User:Sarahstern/Gary Mark Smith



Gary Mark Smith, master global street photographer

Gary Mark Smith (born April 27, 1956) is an innovative American global street photographer whose style is distinguished from other contemporary street photography masters of his time (Garry Winogrand) by his skill at accessing the most dangerous historical streets of his era, by his evolved global range, and by his empathetic rather than cynical or satirical approaches to subject matter - achieved by going to great lengths to deliberately capture literal compositions in his work. Smith has also been critically acclaimed as having a keen eye for the moment.

Early life and education


Born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Smith is the second of three children in a Catholic/Lutheran/(largely secular) family. His mother was a homemaker, while his father was an executive at Bethlehem Steel Corporation. The family moved frequently around the Lehigh Valley and adjoining counties, and he took his first serious photographs growing up on his family farm outside Kutztown, in the Saucony River Valley of Berks County in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country of Pennsylvania. In high school he began taking overnight trips to nearby New York City to party and partake of urban environments that (as a country boy) fascinated him. He was a photographer and sports editor of the Kutztown Area High School student newspaper and he began taking snapshots of street life in Washington Square for that purpose while on these early forays into the big city. Due to circumstances beyond his control (personal tragedies and the search for artistic control in his work) he took a decade to achieve his undergraduate degree, eventually receiving a BA in journalism (the product of needing to learn how to arrange street photography access to wherever he needed to go in the world) from the University of Kansas at Lawrence. Similarly paced by desire and circumstance rather than convention, he waited until he was 40-years old to receive a Master of Arts degree, the product of a full teaching fellowship provided by Purdue University at West Lafayette, Indiana.



American Photo (magazine) Career Photographer honor. The Streets of the Cold War

Taken at the explosion of the Salem, Montserrat volcano. It has been published in about two-dozen magazines and newspapers worldwide. This photograph is also conserved in the art collection of the Montserrat National Trust, Eastern Caribbean Collection. It was also shown a the Crossroads International Contemporary Street Photography Exhibition at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art.

In May 1982 Smith launched his first (of three) lengthy global street photography expeditions to the Cold War inspired guerrilla wars in El Salvador and Guatemala, Central America - moonlighting as a journalist for the "University Daily Kansan" newspaper and selling combat photography he made on the side as a freelance photographer to the Associated Press, United Press International and other agencies.

These Cold War hotspot expeditions in the early 1980s began Smith’s pioneering technique of regularly employing perilous access in his work (ignoring his better judgment and accompanying fears) to witness the danger and anxiety and photographic drama inherent to the extreme street. Not merely capturing art amidst the fleeting street bustle as all street photographers do, but occasionally composing extreme art using world history and its extraordinary visual allure as an intellectually stimulating supporting character in his work. In January 1984 Smith’s Streets of Cold War Hot Spots portfolios and the written accounts of making them won Smith a William Randolph Hearst Award nomination from professors at the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Kansas. In December 1991 American Photo magazine, in honor of the decade-long project – From Central American Cold War Hot Spots to the Collapse of the Soviet Union - named Smith one of four American Photo Career Photographers in that publication’s first ever honors competition. In January 1996 Purdue University awarded Smith a Master of Photographic Arts the result of a teaching fellowship offered to Smith (1994-1996) in recognition of both his Cold War and early Sleeping in the City portfolios.

Molten Memoirs In September 1997 Smith gained access to the 'Death Zone' of Salem, Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles in the Caribbean. Over the coming week he became one of the 200 volcano holdouts there who famously refused to leave against all hope until a near-fatal close call eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano on September 22, 1997 finally forced the holdouts to flee. In February 1999 Smith released his first global street photography book, a unique and well-received journal (“Molten Memoirs: Essays, Rumors Field Notes and Photographs from the Edge of Fury”) about the experience of finding himself on streets in the path of the most powerful and destructive natural force on Earth. In November 2000 a portfolio from the Holdout Streets of the Montserrat Volcano Disaster project led to Smith being honored as an American Photo magazine champion for the second time, as a winner of the “International Reader’s Competition”. In July 2009 a Portfolio of 45 photographs from Holdout Streets of the Montserrat Volcano Disaster were accessed into the permanent collection of the Montserrat National Trust.

The Streets of Tora Bora * White With Foam

An American Global Street Photographer’s Post 9-11 View of the Streets of the Afghanistan/Pakistan Tribal Belt at the Time of Tora Bora. December 2001

This is the only known photograph of a Taliban confederate escaping U.S. bombers at Tora Bora across the Afghan/Pakistan border in the refugee camps and tribal belt northeast of Peshawar, Pakistan.

On "September 11, 2001" Smith was shooting street photography in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and became one of the post-9/11 “Stranded”. Unable to get back to his studio in Kansas, he used his time marooned in Amsterdam to begin a year-long street photography journal about what it was like to be alive and aware in the aftermath of the terror attack and later what it was like to encounter several of the most decisive locations during that most fearful of years. Smith’s Streets of the post-9/11 World portfolio and subsequent writings resulted in the completion of his third global street photography book White With Foam: Essays, Rumors, Field Notes and Photographs from the Edge of World War III. In addition to Amsterdam, during that project the artist sent himself on assignment to the streets of: Ground Zero in New York City, still aflame at Thanksgiving 2001; the Streets under the air war adjacent to the Battle of Tora Bora; the streets of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border refugee camps; the streets of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in Pakistan at Peshawar beyond the Khyber Pass (Mohmand and Khyber Agencies); and to the everyday post-9/11 terror war streets of Las Vegas, Nevada, Paris, France and Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.A., his hometown and the only city in North America (Bleeding Kansas) established during a terror war (John Brown; William Quantrill). In fall 2006 White With Foam: Essays, Rumors, Field Notes and Photographs from the Edge of World War III was published online and in June 2009 the journal was released as a Kindle Edition.

The Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the Flood of New Orleans

File:Katrina Miss Ronald SurgeScape .jpg
Off of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Highway 90 after Hurricane Katrina. Accessed into the permanent collection of the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) in 2009.

On September 1, 2005 Smith was sent by the Red Cross to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the flood of New Orleans, Louisiana. There he became a member of the Red Cross first strike team, helping run undermanned rescue shelters in southern Louisiana on the outskirts of the Flood of New Orleans. During his service he photographed the Flood of New Orleans while on a cat rescue mission afloat down Canal Street and in addition photographed the extreme hurricane surge damage of nearly the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast Highway 90. This comprehensive documentation under severe circumstances as a fine art global street photographer of the aftermath of the largest natural disaster in the history of the North America resulted in a much-sought-after portfolio of that place in that time, eight of the images having been accessed into the permanent art collection at the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) and many others currently being accessed, collected, and exhibited by art museums in states in the path of Hurricane Katrina.

A Timeline of Notable Smith Projects


1978- began lifetime global street photography project.

1979- established his studio in Lawrence, Kansas.

1982- began photographing the Streets of Cold War Hot Spots in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

1982- began his lifetime study of the streets of Amsterdam.

1982- a copy of his photograph “Suchitoto Violin, El Salvador” was accessed into the permanent municipal art collection of Eutin, Germany (1990) as part of the inauguration of the Sister City relationship between Lawrence, Kansas and Eutin, Germany.

1983- photographed British soldiers on patrol in the Northern Ireland conflict for the University Daily Kansan and as a special contributor to the Lawrence Journal-World.

1987- a major early retrospective of Smith’s work was exhibited at Puchong Gallery in New York City, and a gallery guide from the exhibition was distributed nationwide.

1988- awarded the “Douglas County Extension: Lawrence Flower, Lawn, Garden & Energy Fair “Best in Show” award for “Autumn Noise-Auburn, Kansas.” The Douglas County Fairgrounds, Lawrence, Kansas.

1990- undertook a nearly four-month street photography shoot of the crumbling Iron Curtain, photographing the streets of West Germany, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands leading up to European and German Reunification, including celebrations in Prague and on October 3, 1990 in Köln (Cologne), West Germany transition to reunited Germany.

1991- travelled to photograph the streets of the collapse of the Soviet Union, arriving in Leningrad to begin his work on October 3, 1991 just hours before official ceremonies changing the name of the city back to pre- Russian Revolution (1917) St. Petersburg. He also photographed the streets of Moscow for a week as the Soviet Union dissolved and a spirit of revival gripped an otherwise shocked Russian nation.

1991- began a regionally and nationally-noted alternative career teaching street photography to at risk and gang youth through dozens of grants supplied by the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities via the Kansas (as well as several other states) Arts Commission. These social programs combined with Smith’s notoriety as a global street artist and educator gained notice in many national and international media outlets including Sunday Morning with Charles Kuralt, Kansas Public Television Sunflower Journeys, ABC News, as well as one report on CNN cable television about his work with African American gang youth in Kansas City that was replayed for more than a week nearly every hour during (and as a way to help restrain) the Los Angeles riots following the Rodney King verdicts of 1992.

