Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/152

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1584 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. * Sass. I. Cua. 605, 606. 1926.

  • “·>•*·¤·*¤•* {The name ont HQlDO8,¥W£g0W of S. late

• ¤ ·Reg1men ° I unteer nfantry ghnshpayplzliga pensionat the rata of $50 per month in lieu of that is DOW'IU($1]V1Dg. — V » . . "””"°·"°°" ...'%`“:4“‘°U... °* E‘6“§.$¢h“R...°°"· ”2"‘%>' °‘ ‘i"$°?“........’F"“}‘.2‘°°“°· . men ermon o an , adxxlpay herpfgension at the rate of $50 per month in lien of gt as now receivingu .

  • '•*¥¤¥°B"•*· The nam of Evel McB 'd f Gm? H. McBryc

late of Conipany A,0¥bnth l%:w0Yorlr oluntecr Heavly: wlleiryix pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in uo at e1snowreoei° . · · §¤°?LB¤¤¤¥i¤- G°The nania <§_ Sara? J. B wgdpiw o§N:ilvB{eslti;, late of mpany mety· ourthg gimen ew or oun r Infan· trglznd her a pension at t e_rate of $30 per month. 0•¤m¤D.HelWia. name of Geor D. Helwx , late of unassx ed com , Fifty·seoond New Yorg Volunteer Infgiltry, andP·:$ 1 him a pension at the rate of $50 per month. ~ TQ? A°°'d,m,_°“°°‘ The name of Sarah J. Adams, widow of Henry H. Adams, late of Company I,_ Fifth Regiment Vermont Volunteer_Infa.ntry, and payherapens1onattherateof$50permonthmheuofthatsha is now receiving. Approved, June 17, 1926.

  • 5-‘¥»¢¤· ...‘:”*’........= °°2;;;’*¤.......’*°*.&**::.·.*¤as.,’ Pr".; :.··..:;·*:.i:":.:·· ··‘.....*···*:.é··*:·..*.:· ::.2

[rnv•te.Nc.1¤.1 of wars other than the Clvilv§Var, and‘£ widows me is on. r-an Beit enacted by the Senate and Home of Representation of the UnitedStates A·m¢nca' ° 0 ¢mcmbZedThttheSe¤·etary of the Interiorvbe and he iyhegzy, authorized aind to place on pleinsion roll, subject to the provisions and limitations o the P•¤¤ W¤··r . ‘ Q # » .

f,";;,§"H*;»_c,,,_ Thgnname of Eélwjard P.SCoan, 11
: clf Cognlgynies G,.H, and I,

. Twelfth Regxmen mted tates A an an w an him a pension at the rate of $20 per montl?3 us, Pay “""*"'*“°°'*· The name ef Loreziar Walton, widow of Charles Allen, alias Perey·Wa1to13ilate of Company C, Eleventh Itegiment United States

hIn anwars,andpayherapens1on attherateof$12

· P-¤···,,,*-·•¢ Thnameo fBeubenWall lm £Cc T thkeigezh t wm" Unitsd Stat; Cavalry, Regular andn pay ` a pensionattherateo $40permonthinlieuofthatheisnow receivmg. ‘ ou•¤¤•z.w The fCla E.Westa1iasEarlWest,late fC0m """'“'°"‘ lt. M, Forltyinningzh t Iowa Infantry, war with S him_a_pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of is now °'•¤¤°•¤"‘¤¤· of Clarence L. Wimer, late of Company A, Corpa, United States Army, Regular Establishment, and y him a pension at the rate of $30 per_m0nth·in_lieu of that KZ is now ‘ "•**•* °· ¤•¥¤“•· ef Walter S. late of Company I, Nineteenth Regiment Kansas Cavalry, Indian wars, and pay h1Hl_|_P9l18l(Il. at the rate of $60 month in hen of that he IS now receiving. _ i~'·"‘·=·`~·=-·····— ......""‘°¤°;&t‘£»f....'2"}°.f‘f$"...‘* E‘&‘°.:%&.“S‘;,££.,°'1‘.°&";.%§"»a.£°‘:**‘P..."°’%'.‘; at the rate of $12 per month: