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Talk:Malta exiles

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By no means an expert, but seems a glaring omission to have left out the fact that some of the "exiles" were imprisoned at Malta in conjunction with the Armenian Genocide. Also, there is little detail here regarding said suspects' subsequent release by British Authorities. Would like to know more. Makes me question the objectivity of such a sensitive topic. Anyone out there an authority on the subject -- someone who might be able to respectably contribute?Austincconsidine 05:51, 30 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

They were held as much because of crimes committed against British soldiers as crimes committed against Armenians. Nor were they in a real sense prisoners. They were allowed to move relatively freely about, and on Sept 6th 1921 sixteen of them actually escaped from the island because they were so loosly guarded, others had escaped prior to that. The last of the prisoners were released in exchange for British citizens held captive by Kemalist forces. Much of the problem with this entry is that its content is derived from nationalistic Turkish sources. Dadrian covers these events in reasonable detail in chapter 17 of his "The History of the Armenian Genocide". Meowy 23:31, 17 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]
So the Armenian Dadrian must be a reliable source? I've also read a lot of his unscientific attitude in this matter.Chonanh (talk) 04:56, 23 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Main reason of the roundups.

Turkish national movement
Council of Kars
Ottoman Empire

The occupation of the people.

in absence

1 Name Roundup Date Roundup ID Function in the Ottoman Empire Aftermath
2 Ali İhsan Sabis Pasha 29 Mart 1919 26 67 eski 6. Ordu komutanı Eylül 1921'de dönmüş (veya firar etmiş), Büyük Taarruz öncesine kadar Kurtuluş Savaşı'nda yer almıştır.
3 İbrahim Ahmet 29 Mart 1919 26 68 Ali İhsan Pasha'nın emir onbaşısı, tutuklanan komutanından ayrılmamış, gönüllü sürgüne gitmiştir
4 Mustafa Kemal Pasha May 28 1919 Ordu Komutanı
5 Abdülgani Bey May 28 1919 26 95 Yarbay
6 Ahmet Bey May 28 1919 27 24 eski Sivas Governor
7 Ahmet Cevat Bey May 28 1919 27 24 albay, İstanbul mevki kumandanı
8 Ahmet Haydar Bey May 28 1919 27 08 binbaşı
9 Ahmet Muammer Bey May 28 1919 27 19 eski Konya Governor
10 Ahmet Nesimi Bey May 28 1919 27 19 eski Hariciye Nazırı
11 Ahmet Tevfik Bey May 28 1919 26 80 albay
12 Ali Fethi Okyar May 28 1919 26 80 eski Dahiliye Nazırı, Sofya sefiri
13 Atıf Bey May 28 1919 27 02 Ankara mebusu
14 Celal Pasha May 28 1919 26 76 Albay
15 Cemal Efendi May 28 1919 26 94 Yüzbaşı
16 Faik Bey May 28 1919 27 37 eski Merzifon kaymakamı
17 Fazıl Berki Tümtürk May 28 1919 26 98 eski Çankırı mebusu
18 Ferit Bey May 28 1919 27 03 Committee of Union and Progress katibi
19 Gani Bey May 28 1919 27 23 İttihatçı
20 Habip Bey May 28 1919 26 85 Bolu mebusu
21 Hacı Ahmet Pasha May 28 1919 27 39 Enver Pasha'nın babası
22 Doktor Halil Bey May 28 1919 26 99 Yüzbaşı
23 Hasan Fehmi Bey May 28 1919 26 88 Sinop mebusu
24 Ürgüplü Mustafa Hayri Efendi May 28 1919 27 34 Seyhülislam
25 Hazım Bey May 28 1919 26 78 Binbaşı
26 Hilmi Bey May 28 1919 27 89 Kırklareli Mutasarrıfı
