (ICT)

Gasan pamakaian istilah olahraga, aku pina sadikit kurang rasuk lawan istilah malumbar urat. RieMogerZ 15 Mai 2012 11.05 (ICT)
Samantara, dilindungi hulu, pambabakan akan manyusul :P, hehe... tapi makasih sarannya.
RieMogerZ 15 Mai 2012 19.09 (ICT)
Maap-maap-maap, kada sadar lagi saharian karamian maanui Wikipidia haja,, eh... sakalinya saurangan haja. Banyak pang nang handak di baiki ada tungkaran nang tadua (isinya mirip, bahkan sama) tagal judulnya lain, tagal aku kada ingat napa tadi. He... RieMogerZ 20 Mai 2012 11.05 (ICT)
Pinanya ada kasalahpahaman sadikit nah,, nang ulun maksudakan nintu adalah Citakan nang paling banyak dipakai jadi citakan diatas 100 tungkaran nang mamakai ulun lindungi semi. Lain barakas, tagal citakan nang dimaksud. Hehe... RieMogerZ 21 Mai 2012 20.46 (ICT)
Ba'arti aku salah ganal dua hari naya. :(
Maap. RieMogerZ 22 Mai 2012 18.37 (ICT)
Kalu ada lagi, kaina habari ja,, siap laksanakan :D
RieMogerZ 23 Mai 2012 09.29 (ICT)
Rif, tulungi aku lah manambahi naya Kamus RieMogerZ 23 Mai 2012 10.20 (ICT)

Habar baik aja! Aku wahini bagana di Depok. Insya Allah disawatakan! Alamnirvana (pandir) 27 Mai 2012 11.56 (ICT)

Halaman utama Wikipedia bahasa Banjar sudah mati ya? Tidak update seperti Wikipedia bahasa Nusantara lain. Apa karena dilindungi? Tolong dong diperhatikan, biarpun saya tak mengerti bahasanya, tapi saya senang melihat desain HU WBB ini.

Sementara, saya sendiri dan mungkin mas Ezagren sedang dalam kesibukan, terutama saya yang masih dalam masa magang + menghadapi tahapan skripsi. Karenanya saya bisa dibilang cuti untuk menyunting dulu. Namun bukan berarti saya absen untuk melihat WBB. Silakan berikan pembaharuan bila Anda merasa bisa memberikan pembaruan. Sementara sukarelawan WBB terbatas, mungkin anda bisa membantu. Salam. RieMogerZ 4 Juli 2012 16.57 (ICT)

Days of the week in Banjar

[babak asal-mulanya]

Dear Ezagren,

I have been working on a multilingual catalogue of the days of the week on the Dutch Wiktionary. Since you seem to have worked on those pages on this wiki, I would like to ask you whether you could check this list. The alternative names seem to be the Indonesian ones; are they in use in Banjar as well?

Thank you, Wikibelgiaan (pandir) 25 Juli 2012 22.42 (ICT)

Thanks for your help. One question: I suppose the series Senin, Selasa,... was borrowed from Bahasa Indonesia or Malay. Which series is the most common and/or which one is the most correct? Wikibelgiaan (pandir) 27 Juli 2012 01.18 (ICT)

Transation Request

[babak asal-mulanya]

Greetings Ezagren! Would you be so kind to help me translate part of en:Lu Xun and en:Wuhan into the wonderful Banjar language? Please. 3-4 lines would be enough. Best regard-Vunz Vujmingz (pandir) 26 Uktubir 2012 15.13 (ICT)

Minta bantuan

[babak asal-mulanya]

Salam, bisa anda bantu cipta rencana ini ms:Senarai_komun_di_Perancis ke dalam bahasa Banjar. Komun mengenai Perancis mengandungi lebih 36,000 artikel. Harap anda bisa bantu majukan wiki ini.--Aplikasi (pandir) 4 Pibuari 2013 01.01 (ICT)

Invitation to Amsterdam hackathon

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hello! Please look at the Amsterdam technical event page for template makers, gadget creators, and other technical contributors. The event will be in late May 2013, and you should register by April 20th if you want to ask for travel assistance. I hope you will consider coming, and bringing other people from your wiki who are interested in learning! I'm sorry that this is in English. Sharihareswara (WMF) (pandir) 26 Marit 2013 06.00 (ICT)

