Patologija biljaka
Patologija biljaka ili fitopathologija je nauka o bolesti u biljaka, koje su uzrokovane patogenima (zaraznim organizmima) i okolišnim uvjetima (fiziološki faktori). Organizmi koji uzrokuju zarazne bolesti uključuju gljivice, oomicete , bakterije, viruse, viroide, virusima slične organizme, fitoplazme, protozoa, nematode i parazitske biljke . Nisu obuhvaćeni ektoparaziti poput insekata, grinje, kičmenjaci ili drugi štetočine koje utičču na zdravlje biljaka jedenjem biljnog tkiva. Patologija biljaka uključuje i proučavanje i identifikaciju patogena, etiologiju bolesti, cikluse bolesti, ekonomski utjecaj, bolesti biljaka, otpornost na biljne bolesti, te kako biljne bolesti utiču na ljude i životinja, genetiku patosistema i upravljanje bolesnim biljkama.[1]
Također pogledajte
[uredi | uredi izvor]Reference
[uredi | uredi izvor]Vanjski linksovi
[uredi | uredi izvor]- International Society for Plant Pathology
- Australasian Plant Pathology Society
- American Phytopathological Society
- British Society for Plant Pathology
- Food Security Journal Arhivirano 3. 2. 2013. na:
- Contributions toward a bibliography of peach yellows, 1887–1888[mrtav link] Digital copy of scientist Erwin Frink Smith's manuscript on peach yellows disease.
- Erwin Frink Smith Papers Index to papers of Smith (1854–1927) who was considered the "father of bacterial plant pathology" and worked for the United States Department of Agriculture for over 40 years.
- Plant Health Progress, Online journal of applied plant pathology
- Pacific Northwest Fungi, online mycology journal with papers on fungal plant pathogens Arhivirano 31. 1. 2010. na Wayback Machine
- Rothamsted Plant Pathology and Microbiology Department
- New Mexico State University Department of Entomology Plant Pathology and Weed Science
- Pathogen Host Interactions Database (PHI-base)
- Grape Virology
- Opportunity in Plant Pathology
- Facebook page for Asian Association of Societies for Plant Pathology