27 Hoca Rıfat Efendi May 28 1919 27 06 Committee of Union and Progress temsilcisi
28 Hüseyin Cahit Yalçın May 28 1919 26 75 İstanbul mebusu, Journalist
29 Hüseyin Kadri Bey May 28 1919 27 05 Karesi mebusu
30 İbrahim Bedrettin Bey May 28 1919 27 01 Diyarbakır Governor
31 İbrahim Hakkı Bey May 28 1919 27 10 binbaşı
32 İsmail Canbulat Bey May 28 1919 26 92 eski Dahiliye Nazırı
33 Kemal Bey May 28 1919 Unknown Unknown
34 Macit Bey May 28 1919 27 04 Divan-ı Muhasebat Memuru
35 Mazlum Bey May 28 1919 27 07 Binbaşı
36 Mehmet Sabit Bey May 28 1919 26 86 eski Sivas Governor
37 Sabri Toprak May 28 1919 27 29 Saruhan Mebusu Tarım Bakanı (1925-1927)
38 Mehmet Tevfik Bey May 28 1919 26 79 Yarbay, Kaymakam
39 Memduh Bey May 28 1919 27 33 eski Musul Governor
40 Mithat Sükrü Bey May 28 1919 26 93 Committee of Union and Progress Üyesi
41 Mustafa Asım bey May 28 1919 27 11 eski Of Mutasarrıfı
42 Mümtaz Bey May 28 1919 26 97 Emekli Yarbay
43 Nevzat Bey May 28 1919 26 96 Yüzbaşı
44 Ömer Bey May 28 1919 26 81 Binbaşı
45 Evrenoszade Rahmi Arslan May 28 1919 26 91 eski İzmir Governor
46 Rıza Hamit Bey May 28 1919 27 40 Bursa Mebusu
47 Saip İbrahim Pirzade May 28 1919 27 35 Sura-ı Devlet Reisi, Nazır
48 Salah Cimcoz Bey May 28 1919 27 28 İstanbul Mebusu
49 Sami Bey May 28 1919 27 09 Albay
50 Doktor Süleyman Numan Pasha May 28 1919 27 32 Ordu Sıhhiye Müfettişi
51 Süleyman Sudi Bey May 28 1919 27 30 Tokat Mebusu, Lazistan mebusu olarak da görünmektedir.
52 Serafettin Efendi May 28 1919 26 77 Yüzbaşı
53 Sükrü Kaya May 28 1919 27 38 Mülkiye Müfettişi
54 Tahir Cevdet Bey May 28 1919 26 90 eski Ankara Governor
55 Tevfik Hadi Bey May 28 1919 26 82 Siyasi Polis Müdürü
56 Mehmet Ubeydullah Hatipoğlu May 28 1919 27 31 İzmir Mebusu
57 Veli Necdet Bey May 28 1919 26 87 Dahiliye Nazırlığı Müstesharı
58 Yusuf Ziya Bey May 28 1919 26 84 Emekli Binbaşı, Committee of Union and Progress Üyesi
59 Zekeriya Zihni Bey May 28 1919 27 18 eski Edirne Governor
60 Aziz Cihangiroğlu June 2 1919 Kars Surası üyesi, Adalet Bakanı
61 Alibeyzade Mehmet Bey June 2 1919 27 16 Kars Surası Üyesi, Kars Sivil Governor
62 Hasan Han Cihangiroğlu June 2 1919 Kars Surası üyesi, Savunma Bakanı
63 İbrahim Cihangiroğlu June 2 1919 27 17 Kars Surası üyesi, Sura Başkanı
64 Mehmetoğlu Muhlis Bey June 2 1919 27 27 Kars Surası Üyesi, PTT Genel Müdürü
65 Matroi Radjinski June 2 1919 27 25 Kars Surası Rus Üyesi
66 Musa Salah Bey June 2 1919 27 20 Kars Surası Üyesi, Polis Müdürü
67 Pavlo Camızev June 2 1919 27 14 Kars Surası Rum Üyesi
68 Tauchitgin Memlejeff June 2 1919 27 22 Kars Surası Üyesi, Emniyet Müdürü
69 Stefani Vafiades June 2 1919 27 26 Kars Surası Rum Üyesi, Sosyal Yardım Bakanı
70 Yusufoğlu Yusuf Bey June 2 1919 27 21 Kars Surası Üyesi, Gıda Bakanı
71 Abbas Halim Pasha September 21 1919 27 54 Prens, Eski Nafia Nazırı, Bursa Governor, Sadrazam Sait Halim Pasha’nın kardeşi. Malta'dan sonra İstanbul’a, sonra da Mısır’a gitti
72 Ahmet Ağaoğlu September 21 1919 27 64 Afyonkarahisar mebusu, Darülfünün hocası, yazar
73 Ali Münif Bey September 21 1919 27 62 eski Nafia Nazırı
74 Hacı Adil Bey September 21 1919 27 57 mebus
75 Halil Menteşe September 21 1919 27 60 Committee of Union and Progress üyesi
76 Hüseyin Tosun Bey September 21 1919 27 65 Milli Telgraf Ajansı sahibi ve müdürü
77 Kara Kemal Bey September 21 1919 27 61 eski İaşe Nazırı
78 Mahmut Kamil Pasha September 21 1919 27 58 eski 5. Ordu Komutanı