1996- launched a major travelling exhibition gathered between 1994 and 1996 in Amsterdam, New Zealand, Fiji, Australia, Toronto, Chicago, and New York.

1996- was asked by Lawrence gallery mate (Kellas Gallery) and neighbor William S. Burroughs to be a contributor at an art exhibition opening at Spencer Art Museum at the University of Kansas in celebration of the collaboration between Burroughs and Smith’s boyhood friend Keith Haring from Kutztown, Pennsylvania.

1997- was offered and accepted a grant from the Traver Foundation to publish his second global street photography book, Searching for Washington Square, a retrospective sampling of his early work photographing the streets of 50 Countries in the first 15 years of his career between 1982 and 1996.

1999- his first book (Molten Memoirs) was accepted by the extremely selective buyers committee of Barnes & Noble small book division and an order for 50 books was placed.

2000- editors at Black & White Online magazine (New York) named Smith’s art gallery website as one of the Top Ten Black & White Photography Websites Online.

2002- presented with the Lawrence Education Association’s “Friend of Education” honor in recognition of Smith’s work presenting two full-school assemblies and a dozen in-class workshops (using his photographs and stories from his shoots at Ground Zero and under the Tora Bora air war in Afghanistan) explaining to Junior High School students in Lawrence what happened in the world after the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington.

2001-2003- photographed on three continents in support of his Streets of the post-9/11 World exhibition and completed his third street photography book “White With Foam”.

2003 to 2005- photographed the Springtime Streets of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

"April 27, 2006"-on the artist’s 50th birthday as well as the 12th anniversary of Freedom Day in South Africa, he photographed the streets of Soweto, where in the awful days of Apartheid, the revolution was begun, and used images from that shoot to launch his Streetphoto of the Week fine art column which has been issued weekly since July 11, 2006.

2006- four of Smith’s images (from Greece, Amsterdam, Montserrat and Las Vegas) were selected by photography critic Mason Resnick for inclusion in the four-month international street photography Crosswalks Exhibition at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art (OKCMOA). Later, after the exhibition closed, the museum accessed two of Smith’s digital street photographs (from Las Vegas and Amsterdam) into its permanent art collection.

2007- produced a street photography portfolio of Jatari Campesino, an impoverished farming village above tree line in the high Andes Mountains of Ecuador. A collection of 25 images from that portfolio was later presented by the sponsor of the shoot, Canadian anti child-labor agency Free the Children, to the community of Jatari Campesino and its Minga committee.

2008- mounted a major 30-year travelling retrospective of his global street photography from 64 countries on six continents called Sleeping in the City: Dreamscapes and Other Episodes from Inside the Wire.

2009- chosen by the editors of to be a featured artist, displaying four of his images on the cover of the website for a month.

2009- a portfolio of eight photographs from Smith's 2007 Streets of the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina accessed into the permanent collection of the New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA), as part of the hurricane memorial portfolio.



Gary Mark Smith image licensing is represented worldwide by the Sarah Stern Agency and work can be seen by appointment in the United States with Dustin Holt at iGlobal Network Inc. (Lawrence).

Personal life


Smith had a difficult upbringing that ended badly, ultimately shaping resilience (both his and humanity’s in general) as a major theme in his artwork. His mother committed suicide, a victim of uncontrollable depression, when he was only 5, resulting in his development as a self-reliant and fiercely independent spirit unencumbered by self doubt – traits that later allowed Smith the ability to push past his fears and achieve the talent to gain access to extreme streets ripe with dramatic imagery. He was knocked unconscious in secondary lightning strikes twice as a teenager, once when he was 15 and again at 19, resulting in later incorporation of the fury of nature into his global street photography method.

In 1976 Smith was abruptly and horribly disabled during a knee operation when insufficient room for swelling was left in the cast that was applied and his nerve was crushed from three inches above the knee all the way down through his left foot. This rendered him either in agonizing pain and/or existing under the influence of powerful painkillers for the rest of his life. In that aftermath, Smith decided that becoming a fine artist was a prudent choice in his circumstance, because controlling his own schedule meant being able to work around all the effects of his malady without being absent, AWOL, or incompetent due to drug saturation or bouts of elevated suffering.

In 1978 while hitchhiking across the United States, Smith picked up a newspaper one morning at a truck stop outside Scotts Bluff, Nebraska and was inspired by an article he read promising cheaper international airfares under the new Airline Deregulation Act. That development, when blended with an inexplicable wanderlust, compelled him to become a fine art global street photographer instead of the other less exciting (more painful and less pain distracting) things left available to him on his list of things he might become following the surgical mishap.

