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Usuari Discussió:Victuallers

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De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
Us donem la BENVINGUDA

Hola Victuallers! Sigueu benvingut/da a la Viquipèdia i al coneixement lliure. Us encoratgem especialment, abans de res, a visitar la introducció per a un començament fàcil en tres senzills passos somriure. Si preferiu aprendre mitjançant un tutorial, podeu seguir el curset d'autoaprenentatge.

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Consell del dia: Quan escriviu un article nou citeu les fonts. Així facilitareu la tasca dels companys que vulguin revisar la feina feta.

Non-Catalan? Ca-0? See Babel ca-0 and our welcome in English.

Voleu comentar aquest missatge?

Salutacions cordials

--Pau Cabot · Discussió 22:10, 4 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Hola Pau, Salutacions cordials Victuallers (disc.) 22:19, 4 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Derby Museum


oh! I am transleting the article, so there is the paragraph in english and down in catalan so you can check if the robot translate match with english text. Best regards. --Lluis_tgn (disc.) 22:25, 7 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

I only understand the English bit. I think if it makes sense in Catalan then its probably right. I hope your enjoying this project. Catalan editors seem very keen. Will they do "the whole thing?" Victuallers (disc.) 13:07, 8 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
Be sure we will "finish" the template Plantilla:Museu de Derby very soon ;) --Arnaugir 15:45, 8 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re:A Welcome to another member of Catalan Wiki-Army


Thanks for your warm welcome :) - Al Lemos (disc.) 17:24, 8 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Thank you. Our aim is to complete the template as soon as possible; we are really into it ;). Cheers, --J. G. Góngora (disc.) 10:33, 10 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
Its a joy to watch - and I see some are even creating new articles in English so they can create Catalan versions. I will see if I can send you pictures of your articles being accessed from our QRpedia codes in the museum Victuallers (disc.) 16:23, 10 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
That would be nice, to see our work shown in a "real" museum! let's hope other museums around the world follow your example. --Arnaugir 19:53, 10 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
A very good idea indeed! By the way, thanks for the barnstar! :D --J. G. Góngora (disc.) 00:20, 12 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
Have you heard that Alex has arranged for the Joan Miro Museum to also have QRpedia codes. This competition is brilliant. I hope to visit Derby Museum today to discuss further plans. Victuallers (disc.) 09:38, 12 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
It looks great on the Main Page (oh, I grabbed a PDF as a souvenir :) - Al Lemos (disc.) 03:29, 14 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re: score


Thank you. I'll keep working, although I'm starting college exams next week... good work derby museum!--Arnaugir 20:45, 17 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Well I hope you get a question on the 18th century in England! v good work Victuallers (disc.) 11:10, 18 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
If he doesn't, I will. I have my History of the English language exam next week. Everything helps, ;). Thanks for the message. I hope to resume my activity soon, since I do also have exams at university. May and June are difficult months for students, :(. Regards, --J. G. Góngora (disc.) 19:26, 18 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re:Score updated in multilingual challenge


Thanks a lot! I didn't have never really give much attention to Wiki-challenges, but this is a special case: it's a opportunity to create new articles in English that will be replicated in other Wikis :) - Al Lemos (disc.) 03:00, 19 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

I fixed the banner - thanks a lot! - Al Lemos (disc.) 00:52, 23 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]
Your welcome, I think you are the second Catalan editor with a barnstar and Kippel boy needs to only write a stub in another language and he'll have one too. I'm trying to get a picture. Victuallers (disc.) 15:07, 23 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Hi, would you be so kind as to give us support!


Hello/bon dia, I hope you're doing fine and I sincerely apologize for this intrusion. My name is Lluís, I've just read your profile and have seen that you show a keen interest in diverse cultures and languages, so you understand very well what are a minorized language and culture and maybe I am not bothering you and you will help us... Our Catalan association "Amical de la Viquipèdia" is trying to get some recognition as a Catalan Chapter (an intermediate structure between the Wikipedias and the Wikimedia Foundation) but this hasn't been approved up to that moment because it seems that you can't have a Chapter if you don't have a state! If you think our cause is just, you can show your support by pasting this template on your userpage: Wikimedia CAT and/or by signing our "Members and Supporters" list following the link on the template. Supporting us will be like giving equal opportunity to all the minorized languages and cultures in the Wikiworld! Thanks again, I wish you a nice and pleasant week, best regards!--Lluis_tgn (disc.) 22:32, 25 maig 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re: Global map