79 Mithat Sükrü Bleda Bey September 21 1919 27 56 eski Maarif Nazırı, Burdur Mebusu, Committee of Union and Progress Genel Sekreteri
80 Said Halim Pasha September 21 1919 27 55
81 Ziya Gökalp September 21 1919 27 59 Ergani-Maden Mebusu, Darülfünün hocası
82 Mehmet Arif Bey January 28 1920 Binbaşı
83 Nuri Bitlisi January 28 1920 Çavuş
84 Faik Kaltakkıran March 22 1920 27 80
85 Ahmet Sevket Bey March 22 1920 27 80 İstanbul Müstahkem Mevki Komutanı
86 Mehmet Cemal Mersinli Pasha March 22 1920 27 72
87 Çürüksulu Mahmut Pasha March 22 1920 27 71
88 Hasan Tahsin Uzer March 22 1920 27 71 eski Sam ve Erzurum Governor
89 Hüseyin Rauf Orbay March 22 1920 27 76 eski Bahriye Nazırı, Sivas mebusu
90 İsmail Cevat Çobanlı Pasha March 22 1920 27 73
91 Mehmet Esat Işık Pasha March 22 1920 27 75 Hekim
92 Mehmet Seref Aykut Bey March 22 1920 27 79
93 Mustafa Vasıf Karakol (Kara Vasıf) March 22 1920 27 78
94 Köstenceli Numan Usta March 22 1920 27 81 Zeytinburnu Fabrikasında Ustabaşı
95 Ahmet Emin Yalman 27 Mart 1920 27 87 Journalist
96 Ali Çetinkaya 27 Mart 1920 27 87 eski Afyon mebusu
97 Ali Sait Pasha 27 Mart 1920 27 82
98 Ali Seyyit Bey 27 Mart 1920 27 94
99 Celal Nuri İleri 27 Mart 1920 27 85
100 Ebüzziyazade Velit Pasha 27 Mart 1920 27 83
101 Enis Avni (Aka Gündüz) 27 Mart 1920 27 91
102 Hilmi Abdülkadir 27 Mart 1920 27 89
103 İslam Ali 27 Mart 1920 27 86
104 Mehmet Eczacıbaşı 27 Mart 1920 27 90 Eczacı, Sakir Eczacıbaşı'nın babası
105 Mehmet Muammer Bey 27 Mart 1920 27 88
106 Rafet Pasha (?) 27 Mart 1920 27 92
107 Süleyman Nazif 27 Mart 1920 27 84 eski Musul ve Bağdat Governor
108 Acenta Mustafa Kırzade 20 Mayıs 1920 27 86 Tacir
109 Doktor Abdüsselami Pasha 20 Mayıs 1920 Emekli general, eski Yemen komutanı
110 Mehmet Kamil Bey 20 Mayıs 1920 Musullu Journalist
111 Hacı Ahmet Bey 31 Mayıs 1920 Sivas Committee of Union and Progress Delegesi
112 Mustafa Reshat Bey 31 Mayıs 1920 İstanbul Siyasi Polis Müdürü
113 Agah Bey June 7 1920 27 86
114 Basri Bey June 7 1920 yarbay, Cevat Pasha'nın damadı
115 Mustafa Abdülhalik Renda June 7 1920 eski Bitlis Governor
116 Ali Cenani June 13 1920 eski Halep ve Antep mebusu
117 Andavallı Mehmet Ağa June 13 1920
118 Murat Bey June 13 1920
119 Süleyman Faik Pasha June 13 1920
120 Yakup Sevki Subası June 13 1920 eski 9. Ordu Komutanı
121 Ali Nazmi Bey August 6 1920
122 Hoca İlyas Sami Muş August 19 1920 Muş mebusu
123 Mehmet Atıf Bey August 19 1920
124 Mehmet Nazım Bey August 19 1920
125 Süleyman Necmi Bey August 19 1920
126 Sefer Bey 12 Eylül 1920
127 Burhanettin Hakkı Bey 20 Eylül 1920
128 Mehmet Nuri Bey 20 Eylül 1920
129 Mehmet Rıfat Bey 20 Eylül 1920
130 Cemal Oğuz Bey 5 Ekim 1920
131 Mehmet Ali Bey 5 Ekim 1920
132 Ahmet Sükrü Bey 27 63 eski Maarif Nazırı, mebusu
133 Cevat Bey İstanbul mevki kumandanı
134 Eşref Sencer Kuşçubaşı Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa
135 İsmail Müştak Mayokan Yazar, Milletvekili
136 Kazım Bey Albay, Enver Pasha’nın kayınbiraderi
137 Mürsel Bakü Tümgeneral, Milletvekili İzmir’e giren Süvari Komutanı.
138 Sabit Bey eski Sivas Governor
139 Sükrü Bey eski Maarif Nazırı
140 Galatalı Sevki Bey Miralay, Malta’ya sürgüne gönderilinceye kadar Outpost örgütünün başı
141 Yunus Nadi Abalıoğlu Journalist, Yeni Gün gazetesi sahibi valign="top" align="right" style="background:Pink" |