Smith’s street photography books


“Molten Memoirs: Essays, Rumors, Field Notes and Photographs From The Edge of Fury” (1999, 2000, 2001, 2009) An Artist’s Account of the Volcano Holdouts of Salem, Montserrat. (Issued on tape for the sight impaired in 2001 by Audio Reader; 2009 issued as a Kindle Edition)

“Searching For Washington Square” (2001) (Published by the Traver Foundation)

“White With Foam”: Essays, Rumors, Field Notes, and Photographs from the Edge of World War III (September 10, 2001 to September 12, 2002) (Published as an online book December 2007 and as a Kindle Edition June 2009)

Notable Smith Exhibitions


• Kansas University Mount Oread Art Gallery (1980-July). “Wherever: A Hitch Hiking Evergreen Tree with Stetson.” Kansas University American Studies Exhibition En plein air. A solo artist exhibition. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• The Gallery in the Gulch (1984-November through January) “Global Street Photography at the Pacific Rim”. A solo artist exhibition. (Helena, Montana).

• The JazzHaus Art Gallery (1987-December 1-31). “Gary Mark Smith at the JazzHaus.” A JazzHaus solo artist exhibition. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• Douglas County Extension: Lawrence Flower, Lawn, Garden & Energy Show photo exhibition (February 1988). Won Best in Show award for “Autumn Noise-Auburn, Kansas.” Exhibition at the county fairgrounds.

• A Glass Onion Gallery (1988-12-01 to 1989-01-31) “Sleeping in the City: An Exhibit of Photographs From All Night Up in New York.” A Glass Onion solo artist exhibition. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• Lawrence Art Center (1989-July 1-31) “Gary Smith: The Artist’s Early Work.” Featured solo artist exhibition. Sponsored by the Lawrence Arts Center. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• Mulvane Art Museum. (1989-November 5-27). Jurored group exhibition. “Kansas Nine” travelling exhibition. Juror: Suzanne Muchnic; Los Angeles Times Art Writer. Patrons and Benefactors: Kansas Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts. “Waiting for Improvements” and “Entering the Subway to Hell” were selected for exhibition as finalists. (Topeka, Kansas).

• Lawrence Arts Center. (1989-November) an invitational group exhibition “City of Lawrence to Eutin, Germany Sister City Inaugural Exchange Exhibition.” Patrons and Benefactors: The City of Lawrence, Kansas; the city of Eutin, Germany; and the Lawrence Arts Center. “Suchitoto Violin” ” was chosen by the artist for exhibition. Other Artists participating include: Elizabeth Layton; Stan Herd; Louis Copt; and Dick Rector (Lawrence, Kansas, USA).

• Wichita Art Association. (1990-January 6 to February 4) jurored group exhibition. “Kansas Nine” travelling exhibition. Juror: Suzanne Muchnic; Los Angeles Times Art Writer. Patrons and Benefactors: Kansas Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts. “Waiting for Improvements” and “Entering the Subway to Hell” selected for exhibition as finalists. (Wichita, Kansas).

• Smoky Hill Art Exhibition (1990-April 27 to May 25) a jurored group exhibition) The 21st Smoky Hill Art Exhibition. Juror: Keith Lowery. Hays Arts Council. Patrons and Benefactors: Kansas Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts. “Entering the Subway to Hell” selected for exhibition as a finalist. (Hays Kansas).

• Lawrence Art in the Park (1990-May). Jurored group exhibition and art fair. Won ‘Best of Show’ in 2-dimentional category. The Lawrence Art Guild Association and the City of Lawrence (South Park, Lawrence, Kansas).

• Eutin, Germany; Kreissparkasse Ostholestein Hall (1990-June-July). An invitational group exhibition “City of Lawrence, Kansas to Eutin, Germany Sister City Inaugural Exchange Exhibition.” Patrons and Benefactors: The City of Lawrence, Kansas; the City of Eutin, Germany; and the Lawrence Arts Center. “Suchitoto Violin” ” was chosen by the artist for exhibition. Other Artists participating included: Elizabeth Layton; Stan Herd; Louis Copt; and Dick Rector (Eutin, Eastern Holstein, Germany).

• Hays 5-State (Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma and Colorado) (1990-November). Jurored group exhibition at the Hays Arts Center. Finalist. Sponsored by Hays Arts Council. (Hays, Kansas).

• Yosemite Renaissance VII Exhibition. “International People in Nature Fine Photography Exhibition.” Smith’s image “Storm on the Lake” was a finalist. (Yosemite, California).

