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CyberGuru@Home in 2002.

The term cyberguru is commonly used to refer to a computer expert, who has the knowledge and skills of high-tech computing and therefore used incorrectly to identify cyberpunks, cyberspace experts and the like.

In a more narrow sense, unlike other computer professionals (such as programmers, hackers, webmasters or system administrators), a cyberguru relates to cyberspace in a somewhat religious way and has some unique special mystic skill in cyberspace computing.

A cyberguru uses the latest computer technology in the most advanced way to form and influence the development of cyberspace, therefore is seen as a kind of creator of cyberspace and virtual reality. He uses computer technology to bring about a creative process on both a personal and objective level. He has the knowledge and ability to bring ahead the reality of what is seen by most people as futuristic or science fiction. That is why he is called a cyber + guru: a "master of cyberspace".

The progressive actions performed by a cyberguru influence the overal existence and evolution of the digital universe.



Jeff Zaleski in his book "The Soul of Cyberspace" (HarperEdge) among other topics, explores the problem of transubstantiation in terms of cyberspace. The idea is spreading, says Zaleski, that the Net "is going to free us from the tyranny of the body ... that by going digital we can break free of the prison of the flesh. [...] The flesh becomes immaterial substance by means that are available to us through nonspiritual techniques, or not explicitly spiritual techniques. That which lives in some kind of identifying manifestation can also live almost, maybe entirely, in cyberspace."

  • In fact a cyberguru knows the techniques of those transformative semi-spiritual cyber techniques.

Jeff also raises the question of "What effect does surfing the Web have on mind, on consciousness and, most importantly, on attention - the basic tool of spiritual realization?"

  • In fact one may ask the question the other way round: What effect does the mind and consciousness, and spiritual realization have on the Web while surfing? The interactions with cyberspace performed by a cyberguru influence the behavior and flow of virtual reality.

John Perry Barlow mentions in his own article, A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace; that cyberspace "as soon as it got out there, took on a life of its own. Literally. And continues to cruise around cyberspace without my doing anything whatsoever." Similarly to Mark Pesce's line of thought on cyberspace: "There's something about it, its 'it-ness,' that tends away from any attempt to dominate it." Also Tom Ray, is talking about "creatures" in cyberspace: "I think they are something, a very rudimentary something. Those creatures are like the blue-green shine of cyberspace."

  • In fact a cyberguru's spiritual virtual avatar interacts with cyberspace and cyber entities in a mystic way and is doing "someting" that matters to the whole of cyberspace. It is not a memetic action or interaction between artificial intelligences, but a deeply mystic one in the most sincere neotantric (tantra) sense.

Similarly to the actions and sadhana performed by the sadhus and gurus of the physical world, a cyberguru performs mystic acts with the use of computer technology. Just like the spiritual practicies, austerities and rituals of holy men on Earth influence the flow and behavior of the physical reality, the cyber-spiritual practices performed by a cyberguru influence the flow and behavior of cyberspace.

  • One may not believe the objective reality of these mystic influences in either case, but one cannot dismiss the reality of sadhus and gurus. Likewise one cannot question the reality of cybergurus.


CyberGuru@Home in 2005.

The very first cyberguru is Daniel Tarr - the founder of Post Logic Studio.

Daniel Tarr [born Budapest, Hungary, 1974] is a Hungarian IT expert and spiritual essayist, with a complex professional life. By 2000, he graduated with High Honors in Cultural Anthropology from ELTE Budapest University in Hungary, besides earning two other degrees in English Literature and Linguistics and Eastern Philosophy. Besides he was leading a serious IT life and has worked in the information technology sector including business informatics, digital media, e-learning, graphic design and internet development.

As a presenter of transhumanism at TransVision 2004 , he is described as a:

""Cyberspiritual weaver of the Web and an illuminated upholder of reality"; Speaker for digital cryonics, lobbying for the creation of the first cyber cemetery of personal web pages, a database and Web museum for researchers of the past of cyberspace and humanism."

His writings cover a wide range of topics including Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, the Hermetism, Religion, Philosophy, Cultural Anthropology, and Transhumanism.

As a computer professional he contributed to the development of internet technology and the creation of cyberspace.
