Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2799

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124 STAT. 2773 PUBLIC LAW 111–260—OCT. 8, 2010 Code of Federal Regulations) such that viewers are able to activate and de-activate the closed captions and video description as the video programming is played back on a picture screen of any size; and ‘‘(2) interconnection mechanisms and standards for dig- ital video source devices are available to carry from the source device to the consumer equipment the information necessary to permit or render the display of closed captions and to make encoded video description and emergency information audible.’’. (c) SHIPMENT IN COMMERCE.—Section 330(b) of the Communica- tions Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 330(b)) is amended— (1) by striking ‘‘303(u)’’ in the first sentence and inserting ‘‘303(u) and (z)’’; (2) by striking the second sentence and inserting the fol- lowing: ‘‘Such rules shall provide performance and display standards for such built-in decoder circuitry or capability designed to display closed captioned video programming, the transmission and delivery of video description services, and the conveyance of emergency information as required by section 303 of this Act.’’; and (3) in the fourth sentence, by striking ‘‘closed-captioning service continues’’ and inserting ‘‘closed-captioning service and video description service continue’’. (d) IMPLEMENTING REGULATIONS.—The Federal Communica- tions Commission shall prescribe such regulations as are necessary to implement the requirements of sections 303(u), 303(z), and 330(b) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended by this section, including any technical standards, protocols, and procedures needed for the transmission of— (1) closed captioning within 6 months after the submission to the Commission of the Advisory Committee report required by section 201(e)(1); and (2) video description and emergency information within 18 months after the submission to the Commission of the Advisory Committee report required by section 201(e)(2). (e) ALTERNATE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE.—An entity may meet the requirements of sections 303(u), 303(z), and 330(b) of the Communications Act of 1934 through alternate means than those prescribed by regulations pursuant to subsection (d) if the require- ments of those sections are met, as determined by the Commission. SEC. 204. USER INTERFACES ON DIGITAL APPARATUS. (a) AMENDMENT.—Section 303 of the Communications Act of 1934 (47 U.S.C. 303) is further amended by adding after subsection (z), as added by section 203 of this Act, the following new subsection: ‘‘(aa) Require— ‘‘(1) if achievable (as defined in section 716) that digital apparatus designed to receive or play back video program- ming transmitted in digital format simultaneously with sound, including apparatus designed to receive or display video programming transmitted in digital format using Internet protocol, be designed, developed, and fabricated so that control of appropriate built-in apparatus functions are accessible to and usable by individuals who are blind or visually impaired, except that the Commission may not 47 USC 303 note. 47 USC 303 note.