Flag of the United StatesThis user is proud to be a United States citizen.
This user is proud of the
United States
uniformed services.
This user lives in or hails
from Charlotte.
This user used to live in West Virginia but now lives somewhere else.
This user has visited one or more of the United States' National Parks.
This user believes in Southern politeness and gentlemanism.
This user supports Philippine statehood.
This user is a capitalist.
This user identifies as a Rightist.
This user is a social conservative.
This user is a libertarian.
This user is interested in the study of Objectivism.
This user supports the
use of green energy.
This user supports flat taxes.
This user believes that hippies, celebrities, and politicians are NOT experts on climate change.
This user is against terrorism.
This user prefers that the death penalty be used far more often.
This user supports animal rights, but believes human rights are more important.
This user is an advocate of democracy.
This user supports equality for everyone.
This user has ancestors who fought on both sides of the Civil War.
This user believes that life begins at conception
This user knows that tax cuts increase freedom and growth.
This user believes in the separation of Marxism and state.
Our Troops fighting narcotics smugglers This user supports drug prohibition and our troops in the War on Drugs.
This user likes George Washington.
This user is skeptical of anthropogenic global warming.
This user opposes removing guns from the civilian populace.


This user supports a gold standard.
♂♀This user supports gender equality.
This user is an advocate of democracy.
This user supports compulsory state sanctioned prayer in public schools, but believes it should accommodate all faiths.
This user is a Christian.
This user could not resist God's call.💬
This user understands why armed peacekeeping is necessary.
Just say NO to political correctness.
This user identifies as a Nationalist.
This user supports the
globalization movement.
This user supports
school choice.
This user is intrigued by monarchies, but is glad he doesn't live under one.
This user believes that sweatshops in poor countries do more good than harm.
This user does NOT support the United Nations.
This user believes in the power of violence.
This user supports NATO.

This user supports WAR IN SPACE!

All this user is saying, is give WAR a chance!
This user supports arms control.
We shouldn't build any more nukes until we get more use from the ones we already have.
George W. BushThis user thinks ex-President George W. Bush should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his vital role in keeping America safe.
Ronald ReaganThis user believes that Ronald Reagan was the greatest President to serve the United States.
This user wished that Barack Obama had been impeached.
This user believes in Gunboat diplomacy.
This user believes that the meaning of life is to live a happy life.
This user believes that
life is good.
This user listens to World Music.
9/11This user rejects the conspiracy theories of the 9/11 truth movement.TROOF
This user has read the United States Constitution.
This user is interested in the
Middle Ages
30This user is interested in the history of the papacy.
This user is interested in the Renaissance period.
This user is very interested in Napoleon.
This user loves Brazil