Invitation to Amsterdam hackathon

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hello! Please look at the Amsterdam technical event page for template makers, gadget creators, and other technical contributors. The event will be in late May 2013, and you should register by April 20th if you want to ask for travel assistance. I hope you will consider coming, and bringing other people from your wiki who are interested in learning! I'm sorry that this is in English. Sharihareswara (WMF) (pandir) 26 Marit 2013 06.00 (ICT)

Templat bermasalah

[babak asal-mulanya]

Nampaknya templat ini sepertinya bermasalah karena saya ingin mencipta artikel mengenai desa tetapi tidak dapat. Anda bisa lihat nya di sini. Maaf, sebenarnya saya ikhlas membantu Wikipedia ini.--Aplikasi (pandir) 26 Marit 2013 23.41 (ICT)

Baiklah, saya cipta dahulu rencana mengenai desa di Kalimantan--Aplikasi (pandir) 27 Marit 2013 09.08 (ICT)

Membaiki artikel kampung

[babak asal-mulanya]

Benar tidak contoh artikel Bakung, Batu Mandi, Balangan seperti ini?. Saya sudah baikinya dari disa kepada kampung.--Aplikasi (pandir) 8 April 2013 21.12 (ICT)

Jika masih ada yang perlu dibaiki, anda bisa menghubungi saya di sini. Nanti saya akan coba untuk membaikinya--Aplikasi (pandir) 8 April 2013 21.22 (ICT)

Roger Federer

[babak asal-mulanya]

Please create article on this Wikipedia. --Kolega2357 (pandir) 10 April 2013 04.41 (ICT)

Perkakas di bagian preferensi

[babak asal-mulanya]

Salam, menurut saya perkakas di bagian preferensi perlu dibaiki bagi memudahkan para pengguna menggunakannya.--Aplikasi (pandir) 30 April 2013 14.22 (ICT)

Undian untuk saudara SC,IN serta NS

[babak asal-mulanya]

Salam sanak, anda diundang untuk mengundi sanak SpartacksCompatriot, Iwan Novirion dan Naval Scene di sini,sini dan sini.--Aplikasi (pandir) 13 Mai 2013 15.40 (ICT)

Bahasa Banjar

[babak asal-mulanya]

mm, bahasa Banjar ada persamaannya juga ya dengan Bahasa Brunei. Ranking Update (pandir) 15 Mai 2013 15.10 (ICT)

Oh, tidak mengapa. Seperti yang sudah anda katakan, kurapak itu juga terdapat dalam Bahasa Brunei, kalau dalam Bahasa Brunei ianya bermaksud bercakap dalam Bahasa Melayu atau ngomong dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kalau dalam Bahasa Banjar pula apa ya? Ranking Update (pandir) 22 Mai 2013 18.30 (ICT)
Oh, begitu ya. Tapi kelihatannya ada juga yang sama. Ranking Update (pandir) 23 Mai 2013 18.32 (ICT)

Mohon Bantuan

[babak asal-mulanya]

Saya sedikit kesulitan dalam mengembangkan Wikipedia Bahasa Madura Bisakah anda membantu saya ?

Ryan Ajie (pandir) 7 Juli 2014 13.40 (ICT)

Wikimedia Commons logo

Hello! Sorry for writing in English. As you're an administrator here, please check the message I left on MediaWiki talk:Licenses and the village pump. Thanks, Nemo 19 Siptimbir 2014 02.22 (ICT)

Files without a license

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hi. Most of the files in Istimiwa:Barakas_kada_batumbung does probably not have a valid license. Could you or another administrator have a look or tell me if you have a template to add to files without a license?

Some of the files on the list are located on Commons but show up in the list because there is a local description page. I suggest that you delete the local page. If the local text is relevant it should be copied to Commons.

