Bluetooth PAN profile for mobile devices

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Bluetooth PAN profile allows users to connenct to the local Bluetooth network. This profile is based on the BNEP protocol. Our version of this profile is very cool and implements two different roles: PANU and NAP.

Target devices


Our project can be applyed to any device based on Android or Windows Phone operating systems.

Technical Requirements


First of all, target device needs to have internal Bluetooth chip. Our application was desined for Motorola Bluetooth Stack, but it also compatible with some other manufacters, such as Broadcom, Toshiba, Intel, TI, etc.



Our project implements two main role: PAN User (PANU) and Network Access Point (NAP).



This role allows user to connect to another nearby Bluetooth device. This apportunity can be used to share Internet access between several devices, and PANU device in this case becomes a consumer.

This role turns your devices into a small hotspot.