• The Inauguration of Joan Finney, the 42nd Kansas governor and the first woman elected to that office in Kansas history (1991- January). A featured street photography exhibition (by Gubernatorial request) in the Kansas Capitol Rotunda during the inauguration and at the Kansas Expo Center during ‘The People’s Ball’ honoring Governor Finney. Solo artist exhibition nooks. (Topeka, Kansas).

• Lawrence Public Library (1991-May 1 to June 15). “Gary Mark Smith: Photos from the Streets of the Cold War.” The Lawrence Art Guild Association Library Gallery solo artist exhibition. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• The Toledo Museum Of Art (1991-September through October). “The Toledo Museum of Art National Art Exhibition.” A national jurored Fine Art Exhibition. Juror: Peter MacGill of Pace-MacGill Gallery, New York, New York. (Toledo, Ohio).

• Sioux City Arts Center (1991- October through November). “Sioux City National Art Competition and Exhibition.” A national jurored group art exhibition. Juror: Jack Olson. (Sioux City, Iowa).

• Lawrence Arts Center. (1992-January 8 to February 13) “Imagery and Form”. Jurored group exhibition. “Asleep at the Switch” Won an Honorable Mention honor. Juror: Dean Mitchell. The Lawrence Art Guild Association. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• Kaw Valley Arts & Humanities (1992-January 17 to February 14) Jurored group exhibition. “Gallery 92”. Juror: Virginia Mecklenburg: Senior Curator of Painting and Sculpture, the National Museum of American Art, the Smithsonian. Kaw Valley Arts & Humanities. (Kansas City, Kansas).

• The Society For Contemporary Photography National Juried Fine Photography Exhibition (1992-September through November). A national jurored fine photography exhibition. Juror: Keith Davis (Photography collection curator at the Hallmark Foundation). Exhibition held at the Leedy-Voulkos Gallery. (Kansas City, Missouri).

• The Puchong Gallery in East Village, New York. (1992-November 20 to December 16) “From Rimbaud to Rambo”. “A Collection of the Early Portfolios of Gary Mark Smith, Global Street Photographer.” (New York, New York).

• The Center for Photography at Woodstock, New York (1992). International Juried Exhibition and Publication. "The Family Of Man Revisited: New Relations." An international jurored fine photography exhibition. Juror: Larry Fink. "Sells Flowers/Sleeps Sometimes". The Friends of Photography at the CPW. (Woodstock, New York).

• Hays 5-State (Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Oklahoma and Colorado) (1992-December). Jurored group exhibition at the Hays Arts Center. “Waiting For Improvements” Won a juror’s appreciation award. Sponsored by Hays Arts Council. (Hays, Kansas).

• Kaw Valley Arts & Humanities. (1993-April 16 to May 14). A solo artist exhibition. “Social Focus: From the Cold War to the Cold World.” Patrons and Benefactors: Sprint; Kansas Arts Commission; and the National Endowment For the Arts. Lead Photograph: “Waiting For Improvements.” (Kansas City, Kansas)

• Rhinelander Museum Of Art (1994 JULY-OCT) “The Northern National Art Exhibition.” Juror: Glenn R. Bradshaw. A national jurored group exhibition. (Rhinelander, Wisconsin).

• San Diego Art Institute (1994-October 1 to November 30). A national jurored fine photography exhibition. Juror: Guy Dill. San Diego Art Institute Balboa Park Gallery. (San Diego, California).

• The University of Purdue Beelke Gallery (1996-December). “Don’t Try This at Home”. A travelling solo artist exhibition. Master of Photographic Arts graduate dissertation exhibition. (West Lafayette, Indiana).

• ‘The Lawrence Museum of Art’ (A Guerrilla Art Space above Sharks Surf Shop, Downtown on Massachusetts Street, “Gallery G. Mark Smith”). (1997-February to April) “Don’t Try This At Home: Clandestine Street Photographs from Sanctioned Havana; A Different Way of Seeing.” A solo artist exhibition. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• Paradise Café (2000-December 1 to January 31). “ Strange Wanderings Through Paradise.” A public space travelling solo artist exhibition. (Lawrence, Kansas). • Fields Gallery (2001). “Photographing Fury Rather Than War”. A solo artist exhibition. (Lawrence, Kansas).

• Oklahoma City Museum of Art (OKCMOA). “Crosswalks: A Contemporary International Street Photography Exhibition”. (2006-05-25 to 2006-10-08). Curated by Mason Resnik, New York photography magazine editor and critic. Four of Smith’s photographs chosen for exhibition: “SunSeek Athens”; “Salem Volcanic Eruption Close Call #2”; “Las Vegas Strip Elvis, Rebel or Clown?”; “Amsterdam Umbrella Dog”. Following the exhibition, “Las Vegas Strip Elvis, Rebel or Clown?” and “Amsterdam Umbrella Dog” were accessed into the OKCMOA permanent art collection. (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma).

