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Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam/LinkReports/bfskinner.org

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Reporting statistics of link bfskinner.org; 6 records.


  1. 09:47:14, Tue Apr 15, 2008 en:user:EZ1234 <-> bfskinner.org (0%/0%/0% - Added link: www.bfskinner.org/media/having_a_poem.ram (Monitored rule: \bbfskinner\.org - reason for monitoring \bbfskinner\.org: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Sinn <-> bfskinner.org; diff)) - en:B._F._Skinner - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/EZ1234.
  2. 11:50:40, Fri Apr 11, 2008 en:user: <-> bfskinner.org (0%/0%/0% - Added link: www.bfskinner.org/f/science_and_human_behavior.pdf (Monitored rule: \bbfskinner\.org - reason for monitoring \bbfskinner\.org: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Sinn <-> bfskinner.org; diff)) - en:Behaviorism - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/
  3. 22:37:08, Sun Apr 06, 2008 en:user: <-> bfskinner.org (0%/0%/0% - Added link: bfskinner.org/f/smithmorrisbibliography.pdf (Monitored rule: \bbfskinner\.org - reason for monitoring \bbfskinner\.org: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Sinn <-> bfskinner.org; diff)) - en:B._F._Skinner - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/
  4. 23:15:17, Sat Mar 15, 2008 en:user:Pantalai <-> bfskinner.org (0%/0%/0% - Added link: www.bfskinner.org/f/science_and_human_behavior.pdf (Monitored rule: \bbfskinner\.org - reason for monitoring \bbfskinner\.org: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Sinn <-> bfskinner.org; diff)) - en:List_of_important_publications_in_psychology - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Pantalai.
  5. 23:11:15, Sat Mar 15, 2008 en:user:Pantalai <-> bfskinner.org (0%/0%/0% - Added link: www.bfskinner.org/f/teaching_machines.pdf (Monitored rule: \bbfskinner\.org - reason for monitoring \bbfskinner\.org: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Sinn <-> bfskinner.org; diff)) - en:List_of_important_publications_in_psychology - diff - COIBot UserReport - en:Special:Contributions/Pantalai.
  6. 12:30:55, Thu Jan 17, 2008 de:user:Sinn <-> bfskinner.org (0%/33.33%/0% - calculated overlap Sinn <-> bfskinner.org) - de:Behaviorismus - diff - COIBot UserReport - de:Special:Contributions/Sinn.

COIToolBot reported 6 links.

Below a full report on all use of the link bfskinner.org.

This list is intended to see how the external link gets used, it does not imply that involved accounts are having a conflict of interest in adding the link, or that the involved accounts are spamming the link.

LinkWatcher records:

