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User:Gergleygoldsmith/Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple

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Indie author William Hanna’s Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple [1] about the Israeli- Palestinian conflict raises the question of how in 1948 the general consensus of informed world opinion had been that Israel’s creation was allowed as a conscious and wilful act of compensation for the Holocaust: a compensation for which the Palestinian people were still paying to this day even though they were in no way responsible for those Nazi atrocities. Following an initial UN ad hoc committee vote on the question of Palestine (UNISPAL) [2] that was one short of the two thirds majority required to pass in the General Assembly itself, nations such as Greece — who had voted against — were coerced into changing their votes (by the Zionist lobby and its American supporters) with threats of aid cutoffs. Consequently the resolution that was subsequently passed called for the termination of the British Mandate for Palestine by 1 August 1948 [3], and the establishment of the new independent states by 1 October 1948. Recognition of an Israeli state was thus given despite the atrocities committed against the Palestinian people by armed Zionist terror gangs whose genocidal brutally was responsible for the murder of thousands and the 1948 Palestinian exodus [4] of over 700,000 other civilians — known in Arabic as the Nabka (catastrophe) — which lasted throughout the 1947-1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine and the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

More than six decades have passed since that 1948 UN resolution and the Palestinian people are still waiting to be allowed to establish a state of their own: a state that was not an Israeli Apartheid prison; a state where they would not be forcibly isolated and suffocated; a state where they would not be subject to a blockade that prevented freedom of movement, trade, and the import of essential goods including medical supplies; a state where their homes would not be arbitrarily demolished; a state where their children could grow up without seeing their parents being hounded, humiliated imprisoned, tortured, and even murdered; a state where those same children (who are routinely bullied, harassed, arrested and imprisoned), can, like their Israeli counterparts, enjoy the benefits of an education that would meet their human rights and enhance their future prospects; a state where their land would not be continually and illegally expropriated; a state where illegal Israeli settlements would not encroach on their lives and fragment their society; a state where they would not be deprived of their natural resources including water (B’Tselem – The Water Crisis) [5] for the benefit of their Israeli occupiers; and a state where they could enjoy the democracy and human rights for which at great cost the West led by the U.S. is hypocritically and immorally — in God’s name — claiming to be fighting for.

Apart from being unreservedly critical of Apartheid Israel’s unscrupulous manipulation and distortion of archeology and biblical history for the Judaization [6] of Palestine and the eradication of Palestinian history, the book also condemns the witnessing of Israel’s brutal ethnic cleansing [7] of the Palestinian people — without protest or severe censure — by an international community devoid of conscience and cowed into silence by the ever present fear of being accused of anti-Semitism or Holocaust denial. The international community’s indifference towards the plight of the Palestinian people is enthusiastically led by unprincipled Western politicians who have been bribed and coerced (Zionist Lobby) [8] into ignoring and/or supporting Israel’s international law violations by highly organized and well-financed pro-Zionist Israeli lobby groups such as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) [9] which in the U.S. controls the Congress and the White House.  This erosion of democratic governance is further aided and abetted by the corporate mass media’s subservience to the interests of the Anglo-Zionist Political Corporate Military Industrial Empire whose constant craving for huge profits is dependent on continual military conflicts that also serve as a distraction from the iniquities of a world where some twelve million children under the age of five die annually and almost half of the world’s wealth belongs to just one percent of the population (Working for the Few: Political capture and economic inequality) [10] whose money buys influence over the governance of the brainwashed majority.

Finally, the book laments an Israeli nation whose original concept of a Jewish social democracy had deteriorated into a profound, existential crisis; a nation whose children were growing up with a siege mentality that promoted hatred of Arabs in general, and Palestinians in particular; a nation whose proclamations of having exemplary ethical values, were in reality a smokescreen for lying, cheating, stealing, violating, and committing crimes against humanity; a nation whose occupation of the West Bank and Gaza violated the human rights of some 4.5 million Palestinians; a nation who with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and military support connives to promote social upheavals and armed conflicts in neighbouring Arab countries; a nation whose professed adherence to liberal and egalitarian precepts, were in reality adherence to restrictive, racist, and extremist practices; a nation whose top decile of the population earned more than 30 percent of the nation’s total net income, while the lowest decile earned a mere 1.6 percent; a nation of whose population at least 20 percent (and 15 percent of Israeli Jews) were living below the poverty line; a nation where more than 150,000 households — or about one in 10 people in the country — depended economically on its military industries; a nation where there are no qualms about using Palestinians in the Occupied Territories as guinea pigs on which to test weapons in order to sustain its vast military related exports; and a nation that had lost its Jewish soul even before it was established.


  1. ^ William Hanna (2014). Hiramic Brotherhood of the Third Temple. p. 502. ISBN 978-1-909425-91-0.
  2. ^ "The United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine". UNISPAL.
  3. ^ "British Mandate for Palestine (legal instrument)". wikipedia.
  4. ^ "Palestinian Exodus". Wikipedia.
  5. ^ "Water Crisis". B'Tselem - The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories.
  6. ^ "Judaization". Wikipedia.
  7. ^ "List of ethnic cleansings". Wikipedia.
  8. ^ "Zionist Lobby". Uprooted Palestinians.
  9. ^ "America's Pro-Israel Lobby". AIPAC.
  10. ^ Ricardo Fuentes-Nieva; Nicholas Galasso (2014). Working for the few : political capture and economic inequality. Oxfam. ISBN 978-1-78077-539-5.