I think that all the good files sould be copied to Commons. But I do not understand the language. Files should have a good source (who created the file or took the photo), a valid license (cc-by-sa-3.0 for example) and a good description (Some text and also relevant links to articles (like [[Some article]]). If you or another local user would like to help check I can copy the files. According to Istimiwa:Barakas_hanyar there are 62 files locally. --MGA73 (pandir) 23 Uktubir 2014 20.53 (ICT)

This file Barakas:Pudak sitagal.jpg for example has a good description with a link and a good license. It seems to be own work but if the text "Own work" or "Photo by Pamakai:Ezagren" was added it would be perfect. --MGA73 (pandir) 23 Uktubir 2014 21.03 (ICT)

Files Now Commons

[babak asal-mulanya]

The files listed at Istimiwa:Tautan_balik/Citakan:NowCommons are now in Commons. Could you delete the local versions? 29 April 2016 11.49 (ICT)

User:Holder, could you help? 19 Mai 2016 07.35 (ICT)
Done. --Holder (pandir) 19 Mai 2016 11.03 (ICT)
User:Holder, thanks a lot. On the main page Tungkaran Tatambaian, could you change Wiki.png to file:Wikipedia-logo-v2-bjn.svg? Then Wiki.png can be deleted. There are now more files in Commons. 19 Mai 2016 15.14 (ICT)
User:Holder, thanks a lot for the clean-up. Now only File:Wiki.png needs to be replaced in the main page and then can be deleted, as it is already in Commons as c:file:Wikipedia-logo-v2-bjn.png. 19 Mai 2016 16.56 (ICT)
Hi. I'm sorry I don't know how to replace this file on main page (and other pages). So I'd prefer to keep this file at the moment. --Holder (pandir) 21 Mai 2016 00.46 (ICT)

Files not used

[babak asal-mulanya]

Could you delete the files at Istimiwa:Barakas_kada_tapakai? 29 April 2016 11.52 (ICT)

Done. --Holder (pandir) 19 Mai 2016 11.07 (ICT)
User:Holder, thanks a lot. It seems each file in Special:listfiles is either in Commons or is not allowed by wmf:Resolution:Licensing policy. So, all could be deleted. 19 Mai 2016 15.16 (ICT)

If you are interested

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hello, I hope I am not bothering you. I just want to inform you about a possibilty on meta. After the SUL finalization, a search for Global_renamers in different language has been going on. As I did with other local bureaucrats or expert sysops on "minor" projects or with knowledge of "minor"/"uncommon" languages, I am contacting you in the case you are interested to ask for this flag. Maybe you knew already, it is possible that Aldnonymous already talked to you.

At the moment in m:Global_renamers#Users_with_global_rename_access and m:Stewards#List_of_current_stewards, if I correctly remember no one is bjn>3 and few one are id>3, and that is not enough for the number of potential and active users speaking your languages in the world. The backlog on w:id:Wikipedia:Pengubahan nama pengguna/Permohonan for example is full.

If you take a look in Global_permissions#Requests_for_global_rename_permissions and in the chronology of the page you can verify that even users with limited cross-wiki activity or limited knowledge of foreign languages have been proposed and approved in the previous months. I think that with your robust cross-wiki experience you could be useful. Even processing few requests every month would be better than nothing.

Have a nice day!--Alexmar983 (pandir) 5 Mai 2015 16.56 (ICT)


[babak asal-mulanya]

Could you please translate this text into Bahasa Banjar? It is for the welcome page at the Ido Wikipedia.

Welcome to the Ido Wikipedia. Ido was first known as reformed Esperanto and was created in 1907 after seven years of deliberation by a committee of professors and linguists. You may notice that Ido looks somewhat like Esperanto, but with a number of differences including a complete lack of diacritical marks, the use of the letter 'q', along with many of the words themselves.
If you are studying Ido and want to write for our Wikipedia, feel free! There are people here to correct your Ido should you make a mistake. Just use the Citakan:Revizo tag whenever you think your article could use some grammatical revision.
The main site for the Ido language is located here, Ido publications are located here, and the English Wikipedia article on Ido is located here. A complete list of sites in Ido on the internet is located here. Lastly, the main reasons for choosing Ido over the more well-known Esperanto are summed up in this article.

