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Casablanca (film)

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The fundamental things apply … As time goes by.

Casablanca is a 1942 film about an American expatriate owner of an upscale club and gambling den in the Moroccan city of Casablanca who meets a former lover, with unforeseen complications.

Directed by Michael Curtiz.  Written by Julius J. Epstein, Philip G. Epstein, and Howard Koch, based on the play Everybody Comes to Rick's by Murray Burnett and Joan Alison.
Mysterious City of Sin and Intrigue!  (taglines)
We'll always have Paris.
Major Strasser has been shot. Round up the usual suspects.
"You despise me, don't you?"
"If I gave you any thought, I probably would."
"You know, Rick, I have many a friend in Casablanca, but somehow, just because you despise me, you are the only one I trust."
My dear Rick, when will you realize that in this world today, isolationism is no longer a practical policy?
Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Rick Blaine


Captain Louis Renault

  • [about Ugarte] I'm making out the report now. We haven't quite decided whether he committed suicide or died trying to escape.
  • Oh, please, monsieur. It is a little game we play. They put it on the bill, I tear up the bill. It is very convenient.
  • Well, Rick is the kind of man that...well, if I were a woman, and I were not around, I should be in love with Rick. But what a fool I am talking to a beautiful woman about another man.
  • I have no conviction, if that's what you mean. I blow with the wind, and the prevailing wind happens to be from Vichy.

Ilsa Lund

  • [to Rick, as the Germans are invading in Paris] I love you so much. And I hate this war so much. Oh, it's a crazy world. Anything can happen. If you shouldn't get away, I mean, if something should keep us apart, wherever they put you and wherever I'll be, I want you to know that...I Love you. Kiss me as if it were the last time.
  • Last night, I saw what has happened to you. The Rick I knew in Paris I could tell him, he'd understand. But the one who looked at me with such hatred - I'll be leaving Casablanca soon and we'll never see each other again. We knew very little about each other when we were in love in Paris. If we leave it that way, maybe we'll remember those days and not Casablanca. Not last night.
  • You want to feel sorry for yourself, don't you? With so much at stake, all you can think of is your own feelings. One woman has hurt you, and you take your revenge on the rest of the world. You're a coward and a weakling.

Victor Laszlo

  • In a concentration camp, one is apt to lose a little weight.
  • If I didn't give [the names of Underground leaders] in a concentration camp, where you had more persuasive methods at your disposal, I certainly won't give them to you now. And what if you track down these men and kill them? What if you murdered all of us? From every corner of Europe, hundreds, thousands would rise to take our places. Even Nazis can't kill that fast.


Carl: Madame, he never drinks with customers. Never. I have never seen it.
Female companion: What makes a saloonkeeper so snobbish?
Gentleman: Perhaps if you told him I ran the second largest banking house in Amsterdam.
Carl: The second largest? That wouldn't interest Rick - the leading banker in Amsterdam is now the pastry chef in our kitchen --
Gentleman: We have something to look forward to.
Carl: -- and his father is the bellboy!

Ugarte: You despise me, don't you?
Rick: If I gave you any thought, I probably would.
Ugarte: But why? Oh, you object to the kind of business I do, huh? But think of all those poor refugees who must rot in this place if I didn't help them. Well that's not so bad. Through ways of my own, I provide them with exit visas.
Rick: For a price, Ugarte. For a price.
Ugarte: But think of all the poor devils who can't meet Renault's price. I get it for them for half. Is that so parasitic?
Rick: I don't mind a parasite. I object to a cut-rate one.
Ugarte: You know, Rick, I have many a friend in Casablanca, but somehow, just because you despise me, you are the only one I trust.

Rick: [about his club] It's not for sale.
Ferrari: You haven't heard my offer.
Rick: It's not for sale at any price.
Ferrari: What do you want for Sam?
Rick: I don't buy or sell human beings.
Ferrari: Too bad. That's Casablanca's leading commodity. In refugees alone, we could make a fortune, if you work with me through the black market.
Rick: Suppose you run your business and let me run mine.
Ferrari: Suppose we ask Sam. Maybe he'd like to make a change?
Rick: Suppose we do.
Ferrari: My dear Rick, when will you realize that in this world today, isolationism is no longer a practical policy?

Yvonne: Where were you last night?
Rick: That's so long ago, I don't remember.
Yvonne: Will I see you tonight?
Rick: I never make plans that far ahead.

Renault: Hello, Rick.
Rick: Hello, Louis.
Renault: How extravagant you are, throwing away women like that. Someday they may be scarce. You know, now I think I shall pay a call on Yvonne. Maybe get her on the rebound. Hmm?
Rick: When it comes to women, you're a true democrat.

