Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 89.djvu/579

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PUBLIC LAW 94-000—MMMM. DD, 1975

PUBLIC LAW 94-105—OCT. 7, 1975

89 STAT. 519

quate nutrition and inadequate income, in order to improve their health status. The program authorized by this section shall be carried out supplementary to the food stamp and food distribution program and operate side by side with existing supplemental food programs. "(2) Any eligible local health or welfare agency or private nonprofit agency that applies to operate such a supplemental food program immediately shall be provided with the necessary funds to carry out the program. The requirements set forth herein shall not be construed to permit the Secretary to reduce ratably the amount of foods that an eligible health or welfare agency shall distribute under the program to pregnant or lactating mothers and infants. "(c) In order to carry out such program during each fiscal year Appropriation during the period ending September 30, 1977, there is authorized to authorization. be appropriated the sum of $250,000,000, but in the event that such sum has not been appropriated for such purpose by the beginning of each fiscal year, the Secretary shall use $250,000,000, or, if any amount has been appropriated for such program, the difference, if any, between the amount directly appropriated for such purpose and $250,000,000, out of funds appropriated by section 32 of the Act of August 24, 1935 (7 U.S.C. 612c). Any funds expended from such section 32 to carry Reimbursement out the provisions of this section shall be reimbursed out of any supplemental appropriation hereafter enacted for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of such subsection, and such reimbursements shall be deposited into the fund established pursuant to such section 32, to be available for the purpose of such section. In order to carry out the program during the fiscal year ending September 30, 1978, there is authorized to be appropriated not to exceed $250,000,000. "(d) Whenever any program is carried out by the Secretary under Administrative authority of this section through any State or local or nonprofit costs. agency, he is authorized to pay administrative costs not to exceed 20 per centum of the program funds provided to each State under the authority of this section. Each health department or comparable agency of each State, Indian tribe, band, or group recognized by the Department of the Interior; or the Indian Health Service of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare receiving funds from the Secretary under this section shall, by January 1 of each year (by December 1 in the case of fiscal year 1976), for approval by the Secretary as a prerequisite to receipt of funds under this section, submit a description of the manner in which administrative funds shall be spent, including, but not limited to, a description of the manner in which nutrition education services will be provided. The Secretary shall take affirmative action to insure that programs begin in areas most in need of special supplemental food. During the first 3 months of any program, or until the program reaches its projected caseload level, whichever comes first, the Secretary shall pay those administrative costs necessary to commence the program successfully. "(e) The eligibility of persons to participate in the program pro- Participants. vided for under this section shall be determined by competent professional authority. Participants shall be residents of areas or members of populations served by clinics or other health facilities determined to have significant numbers of infants and pregnant and lactating women at nutritional risk. "(f) State or local agencies or groups carrying out any programs under this section shall maintain adequate medical records on the participants assisted to enable the Secretary to determine and evaluate the benefits of the nutritional assistance provided under this section. The Secretary shall convene an advisory committee made up of rep- Advisory committee.