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Company typepublic OTCBB: VSPC
Genreclean energy
FoundedViaSpace 1998
Key people
Dr. Carl Kukkonen
Mr. Sung Hsien Chang
OwnerDr. Carl Kukkonen
DivisionsRenewable Energy
Alternative Energy
Monitoring Systems
VIASPACE Green Energy

VIASPACE (OTCBB: VSPC) is a clean energy company providing products and technology for renewable and alternative energy that reduce or eliminate dependence on fossil fuels and other high-pollutant energy sources.[1] Viaspace was founded in 1998 with an objective of transforming technologies from NASA, Caltech, and the Department of Defense into commercial products. [2] ViaSpace is closely associated with the Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) and the California Institute of Technology through its CEO, Dr. Carl Kukkonen (a former department head at JPL) and has secured exclusive agreements on a number of new technologies developed at JPL. [3] Viaspace currently operates three businesses. For the renewable energy markets, its subsidiary VIASPACE Green Energy is cultivating Giant King Grass, a proprietary, fast-growing perennial grass for the production of non-food, low carbon liquid biofuels for transportation, and as a renewable, low-carbon substitute or replacement for coal now being burned as the heat source in stationary electricity generating power plants. [4] For the alternative energy market, VIASPACE subsidiary Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation develops and manufactures disposable fuel cartridges for fuel cell powered electronic devices such as notebook computers, mobile phones and military systems. [5] Through its high-technology subsidiary, Ionfinity, VIASPACE is involved in ongoing collaborations with Caltech and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory to develop and commercialize new sensor technology that can detect very small amounts of hazardous materials such as explosives, chemical/biological weapons, toxic gases and drugs. [6]

Corporate history


ViaSpace is a Caltech/NASA spin-off which began as a private company engaged in the acquisition, development and commercialization of cutting edge, innovative technologies. [7] In 1998, Viaspace signed a memorandom of understanding with RGC to commercialize a Quantum well infrared photodetector, which lead to a joint venture partnership between the two companies called QWIP Technologies. [8] QWIP technology was invented and developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, a NASA centre for space exploration managed by the California Institute of Technology and is currently being used in various applications. [9] Primary customers for QWIP products are BAE SYSTEMS and DARPA (part of the US Department of Defense). [10]

During the period of the initial MOU between Viaspace and RGC in the summer of 1998, Viaspace also signed a memorandum of understanding with Omicron Technologies to form a joint venture for the commercialization of applications of a new and very promising technology known as Active Pixel Sensors (APS). [11] It was anticipated at the time of the Omicron joint venture that APS technology would be a very strong competitor in its field and ultimately have an excellent chance of replacing the widely used Charged Coupled Devices (CCDs) used in imaging technology all over the world. [12] However, in 2000, Omicron announced that it had dropped out of the project due to financial issues. [13] Viaspace decided that it would be best to discontinuing commercialization efforts for APS technology because continuing would be too costly in terms of building the market infastructure for commericalization in light of increased competition from more securely funded competitors. [14] Commercialization of the APS technology by Omicron and Viaspace never materialized, however, Viaspace successfully reaquired 3 key patents from the failed Omricon partnership. The 3 key patents are not associated with the imaging technology being commercialized during the partnership, but rather, in the field of radio satellite technology. [15] Presently, Viaspace does not own a stake in Active Pixel Sensors (APS), however, Viaspace's inactive subsidiaries, eCARmerce, currently owns the 3 patents in radio satellite technology. [16]

On August 14th of 2000, Viaspace and Hewlett Packard announced a strategic alliance in which HP would provide 10 million dollars to Viaspace to commercialize innovative new technologies. [17] During this time, Viaspace operated three subsidiaries: QWIP Technologies (joint venture with RGC), SpectraSensors, and Viachange.com and possibly a forth subsidiary Vialogy. [18] Five million of HP's 10 million went to the developement of Viachange.com. [19]