Renault: I've often speculated on why you don't return to America. Did you abscond with the church funds? Did you run off with a Senator's wife? I like to think that you killed a man. It's the romantic in me.
Rick: It's a combination of all three.
Renault: And what in heaven's name brought you to Casablanca?
Rick: My health. I came to Casablanca for the waters.
Renault: The waters? What waters? We're in the desert.
Rick: I was misinformed.

Renault: Rick, there are many exit visas sold in this café, but we know that you've never sold one. That is the reason we permit you to remain open.
Rick: Oh? I thought it was because I let you win at roulette.
Renault: That is another reason.

Rick: Louie, whatever gave you the impression that I might be interested in helping Laszlo escape?
Renault: Because, my dear Ricky, I suspect that under that cynical shell, you're at heart a sentimentalist. [off Rick's reaction] Oh, laugh if you will, but I happen to be familiar with your record. Let me point out just two items. In 1935, you ran guns to Ethiopia. In 1936, you fought in Spain on the Loyalists' side.
Rick: And got well paid for it on both occasions.
Renault: The winning side would have paid you much better.
Rick: Maybe.

Renault: Carl, see that Major Strasser gets a good table, one close to the ladies.
Carl: I have already given him the best. Knowing he is German, he would take it anyway.

Strasser: What is your nationality?
Rick: I'm a drunkard.
Renault: And that makes Rick a citizen of the world.
Rick: I was born in New York City, if that'll help you any.
Strasser: I understand that you came here from Paris at the time of the occupation.
Rick: Well, there seems to be no secret about that.
Strasser: Are you one of those people who cannot imagine the Germans in their beloved Paris?
Rick: It's not particularly my beloved Paris.
Heinz: Can you imagine us in London?
Rick: When you get there, ask me!
Renault: Hmmh! Diplomatist!
Strasser: How about New York?
Rick: Well, there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade.

Ilsa: Where is Rick?
Sam: I don't know. I ain't seen him all night.
Ilsa: When will he be back?
Sam: Not tonight no more. He ain't comin'...He went home.
Ilsa: Does he always leave so early?
Sam: Oh, he never... well, he's got a girl up at the Blue Parrot. He goes up there all the time.
Ilsa: You used to be a much better liar, Sam.
Sam: Leave him alone, Miss Ilsa. You're bad luck to him.
Ilsa: Play it once, Sam, for old times' sake.
Sam: I don't know what you mean, Miss Ilsa.
Ilsa: [whispers] Play it, Sam. Play As Time Goes By.
Sam: Why, I can't remember it, Miss Ilsa. I'm a little rusty on it.
Ilsa: I'll hum it for you. [hums two bars. Sam starts to play] Sing it, Sam.
Sam: [singing] You must remember this
A kiss is just a kiss
A sigh is just a sigh
The fundamental things apply
As time goes by.
And when two lovers woo
They still say, 'I love you'
On that you can rely
No matter what the future brings
As Time Goes By.
Lyrics and Music by Herman Hupfeld (1931).
  • Bolded section ranked #28 in the AFI's list of the top 100 movie quotations; it is often misquoted as "Play it again, Sam."

Renault: I can't get over you two. She was asking about you earlier, Rick, in a way that made me extremely jealous.
Ilsa: I wasn't sure you were the same. Let's see, the last time we met was...
Rick: La Belle Aurore.
Ilsa: How nice, you remembered. But of course, that was the day the Germans marched into Paris.
Rick: Not an easy day to forget.
Ilsa: No.
Rick: I remember every detail. The Germans wore gray, you wore blue.
Ilsa: Yes. I put that dress away. When the Germans march out, I'll wear it again.
Renault: Ricky, you're becoming quite human. I suppose we have to thank you for that, Mademoiselle.

Strasser: I strongly suspect that Ugarte left the letters of transit with Mr. Blaine. I would suggest you search the cafe immediately and thoroughly.
Renault: If Rick has the letters, he's much too smart to let you find them there.
Strasser: You give him credit for too much cleverness. My impression was that he's just another blundering American.
Renault: You mustn't underestimate American blundering. I was with them when they "blundered" into Berlin in 1918.

[after Vichy French police visited Rick's and threw things all over the place]
Rick: That was some going-over your men gave my place. We just barely got cleaned up in time to open.
Renault: Well, I told Major Strasser that he wouldn't find the letters here, but I told my men to be especially destructive. You know how that impresses Germans. [leans in] Rick. Have you got those letters?
Rick: Louis, are you pro-Vichy or Free French?
Renault: [smiling] Hmmph. Serves me right for asking a direct question. The subject is closed.