For Outpost, isn't it better to use the original Turkish term, Karakol? Such as Karakol Society...It's easily pronouncable internationally? Cretanforever 18:21, 12 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Merge proposal

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made in a new section. A summary of the conclusions reached follows.
The result was merge into Effort to prosecute Ottoman war criminals -- AmericanAir88 (talk) 02:01, 6 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Should we have Effort to prosecute Ottoman war criminals merged into this article? I think we should because the topic is practically the same, and the info found in both articles are nearly identical. Étienne Dolet (talk) 00:01, 8 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Reactivate page


I'll make an effort to re-create the page. In 2010, the page was mach larger, but had significant parts in Turkish which I now will adapt into English. I have created some articles for members if the Malta Exiles and I anyway though I'd create such an article until I found out a redirect already exists.Paradise Chronicle (talk) 22:03, 26 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Sourcing Issues


I'm not a regular contributor to Wikipedia, just doing some research on the Malta Deportees/Exiles recently and I was wondering if there might by an issue with the main source used, that of Bilal N. Simsir's. The only reason I mention it is that the essay he writes on the matter seems to be a clear attempt to deny/minimise the existence of the Armenian Genocide, which might make it a poor source to use? Sorry if I'm completely wrong lol PandaWiki8 (talk) 17:45, 30 March 2023 (UTC)[reply]