  1. 2008-04-15 05:47:04: User EZ1234 (talk - contribs; 24) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/f/SmithMorrisBibliography.pdf.
    * Links added in this diff: www.americanhumanist.org/about/humanists-year.html (24, 42, 1, 1) www.apa.org/apf/goldmedal.html (24, 41, 1, 1) www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1348192 (24, 536, 2, 1) psychclassics.yorku.ca/Skinner/Pigeon/ (24, 26, 1, 1) www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/1996/01/30/MN71634.DTL&hw=spanking+debate&sn=009&sc=334 (24, 517, 1, 1) www.chomsky.info/articles/1967----.htm (24, 32, 1, 1) www.secularhumanism.org/library/fi/dawkins_22_1.html (24, 29, 1, 1) www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,909994-5,00.html (24, 1198, 1, 1) www.coe.uh.edu/courses/cuin6373/idhistory/skinner.html (24, 2, 1, 1) www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1286077 (24, 536, 2, 1) books.guardian.co.uk/departments/healthmindandbody/story/0,6000,1168052,00.html (24, 289, 1, 1) www.snopes.com/science/skinner.asp (24, 143, 1, 1) www.coedu.usf.edu/cybertutorial/images/babyinbox.jpg (24, 2, 1, 1) www3.uakron.edu/ahap/apparatus/apparatus.phtml?%20code_id=6&app_id=306 (24, 26, 1, 1) www.amazon.com/dp/0520069749 (24, 970, 2, 1) www.amazon.com/dp/0962331147 (24, 970, 2, 1) www.bfskinner.org/f/SmithMorrisBibliography.pdf (24, 9, 2, 1) ww2.lafayette.edu/ (24, 6, 1, 1) www.muskingum.edu/ (24, 2, 1, 1) folk.uio.no/roffe/files/Having_a_Poem.ogg (24, 23, 2, 1) folk.uio.no/roffe/files/Having_a_Poem.mp3 (24, 23, 2, 1) www.bfskinner.org/media/Having_a_Poem.ram (24, 9, 2, 1)
  2. 2008-04-15 05:47:03: User EZ1234 (talk - contribs; 24) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/media/Having_a_Poem.ram.
    * Links added in this diff: www.americanhumanist.org/about/humanists-year.html (24, 42, 1, 1) www.apa.org/apf/goldmedal.html (24, 41, 1, 1) www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1348192 (24, 536, 2, 1) psychclassics.yorku.ca/Skinner/Pigeon/ (24, 26, 1, 1) www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/1996/01/30/MN71634.DTL&hw=spanking+debate&sn=009&sc=334 (24, 517, 1, 1) www.chomsky.info/articles/1967----.htm (24, 32, 1, 1) www.secularhumanism.org/library/fi/dawkins_22_1.html (24, 29, 1, 1) www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,909994-5,00.html (24, 1198, 1, 1) www.coe.uh.edu/courses/cuin6373/idhistory/skinner.html (24, 2, 1, 1) www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=1286077 (24, 536, 2, 1) books.guardian.co.uk/departments/healthmindandbody/story/0,6000,1168052,00.html (24, 289, 1, 1) www.snopes.com/science/skinner.asp (24, 143, 1, 1) www.coedu.usf.edu/cybertutorial/images/babyinbox.jpg (24, 2, 1, 1) www3.uakron.edu/ahap/apparatus/apparatus.phtml?%20code_id=6&app_id=306 (24, 26, 1, 1) www.amazon.com/dp/0520069749 (24, 970, 2, 1) www.amazon.com/dp/0962331147 (24, 970, 2, 1) www.bfskinner.org/f/SmithMorrisBibliography.pdf (24, 9, 2, 1) ww2.lafayette.edu/ (24, 6, 1, 1) www.muskingum.edu/ (24, 2, 1, 1) folk.uio.no/roffe/files/Having_a_Poem.ogg (24, 23, 2, 1) folk.uio.no/roffe/files/Having_a_Poem.mp3 (24, 23, 2, 1) www.bfskinner.org/media/Having_a_Poem.ram (24, 9, 2, 1)
  3. 2008-04-11 13:03:54: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 189326) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  4. 2008-04-11 13:03:53: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 189326) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/instruction/setup.exe.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  5. 2008-04-11 13:03:53: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 189326) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/bio.asp.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  6. 2008-04-11 13:03:52: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 189326) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/f/SmithMorrisBibliography.pdf.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  7. 2008-04-11 13:03:52: User ClueBot (talk - contribs; 189326) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/media/Having_a_Poem.ram.
    * User is on global Whitelist: cluebot <-> * (Bots don't have a COI)
  8. 2008-04-11 07:50:33: User (talk - contribs; 1) to Behaviorism (diff) - Link: www.bfskinner.org/f/Science_and_Human_Behavior.pdf.
    * Links added in this diff: www.bfskinner.org/f/Science_and_Human_Behavior.pdf (1, 9, 1, 1)
  9. 2008-04-06 18:36:45: User (talk - contribs; 1) to B. F. Skinner (diff) - Link: bfskinner.org/f/SmithMorrisBibliography.pdf.
    * Links added in this diff: bfskinner.org/f/SmithMorrisBibliography.pdf (1, 9, 1, 1)