Rick: Sam?
Sam: Yes, boss.
Rick: If it's December 1941 in Casablanca, what time is in New York?
Sam: What? My watched stopped.
Rick: I bet they're asleep in New York. I bet they're asleep all over America.

Strasser: [after Laszlo leads the band in playing the French national anthem] You see what I mean? If Laszlo's presence in a cafe can inspire this unfortunate demonstration, what more will his presence in Casablanca bring on? I advise that this place be shut up at once.
Renault: But everybody's having such a good time.
Strasser: Yes, much too good a time. The place is to be closed.
Renault: But I've no excuse to close it!
Strasser: Find one. [leaves, ending the conversation]
Renault: [walks into the middle of the room and blows his whistle] Everybody is to leave here immediately! This cafe is closed until further notice. Clear the room, at once!
[Everyone began to leave]
Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Renault: I am shocked-shocked-to find that gambling is going on in here!
Croupier: [handing Renault the money] Your winnings, sir.
Renault: [to croupier] Oh, thank you very much. [announcing to the room] Everybody out at once!

Rick: Your unexpected visit isn't connected by any chance with the letters of transit? Seems as long as I have those letters, I'll never be lonely.
Ilsa: You can ask any price you want, but you must give me those letters.
Rick: I went all through that with your husband. It's no deal.
Ilsa: I know how you feel about me, but I'm asking you to put your feelings aside for something more important.
Rick: Do I have to hear again what a great man your husband is? What an important Cause he's fighting for?
Ilsa: It was your cause too. In your own way, you were fighting for the same thing.
Rick: I'm not fighting for anything anymore except myself. I'm the only Cause I'm interested in.
Ilsa: Richard, we loved each other once. If those days meant anything at all to you...
Rick: I wouldn't bring up Paris If I were you. It's poor salesmanship.
Ilsa: Please, please listen to me. If you knew what really happened. If you only knew the truth.
Rick: I wouldn't believe you no matter what you told me. You'd say anything now to get what you want.
Ilsa: You want to feel sorry for yourself, don't you? With so much at stake, all you can think of is your own feeling. One woman has hurt you and you take your revenge on the rest of the world. You're a, you're a coward and a weakling. [She breaks down sobbing.] No. Oh Richard, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, but, but you, you are our last hope. If you don't help us, Victor Laszlo will die in Casablanca.
Rick: What of it? I'm gonna die in Casablanca. It's a good spot for it.

Ilsa: [brandishing a gun] All right, I tried to reason with you. I tried everything. Now I want those letters. Get them for me.
Rick: I don't have to. I got 'em right here.
Ilsa: Put them on the table.
Rick: No.
Ilsa: For the last time, put them on the table.
Rick: If Laszlo and the Cause mean so much to you, you won't stop at anything. All right, I'll make it easier for you. Go ahead and shoot. You'll be doing me a favor.
Ilsa: [dropping the gun] Richard, I tried to stay away. I thought I would never see you again, that you were out of my life. The day you left Paris, if you knew what I went through. If you knew how much I loved you, how much I still love you.

Ilsa: I can't fight it anymore. I ran away from you once. I can't do it again. Oh, I don't know what's right any longer. You have to think for both of us. For all of us.
Rick: All right, I will. Here's looking at you, kid.
Ilsa: [smiles] I wish I didn't love you so much.
  • Bolded section ranked #5 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.

Rick: Don't you sometimes wonder if it's worth all this? I mean what you're fighting for.
Laszlo: You might as well question why we breathe. If we stop breathing, we'll die. If we stop fighting our enemies, the world will die.
Rick: Well, what of it? It'll be out of its misery.
Laszlo: You know how you sound, Mr. Blaine? Like a man who's trying to convince himself of something he doesn't believe in his heart. Each of us has a destiny-for good or for evil.
Rick: I get the point.
Laszlo: I wonder if you do. I wonder if you know that you're trying to escape from yourself, and that you'll never succeed.
Rick: You seem to know all about my destiny.
Laszlo: I know a good deal more about you than you suspect. I know, for instance, that you're in love with a woman. It is perhaps a strange circumstance that we both should be in love with the same woman. The first evening I came to this café, I knew there was something between you and Ilsa. Since no one is to blame, I - I demand no explanation. I ask only one thing. You won't give me the letters of transit. All right. But I want my wife to be safe. I ask you as a favor, to use the letters to take her away from Casablanca.
Rick: You love her that much?
Laszlo: Apparently you think of me only as the leader of a cause. Well, I'm also a human being. Yes, I love her that much.