Thanks for your help and if you want to get any text translated into Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese or Ido, do not hesitate to ask me. --Katxis (pandir) 6 Uktubir 2015 19.38 (ICT)

boleh dirubah gk ngikutin wpid supaya rapi :)Murbaut (pandir) 10 Juni 2016 15.54 (ICT)

@Murbaut, silakan, selama itu rapi. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 11 Juni 2016 09.05 (ICT)
Ohya saya hanya ingin menambahkan Citakan:Calendar .Murbaut (pandir) 11 Juni 2016 13.38 (ICT)


[babak asal-mulanya]

Hello, could you please translate Automatic refresh (Pembaruan otomatis) to Banjar? Thanks -XQV- (pandir) 8 Januari 2017 02.18 (ICT)

Hey, can you translate the bolded sentence? -XQV- (pandir) 2 Marit 2017 03.17 (ICT)
Ups, sorry, I didn't notice. The translate is Pahanyaran utumatis. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 2 Marit 2017 13.58 (ICT)

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

[babak asal-mulanya]
WMF Surveys, 30 Marit 2018 01.19 (ICT)

Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey

[babak asal-mulanya]
WMF Surveys, 13 April 2018 08.18 (ICT)

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

[babak asal-mulanya]
WMF Surveys, 20 April 2018 07.27 (ICT)

Deletion backlog

[babak asal-mulanya]

Please see this link. Thank you, Vermont (pandir) 26 Nupimbir 2018 02.42 (ICT)

Yes, I see. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 5 Januari 2019 13.08 (ICT)

Copy paste useless creation

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hey, please see contributions from this range, many of them are useless for project and copied from English wiki. 1997kB (pandir) 2 Januari 2019 22.04 (ICT)

Yes, I see. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 5 Januari 2019 13.08 (ICT)

Hi. I have been on a little project tidying up sidebars to utilise the updates through the system to make them a more versatile for user language preferences, and have just have updated Mediawiki:sidebar. I do hope that is okay. Billinghurst (pandir) 4 Januari 2019 19.52 (ICT)

Ok, no problem. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 5 Januari 2019 13.08 (ICT)

Artikel kecamatan

[babak asal-mulanya]

Mas Arief, untuk artikel-artikel kecamatan yang sedang dirintis, mungkin bisa juga dengan kabupaten/kota yang sudah saya masukkan data luas wilayah dan penduduknya di Wikidata, sehingga sudah ada isinya. Daftarnya ada di halaman pengguna saya di Wikidata. Salam, RaymondSutanto (pandir) 6 Juni 2019 15.55 (ICT)

Baik, mas Raymond. Akan saya akomodir nanti. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 10 Juni 2019 07.21 (ICT)

Files need a license

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hi! All files need a license - see foundation:Resolution:Licensing policy also see m:Non-free content.

There is one file left with no license:Istimiwa:Daptar_barakas. Perhaps you could delete the image or create the license? If accept fair use you also need a fair use policy and perhaps update til list on meta. --MGA73 (pandir) 5 Januari 2020 19.02 (+07)

Later will create the license. It will be discussed first with the community. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 6 Januari 2020 12.52 (+07)
Hi! I do not know if you have noticed my suggestion on Pamandiran MediaWiki:Licenses. But GFDL is not a good license and "nc" and "nd" are not allowed. I think you should only add good licenses on the list otherwise you risk that someone will upload a file with a bad license at some point. That will only make more fork for the admins. --MGA73 (pandir) 4 Juli 2021 23.23 (+07)

Module Wikidata

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hi. I'm the maintainer of the master version of Module:Wikidata on Please, delete Modul:Wikidata/Vriullop, it's a personal sandbox I created on Also you can delete Modul:Wikidata/bakpasir, it's a temporary version not used anymore. I filled Modul:Wikidata/i18n with the Indonesian version. You can translate it and set up in your language. It is documentated in English at ca:Module:Wikidades/i18n/en/ús and ca:Module:Wikidades/ús/en for the functions. If you need any help using this module you can ping me. --Vriullop (pandir) 31 Marit 2020 22.47 (+07)

ok, thank you for your information. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 1 April 2020 10.42 (+07)

Hi, how can I edit this wiki?Aria259 (pandir) 3 Juli 2020 20.19 (+07)

Amun Pian handak Palawang dibanding Lawang, bari suara disini. Sabalum 17 Agustus. Mnafisalmukhdi1 (pandir) 10 Agustus 2020 20.27 (+07)

Undangan urun pikiran dalam konsultasi Kode Etik Universal

[babak asal-mulanya]


Semoga Anda dalam keadaan baik dan sehat. Nama saya Ramzy Muliawan, mewakili tim Kode Etik Universal (UCoC) Yayasan Wikimedia bagi komunitas bahasa-bahasa Indonesia dan Melayu. Saya ingin mengabarkan bahwa proses konsultasi UCoC tahap kedua akan dimulai pada hari Senin, 18 Januari 2021.

