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Shadow-Kin A Shadow-Kin is a fictional creature from the weekly webcomic series 'Shadows in the Blood' created by Keith 'Enka' McEvoy.



After the fall of the Dark God Zenith, Kenoto, the first and only pure blood 'Shadow Beast', travelled through the many worlds of the council, choosing, often, less than willing, 'mates' to spawn hybrids known as 'Shadow-kin'.

When they came of age, his off spring would follow their nature, their bodies changed by their Shadow-Myst, and seek out their father, to join his ranks.

Reim, the protagonist of the comic, is a Shadow-Kin.



A Shadow-Kin is born with an equal number of cells from each parent. However as they grow, the Shadow-Myst consumes and replaces the non-myst cells, granting the Shadow-Kin unique abilities. Unfortunatly, the process is not perfect, and the Shadow-kin is compelled to feed upon 'lesser' creatures for nourishment.





Reim: Son of a human woman, Jenanim, and the Shadow Beast Kenoto. His entire existence has been focused on his continued defiance of his father and trying to find a 'cure' for his shadow-Myst induced 'condition'.



Kerenez: The eldest of Kenotos sons, Kerenez is loyal to his father and true to his nature. Highly intelligent, and in near perfect control of his abilities, Kerenez is quite possibly the most dangerous Shadow-kin in existence. He is constantly at odds with his younger brother, Reim, often trying to talk his sibling round.



Areana: The eldest Daughter of Kenoto, she often works as his right hand and assassin. She is less than forgive towards Reim and his continued defiance of their Fathers ways.



Kreel: A less than intelligent example of a Shadow-Kin, Kreel relies mainly on his strenght. It is speculated that his second parentage was not actually human, but rather a mountain troll.