In 2002, a new company, Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation (DMFCC) was formed to commercialize direct methanol fuel cell technology developed at Caltech/NASA and University of Southern California (USC). Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation DMFCC, Caltech and USC signed a letter of intent for DMFCC to acquire rights to 22 issued and over 40 pending U.S. and foreign patents. These include the original and fundamental patent for using methanol dissolved in water as the fuel. In exchange, Caltech and USC became equity shareholders in DMFCC and receive a royalty on sales. Dr. Carl Kukkonen was and continues to operate as CEO of DMFCC. DMFCC is a subsidiary of Viaspace. [20] Commercialization of this technology can occur anytime, but it is not for certain that it will ever materialize.

In 2005, Viaspace became a public company through a merger between Viaspace and Global Wide Production. The name ViaSpace was changed to VIASPACE (all caps). Dr. Carl Kukkonen remained CEO, Mr. Amjad Abdallat took the position of VP and COO, and Mr. Stephen Muzi become the CFO, Secretary, and Treasurer of VIASPACE. [21] During this time in 2005, VIASPACE had three subsidiaries, Arroyo Sciences, Ionfinity, and Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation (DMFCC). [22] At the beginning of 2006, Direct Methanol exercised an option for a world wide license to 50 issued and 50 pending fuel cell patents from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Universtiy of Southern California (USC). [23] This extensive collection of patents cover much of the underlying technology and improvements related to direct methanol fuel cells, which should be needed by most fuel cell manufacturers and by OEMs that use fuel cells in their portable electronic devices.[24] DMFCC currently owns 65 issued and 33 pending patents related to Direct methanol fuel cells. [25]

Later in 2006, VIASPACE's wholly owned security and homeland defense subsidiary, Arroyo Sciences Inc., was renamed VIASPACE Security Inc. [26] In 2007, VIASPACE Security's expert system software, "SHINE", licensed from Caltech, has been awarded a prestigious NASA Space Act Award, which is given for significant scientific and technical contribution and provides recognition for those inventions and other scientific and technical contributions that have helped to achieve NASA's aeronautical, technology transfer, and space goals. [27]

By April 2007, DMFCC had 59 issued and 59 pending fuel cell patents. [28] In May of 2007, Viaspace established a new business unit, reflecting it's clean energy direction. [29] Dr. Carl Kukkonen, CEO of VIASPACE, commented: "We are now organized into two major business units -- VIASPACE Security, which delivers solutions for the commercial and homeland security markets, and VIASPACE Energy. [30] VIASPACE has established a significant position in the clean energy sector with our extensive portfolio of fuel cell patents, fuel cell cartridge business, and breakthrough humidity sensor products. In October of 2008, Viaspace entered the biofuels market with the announcement of the aquisition of Inter-Pacific Arts Corp, a company with a license to grow a fast growing grass that would later be named Giant King Grass. [31] IPA (Interpacific Arts Corp) also sells framed art. [32] The framed art business of IPA is Viaspace's only non-high-technology business unit and is being used to fund the grwoth of the grass segment of the business. [33] Viaspace sold its humity sensor line in April of 2008 in order to focus on near term projects, Giant King Grass development and DMFCC commercialization. [34]

Viaspace created Viaspace Green Energy in 2009 as its alternative energy subsidiary, which grows the proprietary Giant King Grass. [35] Viaspace is currently seeking or already has undisclosed contracts for DMFCC products and Giant King Grass products. In 2010 Viaspace announced the launch of its first product, Green Logs. [36] About a month later, Viaspace Green Energy announced its first power plant MOU. [37]

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation


Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation, alternative energy subsidiary of Viaspace, develops and manufactures disposable methanol fuel cartridges that provide the energy source for fuel cell powered notebook computers, mobile phones, military equipment and other applications being developed by electronics OEMs, such as Samsung and Toshiba, and other companies. [38]

Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation was formed in 2002 as a subsidiary of VIASPACE to commercialize the direct methanol fuel cell technology invented and developed at Nasa Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Technical Institute, and University of Southern California. The commercialization efforts began in February of 2002 with the signing of a letter of intent to aquire rights to 22 issued and over 40 pending DMFC patents, including the original and fundamental patent of using methanol dissolved in water as the fuel source. Caltech and USC are equity shareholders in DMFCC and will recieve royalties on any sales. [39]

VIASPACE Green Energy


Viaspace Green Energy is the renewable energy subsidiary of VIASPACE. VGE is the business unit of VIASPACE that holds the license to a very fast growing grass that may one day replace, partially or fully, our dependence on fossil fuels for transportation and coal that is burned in power plants. [40]

In October of 2008, VIASPACE aquired Interpacific Arts Corp, which provided VIASPACE with a worldwide license to grow the fast growing grass. In addition to the grass license, Interpacific arts Corp also runs a framed art business. While the framed art unit not a high technology business, it was already a profitible business upon aquisition which was a crucial factor in VIASPACE's long term strategy in that it provides a revenue stream for the expansion and development of the grass business. [41] [42]

By June 4, 2009, VIASPACE had three million seedlings growing on 112 acres. [43] By December of 2009, VIASPACE had 250 acreas of land under cultivation. [44] Viaspace leased an additional 34 acres in June of 2010, increasing total land under cultivation to 279 acres. [45]



Ionfinity, a subsidiary of VIASPACE, is developing ultra sensitive chemical sensors. Ionfinity's sensors are based on new mass spectrometry technology and are being developed in collaboration with Caltech, NASA, and JPL. Ionfinity is partnered with General Dynamics Corp., Sionex Corp., and Imaginative Technologies LLC. [46]