• Streetphoto of the Week (2006 to 2016). A ten-year weekly email art exhibition sent to an invited guest list of subscribers. Includes occasional back stories of the photographs, and at the end of five years (2011), and then again at the end of ten (2016), a two-volume set of those streetphotos and their back stories titled; “Giving up Lent for Cake” will be released.

• New Orleans Museum of Art (2006-July 1 through September 8). “Katrina Exposed,” a museum-curated exhibition of 152 photographs, all later inducted into the “Katrina Memorial Portfolio”. Smith ultimately had 8 of his images chosen for the “Katrina Memorial Portfolio,” part of NOMA’s permanent art collection. (New Orleans, Louisiana).

• Austin Bossa Nova Brazilian Café (June 2007 to June 2010). “Springtime in Rio de Janeiro.” A public space solo artist exhibition. (Austin, Texas).

• Hays Arts Center (2008-10-31 to 2008-12-12). “Sleeping in the City and Other Occurrences from Inside The Wire.” A solo artist exhibition of 212 global street photographs from 43 countries. (Hays, Kansas).

• Lawrence iGlobal Gallery (June 2009 to August 2010) “36-Exposures on a Global Roll”. A travelling solo artist exhibition of the lifetime global street photography project of Gary Mark Smith (1981-2009). (Lawrence, Kansas).



1. Stewart, Scott (2009-05-25). Pioneering A Global Range in a Traditionally Local Art. Lengthy illustrated feature cover story with two dozen published photographs and an extensive illustrated career timeline. ArtStew International Magazine. (11-page illustrated cover story).

2. Monika M. Cantin/Director E. John Bullard. (2009-04-15) New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA). Recent Acquisitions – NOMA Arts Quarterly magazine.

3. ArtStew Magazine (2009-01-20) (National and International) Artist Spotlight. International hardcopy and online arts magazine illustrated feature.

4. Staff reports (2008-11-27) Street Photographer to Give Lecture, Judge 5-state Exhibition. Hays Daily News (illustrated).

5. Lyon, Kaley (2008-11-15) Globe-trotting Street Photographer Brings Eye for Detail to Hays Hays Daily News (illustrated).

6. Mader, Brenda (2008-11-01) Gary Mark Smith exhibition, Sleeping in the City: Dreamscapes and Other Episodes From Inside the Wire. Hays Arts Council news (illustrated).

7. Annual Report: Oklahoma City Museum of Art (2008-01-01) Gary Mark Smith Prints Collected by OKCMOA. (Illustrated) The Oklahoma City Museum of Arts Annual Report 2006-2007.

8. JW staff reports (2006-7-01) Exhibit Features Work by Lawrence Photographer. Lawrence Journal-World (Illustrated).

9. Johnson, Mike (2006-05-25) The Online Photographer: Currently at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. The Online Photographer (Illustrated).

10. Oklahoma City Museum of Art (OKCMA) News (2006-May) Crosswalk Contemporary International Street Photography Exhibition. (Illustrated)

11. Maines, Sophia (2005-10-01) Volunteers Return From Gulf Coast. Lawrence Journal-World (Illustrated) cover story.

12. Near, Mitchell J. (2002-01-03) The MAG: Cover Story – The Art of War, A Lawrence artist captures street photography in world’s hot spots. The Art MAG (9-page Illustrated magazine article).

13. James R. Hugunin (2000-2002) Global Wandering as Method, critical foreword to Gary Mark Smith’s second street photography book “Searching for Washington Square: A celebration of Life on the Global Street, vol. 1” (Lawrence, KS: East Village PhotoArts and the Traver Trust, 2000).

14. Near, Mitchell J. (2001-08-30) The Art MAG: Feature Story - Into the Eye of the Storm: Photographer Seeks Lethal Situations for the Perfect Shot. The Art MAG (Illustrated) feature story.

15. Albright, Andrea (2000-12-31) Photographer Captures Moments. Bnet via Topeka Capitol-Journal (Illustrated).

16. Dunkley, Diana (2000-12-24) Gary Smith Wins Influential and Prestigious Award. Arts Notes: Lawrence Journal-World (Illustrated).