Konsultasi tahap kedua UCoC akan berfokus pada perumusan mekanisme penerapan dan penegakan yang efektif dan berlaku bagi seluruh proyek-proyek Wikimedia. Sebagai pengurus di Wikipedia bahasa Banjar dan Indonesia, saya ingin mengundang Anda untuk ikut urun pikiran dan gagasan. Tahap kedua ini penting mengingat UCoC merupakan salah satu mandat yang paling utama dari proses Strategi Gerakan Wikimedia dan akan menjadi standar minimum bagi kebijakan tingkah laku di proyek-proyek Wikimedia.

Untuk memulai, Anda dapat meninjau terlebih dahulu beberapa hal terkait UCoC. Halaman berikut tersedia dalam bahasa Indonesia:

Setelah itu, Anda dapat berkomentar pada halaman permohonan pendapat di Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia sampai akhir bulan Februari 2021. Untuk mitra lokal gerakan Wikimedia, kami juga merencanakan proses konsultasi terpisah yang akan diinformasikan kemudian.

Saya memohon maaf karena keterbatasan sumber daya, diskusi hanya dapat diselenggarakan dalam bahasa Indonesia dan tidak dapat dalam bahasa-bahasa daerah lain yang dipertuturkan di Indonesia. Namun, Anda amat dianjurkan untuk berkomentar dan menyampaikan pendapat sesuai dengan situasi, kondisi, dan nilai-nilai budaya yang berlaku di komunitas Banjar.

Bila Anda memiliki pertanyaan lain atau ingin menyampaikan respon yang dirasa lebih sesuai disampaikan pada ruang privat, silakan balas surel ini atau hubungi saya melalui Telegram.

Terima kasih dan salam hangat,
-- RamzyM (WMF) (pandir) 15 Januari 2021 17.45 (+07)

Translation request

[babak asal-mulanya]


Can you translate and upload the articles id:Bahasa Azeri, id:Bangsa Azerbaijan and id:Azerbaijan in Banjar Wikipedia? They certainly do not need to be long and detailed.

Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (pandir) 2 Nupimbir 2021 22.54 (+07)

@Multituberculata: oke akan saya coba terjemahkan dahulu, mula-mula untuk artikel berjudul Urang Azerbaijan dahulu. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 3 Nupimbir 2021 07.57 (+07)
Thank you very much for the new article! Can you also translate and upload the two articles id:Bahasa Azeri and id:Azerbaijan as well? Multituberculata (pandir) 3 Nupimbir 2021 12.27 (+07)

How we will see unregistered users

[babak asal-mulanya]


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

5 Januari 2022 01.10 (+07)

@Habar Tapin: ok sudah dihapus, lah. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 30 Mai 2022 10.36 (+07)
Ok, thank you for your information. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 9 Uktubir 2022 21.27 (+07)

Ulun handak minta tulung, pian hapus akan Citakan:Infobox Former Country sualnya ada kasalahan di citakan itu. Habis itu, ada jua citakan lain nang handak ulun pautkan ke wikidata.

