Categori:Enwau Saesneg
Mae'r 3 is-gategori sy'n dilyn ymhlith cyfanswm o 3 yn y categori hwn.
- Cyfenwau Saesneg (2 Tud)
- Enwau anrhifadwy Saesneg (1 Tud)
- Enwau priod Saesneg (226 Tud)
Erthyglau yn y categori "Enwau Saesneg"
Dangosir isod 200 tudalen ymhlith cyfanswm o 3,571 sydd yn y categori hwn.
(tudalen flaenorol) (tudalen nesaf)A
- A band
- A3 paper
- A4 paper
- abalone
- abandon
- abaya
- abbess
- abbreviation
- abdomen
- abdominal muscle
- abduction
- abductor
- abider
- ability
- abnormality of mind
- abortion
- abscess
- absence
- absolute discharge
- absolute privilege
- abstract dance
- dawns haniaethol
- abuse
- abuse of process
- abusive language
- academic
- academy
- accent
- access
- accessory bone
- accident
- accidental offside
- accidentally offside
- account
- account book
- accountancy
- accountant
- accounting
- accounting machine
- accrual
- acid
- acidic gas
- acknowledgement
- acknowledgment
- acorn
- acronym
- act
- action
- active transport
- active yeast
- activity
- actor
- actress
- acute angle
- acute angled triangle
- ache
- ad-bumper
- Adam's apple
- adaptation
- adjective
- administration
- administrator
- admiral
- adult
- advance
- advantage
- adventure
- adverb
- adversity
- advertisement
- addition
- additive
- address
- Aegean Sea
- aerial
- aerobic exercise
- aerobic respiration
- aeroplane
- after-life
- aftercare
- afterlife
- afternoon
- afternoon tea
- affray
- agar jelly
- agar plates
- age
- agglomeration
- aggressive player
- aggressor
- agriculture
- anger
- angle
- ailment
- air
- air conditioner
- air pollution
- air pressure
- air-conditioner
- airconditioner
- aircraft
- aircraft carrier
- airing cupboard
- airplane
- airport
- aisle
- aisle seat
- alarm
- alarm clock
- alcohol abuse
- alcoholic
- alcoholic drink
- alert
- alga
- algorithm
- alias
- alice band
- alimentary canal
- alkaloid
- almanac
- alphabet
- aluminium
- aluminum
- alveolus
- allele
- allergy
- ambition
- ambulance
- amen
- amenity
- amino acid
- ammunition
- amusement
- anaerobic respiration
- anatomy
- ancestor
- Ancient Greek
- animal
- ankle
- ankle tap
- anniversary
- announcement
- anonymity
- anorak
- answer
- ant
- anti-social behaviour
- antibiotic
- antibodies
- antigen
- antimicrobial chemical
- antique shop
- antiques shop
- antitoxin
- antonym
- anthology
- anus
- aorta
- apartment
- apiarist
- apiary
- apostle
- apparition
- appearance
- apple
- appliance
- appointment
- appreciation
- apprehension
- apricot
- apron
- Arabic numeral
- arbitrary unit
- archer
- archetype
- architect
- archive
- archivist
- area
- Area 51
- argon
- arithmetic
- ark
- arm
- armchair
- armistice
- army
- arrangement
- arrow
- arse
- arsehole
- art
- arteries
- artery
- article
- bear
- arthropod
- ascot tie
- aseptic technique
- asexual reproduction