introduction, june 2008


Hi, I'm mostly a reader, but I occasionally make minor edits and corrections. I have a social science background (psychology) and have a lot of familiarity with contemporary social theory, but I read pretty widely, and contribute as needed.

Relationship with the Wash U Film and Media Archive


During the summer of 2008 I've been working with the Film and Media Archive at Washington University in St. Louis, which houses a collection of materials massed by documentary film maker Henry Hampton, including all of the materials for the Eyes on the Prize series. Part of what I'm doing with the archive involves connecting these resources (which are available online, and we're working on making more of it available) to wikipedia. Please feel free to contact me dif you have any questions about these resources and I'll do what I can to help or see that someone who can is in touch with you. Tychoish (talk) 15:33, 23 June 2008 (UTC)