Alasan: handak mambaiki kasalahan tiknis ~Terima kasih Fazoffic (pandir) 22 Disimbir 2022 12.20 (+07)

Sudah ku hapus, lah. Silakan atur ulang lagi. Salam Ezagren (kirim pasan) 22 Disimbir 2022 14.24 (+07)

Hapus (laman pamakai)

[babak asal-mulanya]

Assalamu'alaikum, kawalah pian mahapus laman pamakai ulun, pinak kada bujur panjanak ulun ni. Nyaman nang ada di meta-wiki ja nang ditampaiakan di situ. ~Tarima kasih ▪︎ Fazoffic ( ʖ╎ᓵᔑ∷ᔑ) 1 Januari 2023 15.55 (+07)

Waalaikum salam. Sudah dihapus. Silakan ditukui. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 2 Januari 2023 08.16 (+07)


[babak asal-mulanya]

Halo, apakah anda dapat menerjemahkan halaman Amirika Sarikat? Karena isinya bahasa Inggris semua. Terima kasih. Veracious (pandir) 12 Mai 2023 11.10 (WITA)[balas]

Oke, nanti akan diterjemahkan bertahap. Terima kasih sudah mengingatkan. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 12 Mai 2023 11.24 (WITA)[balas]

Translation request

[babak asal-mulanya]


Can you create the article id:Danau Laacher, which is the third most powerful volcano in Europe after Campi Flegrei and Santorini, in Banjar Wikipedia?

Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (pandir) 13 Juni 2023 20.11 (WITA)[balas]

Need your input on a policy impacting gadgets and UserJS

[babak asal-mulanya]

Dear interface administrator,

This is Samuel from the Security team and I hope my message finds you well.

There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed policy governing the use of external resources in gadgets and UserJS. The proposed Third-party resources policy aims at making the UserJS and Gadgets landscape a bit safer by encouraging best practices around external resources. After an initial non-public conversation with a small number of interface admins and staff, we've launched a much larger, public consultation to get a wider pool of feedback for improving the policy proposal. Based on the ideas received so far, the proposed policy now includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, best practices for gadgets and UserJS developers, and exemptions requirements such as code transparency and inspectability.

As an interface administrator, your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on the policy talk page.

Have a great day!

Samuel (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Security team 8 Juli 2023 07.02 (WITA)[balas]

Temporary revocation of interface adminship

[babak asal-mulanya]

Hi Ezagren! Thank you for your work on the Wikipedia bahasa Banjar. My name is Martin and I'm one of the Wikimedia Stewards. I see that you're active as a local interface administrator on this wiki. According to the Wikimedia Foundation decision, all interface administrators need to have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled for legal and security reasons. According to the records, 2FA is currently not enabled for your account. As part of the steward's duties to enforce policies, I had to temporarily remove your interface adminship status for that reason. If you want the right to be re-enabled, please re-enroll into two-factor authentication and let me know -- I'll happily reinstante the rights once that happens. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your understanding. Sincerely, Martin Urbanec (pandir) 16 Agustus 2023 05.28 (WITA)[balas]

@Martin Urbanec: Thanks for sending the message. I have re-enroll 2FA. What should I do next? Ezagren (kirim pasan) 16 Agustus 2023 09.37 (WITA)[balas]

Correct the pages I created

[babak asal-mulanya]

@Ezagren Hi Ezagren! Please can you correct the pages I created in Banjar for Indonesian automobile companies Esemka: Esemka , Pindad: Pindad and Timor Putra Nasional: Timor Putra Nasional instead of deleting them. The original content I used to write was for example in Esemka article:

"Esemka is an Indonesian automotive company. Esemka was founded in 2007."

Thanks IREXIA (pandir) 29 Disimbir 2023 14.49 (WITA)[balas]

Minta rila, ulun parhatan kada hakun mambujuri laman ulahan Pian. Silakan minta tulung lawan urang lain. Salam, Ezagren (kirim pasan) 31 Disimbir 2023 13.24 (WITA)[balas]
@Ezagren Please respond in English. Can you rewrite them? I still see that it wasn't made a change and the deletion box is still there. Thanks IREXIA (pandir) 31 Disimbir 2023 19.15 (WITA)[balas]
@Ezagren Hi Ezagren! You didn't replied to me. Can you rewrite the pages to be written correctly in Banjar language and use longer content, in order to keep them on Wikipedia. I would thank you so much if you will contribute to correct the articles I created. Thanks IREXIA (pandir) 4 Januari 2024 17.39 (WITA)[balas]
Sorry I can't help. Please ask other users for a good and correct Banjar language translation. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 5 Januari 2024 09.38 (WITA)[balas]

Minta tolong

[babak asal-mulanya]