Renault: There's still something about this business I don't quite understand. Miss Lund, she's very beautiful, yes. But you were never interested in any woman.
Rick: She isn't just 'any woman.'
Renault: I see. How do I know you'll keep your end of the bargain?
Rick: I'll make the arrangements right now with Laszlo in the visitor's pen.
Renault: Ricky, I'm gonna miss you. Apparently, you're the only one in Casablanca who has even less scruples than I.

Renault: [arresting Lazlo] Oh, you're surprised about my friend, Ricky. The explanation is quite simple. Love, it seems, has triumphed over virtue.
Rick: [pointing a gun at Renault] Not so fast, Louis. Nobody's gonna be arrested - not for a while yet...And remember, this gun is pointed right at your heart.
Renault: That is my least vulnerable spot.

Rick: Because you're getting on that plane.
Ilsa: I don't understand. What about you?
Rick: I'm staying here with him 'til the plane gets safely away.
Ilsa: No, Richard. No. What has happened to you? Last night...
Rick: Last night, we said a great many things. You said I was to do the thinking for both of us. Well, I've done a lot of it since then and it all adds up to one thing. You're getting on that plane with Victor where you belong.
Ilsa: But Richard, no, I've...
Rick: Now, you've got to listen to me. Do you have any idea what you have to look forward to if you stayed here? Nine chances out of ten, we'd both wind up in a concentration camp. Isn't that true, Louis?
Renault: I'm afraid Major Strasser would insist.
Ilsa: You're saying this only to make me go.
Rick: I'm saying it because it's true. Inside of us, we both know you belong with Victor. You're part of his work, the thing that keeps him going. If that plane leaves the ground and you're not with him, you'll regret it. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of your life.
Ilsa: But what about us?
Rick: We'll always have Paris. We didn't have it before... we'd... we'd lost it until you came to Casablanca. We got it back last night.
Ilsa: When I said I would never leave you...
Rick: And you never will. But I've got a job to do too. Where I'm going, you can't follow. What I've got to do, you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday, you'll understand that. Now, now. Here's looking at you, kid.
  • Bolded section ranked #43 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.

Rick: There's something you should know before you leave.
Laszlo: Mr. Blaine, I don't ask you to explain anything.
Rick: I'm going to anyway because it may make a difference to you later on. You said you knew about Ilsa and me.
Laszlo: Yes.
Rick: What you didn't know was that she was at my place last night when you were. She came there for the letters of transit. Isn't that true, Ilsa?
Ilsa: Yes.
Rick: She tried everything to get them and nothing worked. She did her best to convince me she was still in love with me but that was over long ago. For your sake she pretended it wasn't and I let her pretend.
Laszlo: I understand.
Rick: Here it is. [hands the letters to Lazlo]
Laszlo: Thanks. I appreciate it. Welcome back to the fight. This time, I know our side will win. Are you ready, Ilsa?
Ilsa: Yes, I'm ready. Good-bye Rick. [softly] God bless you.
Rick: You better hurry. You'll miss that plane.

Rick: [drawing a pistol] Get away from that phone!
Strasser: I would advise you not to interfere.
Rick: I was willing to shoot Captain Renault and I'm willing to shoot you.
Strasser: [into the phone] Hello?
Rick: Put that phone down!
Strasser: Get me the radio tower!
Rick: Put it down!
[Strasser draws his gun; Rick fires, killing him, which is immediately followed by the arrival of the Vichy police]
Renault: Major Strasser has been shot. [pause] Round up the usual suspects.
  • Bolded section ranked #32 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.

[Last lines]
Renault: Well, Rick, you're not only a sentimentalist, but you've become a patriot.
Rick: Maybe, but it seemed like a good time to start.
Renault: I think perhaps you're right. [pours the Vichy water into a glass, but then sees its label; with a look of disgust, he quickly drops the bottle into a trash basket and kicks it over. Then watches the plane flying into the mist. He then walks off the wet runway into the mist with Rick] It might be a good idea for you to disappear from Casablanca for a while. There's a Free French garrison over at Brazzaville. I could be induced to arrange a passage.
Rick: My letter of transit? I could use a trip. But it doesn't make any difference about our bet. You still owe me ten thousand francs.
Renault: And that ten thousand francs should pay our expenses.
Rick: Our expenses?
Renault: Mm-hm.
Rick: Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
  • Bolded section ranked #20 in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 movie quotations in American cinema.



  • Play it again, Sam.
    • While the lines "Play it" and "Play it, Sam" both appear in the film, the line "Play it again, Sam" never appears in the film.


  • Mysterious City of Sin and Intrigue!
  • They had a date with fate in Casablanca!
  • As big and timely a picture as ever you've seen! You can tell by the cast it's important! Gripping! Big!


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