17. American Photo magazine (2000-December issue) American Photo International Readers Competition. (Illustrated) (The American Photo editorial staff: David Schonauer)

18. Resnick, Mason (2000-09-01) Top 10 Photography Websites. Black and White Online magazine.

19. Biles, Jan (2000-08-31) Photographer Captures Routine of Street Life. Lawrence Journal-World (Illustrated) feature article.

20. The MAG (2000-08-31) Parting Shot cover feature. “Amsterdam Umbrella Dog” by Gary Smith (Full Page). The Lawrence Journal-World, The MAG back cover feature.

21. Martin, Sharon L. (2000-July/August) Gary Mark Smith: On the Streets of the World. The Purdue Alumnus Magazine (7-page) feature story (Illustrated).

22. Gordon, Suzanne (1999-Nov. issue) Montserrat Memoirs. Caribbean Travel and Life magazine (Illustrated).

23. Carroll, Diane (1999-10-30) A Clearer View of Global Changes. Kansas City Star. Arts section (Illustrated) cover story.

24. Associated Press (1999-10-8) distributed 22-inch (illustrated with three photographs) Montserrat Volcano article. Nationwide. Worldwide.

25. Austin Borders News & Events Magazine. (1999-May) “Edge of the Fury: Author of Molten Memoirs street photographer Gary Mark Smith to Speak, Read.” Austin Borders News & Events Magazine Events Schedule. (Austin, Texas).

26. Austin Chronicle (1999-May) “Gary Smith, Volcano Photographer and Author to Give Journal Presentation in Austin.”

27. Staff reports (1999-02-13) Author to Sign Copies of his Book. Lawrence Journal-World (Illustrated).

28. Hughey, Emily (1998-09-04) Alumnus Captures Volcano, Residents in Photo Exhibit. The University of Kansas University Daily Kansan. Illustrated feature story.

29. Dunkley, Diana (1998-02-05) Photographer Shoots in Shadow of Volcano. Lawrence Journal-World (Illustrated).

30. Carroll, Diane (1997-11-01) Lawrence Photographer Strives for a Wider View. Kansas City Star. Metropolitan section (illustrated) cover story.

31. Blankenship, Bill (1997-11-02) “Clinging to the Edge of Fury: Artist Returns From the Streets of a Volcanic Disaster.” Midway Magazine (Topeka Capitol-Journal) illustrated 6-photograph, 1-1/2-page cover story with jump.

32. Biles, Jan (1997-03-06) “Photographer Takes Global View With Art.” The MAG photography column (Lawrence Journal-World) illustrated feature story.

33. Matter, Kathy (1996-12-03) Photographer to Exhibit his ‘Movies on the Wall” at Purdue. Lafayette Journal and Courier illustrated feature story.

34. Lothamer, Jenny (1996-12-02) Photographer to Say Goodbye with Exhibit. Features Editor (illustrated) cover story.

35. Biles, Jan (1995-7-02) A Photographer With a View of the World. Lawrence Journal-World feature arts section illustrated cover story.

36. CBS Sunday Morning with Charles Kuralt. (1993-Oct.) Dana Roberson/Charles Kuralt. A portfolio of 14 black & white photographs from the Gary Mark Smith Streets of the Cold War and Sleeping in the City series were used (rotated) in a nearly three-minute instrumental piece that closed the broadcast.

37. The Center For Photography At Woodstock Quarterly (1992-Spring). “International Juried Exhibition and Publication.”, "The Family Of Man Revisited: New Relations." An international jurored fine photography exhibition. Juror: Larry Fink. "Sells Flowers/Sleeps Sometimes"

38. Kansas Magazine (1992-Spring) “Lawrence Photographer Gary Mark Smith Wins International American Photo magazine ‘Career Photographer’s Competition’” Kansas Magazine, The Kansas Department of Commerce quarterly magazine.

39. CNN 24-hour Cable Television News Channel. Jeff Flock/ Bernard Shaw (1992-04-30 to 05-08) A nearly 4-minute report about his work with African American gang youth in Kansas City, Kansas that was replayed repeatedly for more than a week nearly every hour during (and as a way to help restrain) the Los Angeles riots following the Rodney King verdicts of 1992. The news of the police acquittal in the King case (filmed repeatedly being clubbed by police) resulted in 53 deaths, 2,383 injuries, more than 7,000 fires, damage to 3,100 businesses, and nearly $1 billion in financial losses in Los Angeles.

40. LeCompte, Richard (1992-04-05) “Art Draws a Crowd to South Park: G. Mark Smith wins Best 2-Dimentional honors.” The Lawrence Journal-World illustrated cover story.