Halo Ezagren maaf mengganggu waktu anda, saya meminta tolong kepada anda untuk membuat MediaWiki:Custom-RcGcDw dengan mengisi 1238450196191510538 agar saya dapat mengawasi vandalisme yang terjadi di Wikipedia bahasa Banjar bersama teman SPV di server Discord SPV. Saya juga meminta maaf karena tidak bisa bahasa Banjar karena saya pun bukan orang Banjar. Salam Badak Jawa (pandir) 21 Mai 2024 09.18 (WITA)[balas]

Halo, halaman tersebut sudah saya buat. Silakan diimplementasikan. Salam Ezagren (kirim pasan) 21 Mai 2024 11.44 (WITA)[balas]
Terima kasih Ezagren Badak Jawa (pandir) 21 Mai 2024 20.36 (WITA)[balas]

Hello! Cc-by-nc-3.0 is not a valid license. Files on Wikipedia need to allow commercial use. So you should change the license of Barakas:Mangudak Wadai.png and remove all variants of nc and nd from MediaWiki:Licenses. Also the latest version of creative commons is 4.0 so you could also update from 3.0 to 4.0. --MGA73 (pandir) 27 Juli 2024 02.00 (WITA)[balas]

Halo Ezagren ulun minta tolong mambantu mambaiki artikal buatan ulun amun ikam bapikir ada kasalahan kalimat dalam bahasa Banjar karna ulun kada urang Banjar nang mamakai mesin panarjamahan Glosbe (bahasa Indunisia: Halo Ezagren saya meminta tolong anda untuk membantu memperbaiki artikel buatan saya jika menurut anda ada kesalahan kalimat dalam bahasa Banjar karena saya bukan orang Banjar yang menggunakan mesin terjemahan Glosbe) Badak Jawa (pandir) 8 Agustus 2024 18.22 (WITA)[balas]

Hiih kaina ulun ganii mambaiki isuk. Hadang, lah! Ezagren (kirim pasan) 8 Agustus 2024 23.24 (WITA)[balas]
@Ezagren Terima kasih sudah mambantu mambaiki kalimatnya Badak Jawa (pandir) 10 Agustus 2024 22.40 (WITA)[balas]

Halo Ezagren, apa kabar? Ulun sudah malihat paubahan pahanyarnya pada artikel Facebook ulih salah sabuting pamakai Wikipidia tapi inya balum tarjamahakan ka Bahasa Banjar jadi amun Pian kada sibuk tolong dibaikakan ya Badak Jawa (pandir) 10 Agustus 2024 22.47 (WITA)[balas]

Ybs bajanji pacangan maubah isiannya manjadi basa Indunisia. Kita hadangi saminggu. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 12 Agustus 2024 17.11 (WITA)[balas]
Pian kawa ma'artiakan panambahan kalimat pamakai tu ka Bahasa Banjar? Ini sudah labih dari saminggu kada diterjemahkan Badak Jawa (pandir) 19 Agustus 2024 17.09 (WITA)[balas]
Amun bulih bantu, minta tulung bulikakan (revert) suntingannya itu, supaya jadi paringatan gasan pamakai itu. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 19 Agustus 2024 17.15 (WITA)[balas]
Tuntung Tuntung ya bro. Salam Badak Jawa (pandir) 19 Agustus 2024 18.34 (WITA)[balas]

Halo Ezagren ulun malihat templatnya sudah lawas diulah ulih pamakai lain di tahun 2013 tagal isinya Universitas Lambung Mangkurat wan imbah itu isinya dihapus ulih paulah templatnya wan hari ini ulun manyalin tampal sintaksis templatnya matan Wikipedia Inggris supaya kawa dipakai di Universitas Teknologi Malaysia wan ulun lupa gasan menterjemahkan templatnya. Amun Pian sibuk, silakan tarjamahakan parameter templatnya ka Bahasa Banjar. Salam Wikipidia Badak Jawa (pandir) 16 Siptimbir 2024 11.12 (WITA)[balas]

(harusnya Amun Pian kada sibuk :D )
Oke kalu sampat, ku tarjamahakan ari ini. Ezagren (kirim pasan) 17 Siptimbir 2024 09.15 (WITA)[balas]