List of Mexican women photographers

This is a list of women photographers who were born in Mexico or whose works are closely associated with that country.

  • Carmen Castilleja (active since 1980s), fine art photographer
  • Blanca Charolet (born 1953), photojournalist and portrait photographer
  • Christa Cowrie (born 1949), German-Mexican photographer, photojournalist, focus on dance and theatre
  • Graciela Iturbide (born 1942), shows everyday life, especially that of indigenous peoples
  • Dulce Pinzon (born 1974), Mexican and Latin immigrants in the United States, figures dressed as superheroes
  • Ambra Polidori (born 1954), contemporary artist, photographer
  • Mariana Yampolsky (1925–2002), travel photography and documentary work on Mexico's rural areas

See also