41. Thorson, Alice (1992-01-26) KC Star art critic. “Only a Few Works Stand Out From Crowd- Of the works taking inspiration further afield, most captivating is Gary Mark Smith’s photograph of a group of Warsaw, Poland citizens, seated side by side on an outdoor bench. Their clothing creates a lively frieze of paisley, polka dots, and flowers, at odds with the disgruntled expressions on their faces.” The Kansas City Star, illustrated art criticism.

42. LeComte, Richard (1992-01-05) Career Consciousness: Photographer Finds National Success; An Artist Journeys to Russia as the Soviet Union Collapses. Arts editor: Arts Section (illustrated) cover story.

43. Kansas Public Television/Sunflower Journeys (1992) #513-Cross-Cultural Communication. Kansas City Monarchs: Legendary baseball team in the Negro leagues with Buck O’neil; IN Focus: A photography class for inner city youth in Kansas City with Gary Mark Smith; Indian Art Market: An Annual event at Haskell Indian Nations University.

44. American Photo magazine (1991-Nov/Dec issue) American Photo International Career Photographer Competition. (Illustrated) The American Photo editorial staff Stephanie Dolgoff.

45. Vallongo, Sally (1991-10-11) “Quality Impressions in Photographers’ First National Show”. The Toledo (Ohio) Blade illustrated feature story.

46. Burns, Mary Roth (1991-07-23) “Juror Glenn R. Bradshaw: Selecting Show Winners a Long Process.” The Rhinelander (Wisconsin) Daily News Illustrated feature story.

47. Albright, Meredyth (1991-07-21) “Northern National Art Show Opens During School of the Arts Week.” The Rhinelander (Wisconsin) Daily News feature Illustrated cover story.

48. Lawrence Journal-World (1991-07-7) “G. Mark Smith Awarded a National Endowment for the Arts, Arts in Education Grant.” Lawrence Journal-World artists in the news blurb.

49. Topeka Capitol-Journal Editorial Staff (1991-01-15) The People’s Ball is an Unabashed Bash. A two-page inauguration section featuring a report about the Gary Mark Smith featured street photography exhibition (by Gubernatorial request) in the Kansas Capitol Rotunda in honor of the Inauguration of Joan Finney, the 42nd Kansas governor and the first woman elected to that office in Kansas history. (1991-1995). The Topeka Capitol-Journal special inauguration edition.

50. LeComte, Richard (1991-01-06) Photographer Seeks Out Real Life for Art Themes. Lawrence Journal-World (illustrated) feature story.

51. The Center for Photography at Woodstock, N.Y; Photography Quarterly Magazine. (1990-11-15) Featuring the Gary Mark Smith 1990 street photograph Sells Flowers/Sleeps Sometimes, Warsaw Poland. Center Quarterly Issue #50 (1991).

52. Art in America magazine: Annual (1989-1990). Lawrence, Kansas art gallery and American artist listing.

53. Hoyt, Tim (1989-11-09) “The Fall of the Berlin Wall: Trapped in Kansas, Artist Gary Smith Orchestrates a Lawrence Celebration of Events in East Germany. Builds and Tears Down Own ‘Berlin’ Wall.” The Lawrence Journal-World front local section illustrated news story.

54. Popper, Joe (1989-05-28) Guerrilla Rock: Or, How a Tiny, 100-Watt KU Radio Station Caused a Million Watts of Grief. An investigative journalism expose about how Smith and a few thousand of his friends saved a groundbreaking radio station from local and national power freaks intent on spoiling a cultural legacy, KJHK – The Sound Alternative. Kansas City Star Magazine (13-page) (illustrated) cover expose.

55. Hamilton, Tracy (1983-9-14) Detroit Free Press; Feature Photograph with cutline.

56. Jones, Laurie (1984) Jayhawk Journalist Magazine; spring issue. Gary Smith: Senior Turns Combat Photographer in El Salvador. Illustrated (5-page) feature story.

57. Goldberg, Phil (1982-08-14) El Salvador Ambush Hits Home for Local Photographer. Lawrence Journal-World front-page news feature.

58. United Press International (1982-06) Network, Freelance Photographers Taken by FMLN.

Kansas City, Kansas KANSAN, 1992 Teens Today, 1992


The Gary Mark Smith Art Gallery Website

Beatniks in Kansas William S Burroughs at the JazzHaus

Otra Ciudad Spanish international online photography magazine

Streetnotes (International) Academic Journal: University of California, Berkeley

European street photography registry & register. (National and International) Lengthy Online Artist Interview.

White With Foam

Molten Memoirs