I added myself, thank you for the reminder, also received it via twitter! --Arnaugir 13:05, 13 juny 2011 (CEST)[respon]

I trhink there may be more editors on this in Catalonia than there is in Britain! Victuallers (disc.) 16:26, 13 juny 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re:Wright Challenge map


Oh, I tried to create an article in French... but the French are very protective of their language. In respect to the Catalonians, it's easy to participate in multilingual challenges: they are bilingual from childhood... - Al Lemos (disc.) 04:27, 21 juny 2011 (CEST)[respon]

I'll see if Fanfwah can help Victuallers (disc.) 18:46, 23 juny 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re:Here it is - sorry you had to wait


Thanks a lot! - Al Lemos (disc.) 02:06, 16 jul 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Your welcome! Any energy left? Victuallers (disc.) 15:35, 20 jul 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re: Catalan Army


Hi Victuallers, I'm sorry, I'm late to reply your message. I haven't been very busy, I haven't been away. I just have been laaaazy. Sorry again, back to wikipedia work right now. Best regards. --Lluis_tgn (disc.) 13:05, 21 jul 2011 (CEST) Did you know that the Catalan army are sending someone to |England on Sunday to see and inspect the museum? and you have 24 points .... barnstar imminent.... but there is a very pretty one for 72 points ;) |Dont be laaaaaaaaaaaaaazy! Victuallers (disc.) 15:42, 21 jul 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re:Beware Russia!


Hi Vic! I'm retired from the race for now, but after all this ends, I promise to get back for more some related articles :) - Al Lemos (disc.) 15:41, 20 ago 2011 (CEST). Youve done a fair whack Al. Ive been very impressed by your work. Thank you. Im hoping to get an invite to Catalonia one day in which case its tweet my arrival Victuallers (disc.) 16:52, 20 ago 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Re:Prizegiving on Saturday at 10 UK time


Dear Vic, I think that the world isn't ready to know my true identity (or face). "Al Lemos" is enough for now. A bio? I'm on Wikipedia since 17 March 2006. I'm a middle-aged Brazilian with a degree in Humanities and a few years ago, I had my own website and blog (they exist now only in the Wayback Machine, R.I.P.). And Twitter is something that I will (likely) never use, sorry :) - Al Lemos (disc.) 04:12, 31 ago 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Hi, Victuallers! You got an e-mail. Regards, --J. G. Góngora (disc.) 16:46, 31 ago 2011 (CEST) OK thanks Victuallers (disc.) 17:38, 31 ago 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Thanks Al Lemosd - the deails are OK for me. I do not intend to invade your privacy I'm just thankful for your help. Victuallers (disc.) 17:38, 31 ago 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Like Catalan? Try this


See here we have a present for Catalonia. If you install this on your vector.js file then you can create QRpedia codes from your toolbox Victuallers (disc.) 17:50, 10 oct 2011 (CEST)[respon]

Hey Vic! Thanks a lot, guy :) - Al Lemos (disc.) 02:29, 11 oct 2011 (CEST)[respon]



If I expand articles about Manmouth, scores? --Davidpar (disc.) 13:21, 4 març 2012 (CET)[respon]

Thank you - thats the first! Victuallers (disc.) 19:15, 4 març 2012 (CET)[respon]

thx for contacting me... I was willing to participate but I have too much work to do this semester and it's been impossible :( --Arnaugir 13:51, 17 abr 2012 (CEST)[respon]

That cool Arnau. Hope your studies went well Victuallers (disc.) 14:02, 10 juny 2012 (CEST)[respon]



Although I am writing like Cervantes (one hand), you'll be wellcome..;-)tomorrow => FFCC rambla at 10:15--Mcapdevila (disc.) 12:21, 25 ago 2012 (CEST)[respon]



Hi Vic! Thanks a lot for the invitation! All Iberians are multilingual - some more, some less (and some use Google Translator - flee from those ;). At this moment, I'm struggling with my studies at the university, and I will not be able to participate very often, but I promise to take a look this weekend. - Al Lemos (disc.) 04:36, 31 ago 2012 (CEST)[respon]

Bones festes!


Merry Christmas for you too, Vic! I'm back to the final round, but as a non-participant (as I was said :) - Al Lemos (disc.) 00:07, 22 des 2012 (CET)[respon]

Thanks Al, hope you enjoyed your holidays. 670 articles and Catalan was one of the top contributors Victuallers (disc.) 22:20, 8 gen 2013 (CET)[respon]