  1. ^ "About Us". Viaspace Official Website. 2010-06-18.
  2. ^ "Annual Report". Viaspace 10-K. 2009-12-31.
  3. ^ "Completion of $11.4M Private Placement Financing to Advance APS Technology". FindArticles.com. 1999-02-18.
  4. ^ "VIASPACE Green Energy (VGE) - Renewable Energy". Viaspace Official Website. 2010-06-18.
  5. ^ "Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation - Alternative Energy". Viaspace Official Website. 2010-06-18.
  6. ^ "Ionfinity - Monitoring and Detection Systems". Viaspace Official Website. 2010-06-18.
  7. ^ "Viaspace Form 10K Annual Report". Securities and Exchange Commission. 2009-12-31.
  8. ^ "Omicron Technologies Signs Memorandum of Understanding with ViaSpace Technologies LLC". Business Wire. 1998-07-14.
  9. ^ "Inexpensive Detector Sees the Invisible, In Color". Nasa. 2006-05-23.
  10. ^ "QWIP Systems Inc. Company Profile". yahoo. 2010-06-18.
  11. ^ "Omicron Technologies Signs Memorandum of Understanding with ViaSpace Technologies LLC". businesswire. 1998-07-14.
  12. ^ "Omicron Technologies Signs Memorandum of Understanding with ViaSpace Technologies LLC". businesswire. 1998-07-14.
  13. ^ "Omicron Technologies Drops APS Technology". businesswire. 2008-04-28.
  14. ^ "Omicron Technologies Drops APS Technology". businesswire. 2008-04-28.
  15. ^ "eCARmerce Inc., Acquires Radio Satellite Technology from Omicron Technologies". businesswire. 2000-08-23.
  16. ^ "Viaspace Form 10K Annual Report". Securities and Exchange Commission. 2009-12-31.
  17. ^ "HP and ViaSpace Technologies Announce Strategic Alliance to Commercialize Innovative New Technologies; HP to Provide up to $10 Million in Financing". Businesswire. 2000-08-14.
  18. ^ "HP and ViaSpace Technologies Announce Strategic Alliance to Commercialize Innovative New Technologies; HP to Provide up to $10 Million in Financing". Businesswire. 2000-08-14.
  19. ^ "HP and ViaSpace Technologies Announce Strategic Alliance to Commercialize Innovative New Technologies; HP to Provide up to $10 Million in Financing". Businesswire. 2000-08-14.
  20. ^ "Caltech and University of Southern California Fuel Cell Technology to be Commercialized". Ewire. 2002-02-27.
  21. ^ "Global Wide Publication Ltd. complete merger". Pr Newswire. 2005-06-25.
  22. ^ "VIASPACE Inc. Presents Business Overview and Unveils Its New Website as Company Commences Trading on the OTC Exchange". Pr Newswire. 2005-06-22.
  23. ^ "VIASPACE Subsidiary Exercises Option for 100 Caltech and University of Southern California Technology Patents, Enabling Company to Offer Patent Protection to OEMs That Will Use VIASPACE's Fuel Cell Cartridges". Pr Newswire. 2006-01-25.
  24. ^ "VIASPACE Subsidiary Exercises Option for 100 Caltech and University of Southern California Technology Patents, Enabling Company to Offer Patent Protection to OEMs That Will Use VIASPACE's Fuel Cell Cartridges". Pr Newswire. 2006-01-25.
  25. ^ "Intellectual Property". Viaspace. 2010-06-20.
  26. ^ "VIASPACE Announces Name Change of Subsidiary to VIASPACE Security Inc". Pr Newswire. 2006-12-18.
  27. ^ "JPL Shine expert system software, licensed by VIASPACE from caltech, is recipient of NASA Space Act award". Pr Newswire. 2007-01-17.
  28. ^ "Fuel Cell Technology Gaining Momentum - Organic Fuel Cell Patent Issued". M2 Presswire. 2007-04-17.
  29. ^ "VIASPACE Expands Focus on Energy Products Including New Opportunities in Clean Energy Sector". Pr Newswire. 2007-05-02.
  30. ^ "VIASPACE Expands Focus on Energy Products Including New Opportunities in Clean Energy Sector". Pr Newswire. 2007-05-02.
  31. ^ "VIASPACE Completes Acquisition of Inter-Pacific Which Adds $5 Million in Revenue". Pr Newswire. 2008-10-28.
  32. ^ "VIASPACE Completes Acquisition of Inter-Pacific Which Adds $5 Million in Revenue". Pr Newswire. 2008-10-28.
  33. ^ "VIASPACE Completes Acquisition of Inter-Pacific Which Adds $5 Million in Revenue". Pr Newswire. 2008-10-28.
  34. ^ "VIASPACE Completes Acquisition of Inter-Pacific Which Adds $5 Million in Revenue". Pr Newswire. 2008-10-28.
  35. ^ "VIASPACE Launches New Website". Pr Newswire. 2009-05-28.
  36. ^ "VIASPACE Introduces First Green-Energy Product". Pr Newswire. 2010-05-25.
  38. ^ "Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Corporation - Alternative Energy". Viaspace. 2010-06-23.
  39. ^ "Caltech and University of Southern California Fuel Cell Technology to be Commercialized". BusinessWire. 2002-02-27.
  40. ^ "VIASPACE Green Energy (VGE) - Renewable Energy". Viaspace. 2010-06-27.
  41. ^ "VIASPACE Completes Acquisition of Inter-Pacific Which Adds $5 Million in Revenue". Pr Newswire. 2008-10-28.
  42. ^ "Inter-Pacific Acquisition Has Potential to Rapidly Accelerate Revenue Growth". Pr Newswire. 2008-10-29.
  43. ^ "VIASPACE Renewable Energy Subsidiary to Become Publicly Traded Company". Pr Newswire. 2009-06-04.
  44. ^ "VIASPACE Expands Giant King Grass Production Capacity". Pr Newswire. 2009-12-04.
  45. ^ "VIASPACE Increases Giant King(TM) Grass Production Capacity". Pr Newswire. 2010-06-09.
  46. ^ "Ionfinity - Monitoring and Detection Systems". Viaspace. 2010-06-024. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)


Category:NASA Category:Energy Category:Fuels Category:Biomass