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Drawa National Park is a national park based in forested river valley of Drawa on border of Zachodniopomorskie, Wielkopolskie and Lubuskie voivodeships in Poland. It is popular kayaking and camping spot.





The area occupied by the park was always far from major political centres on border of Brandenburg and Poland, and had no significant natural resources except for wood. It was not settled until in 16th century. The region never experienced significant economic activity, and had only brief periods of logging in 19th century and bunker building during Second World War. In 1970s work started on creating a national park in this relatively pristine area. The park was established in 1990.



The valley is quite steep at northern part, especially on western side of the river, and slowly becomes flatter to the south. Outside the valley area is hilly and there are 20 lakes.

Flora and fauna


Mostly beech forests, also a bit of spruce and mixed forests. The river is relatively rich in fish, and there are many birds in the park.



Being located in dense forest over river and near multiple lakes, the area is quite humid, exacerebating feeling of temperature. Waterproof clothes and sacks will be good choice for this area.

Get in


By car


A car is the only sensible way to reach the park as there is no public transportation to it. Roads to the park are narrow and of poor quality.

By train


You can reach Choszczno by PKP Intercity from major cities or Kalisz Pomorski by Polregio from smaller towns or Krzyż Wielkopolski by both. You will still need at least 20 km taxi drive to reach park boundary.

Fees and permits


Entry to the park is free, however many activities in park are paid, including water sports on river (Jul-Aug 10 zł per day, Sep-Jun 8 zł per day) and fishing (8 zł per day on Drawa river, Ostrowieckie and Sitno lakes). The number of tickets is limited to prevent environmental damage, so book in advance. There are no check points; a park guard will come to your camping or fishing spot and demand you to show tickets.

Get around

Map of Drawa National Park

By car


A car is the only land transportation that makes sense in the park. Roads are narrow and few. Fill your gas tank before arriving as there are no gas stations in the park.

By bike


There are few bike trails inside the park which you can traverse. There is close to no traffic on the roads. However there is only one bike rental in Łasko outside the park.

By canoe


There are several companies that offer canoes to rent complete with transport and retrieval. Book in advance, remember about park fee and camping tickets. It is possible to move upstream, but most movement happens downstream. There are many more tourists on weekends (F-Su).


  • 1 Kamienna Hydroelectric Dam, Głusko. One of the oldest hydroelectric dams in the world still in operation, built in 19th century. No tours, only visible from outside, there is platform for sightseeing to the south however view is obscured by trees.





The park has many pristine lakes with abundance of fishes which can be hunted. There are many specific regulations regarding fishing in the park. Permit is required and there is limited number of these per day. You can hunt in river Jul-Mar upstream of Kamienna dam, and in Ostrowieckie and Sitno lakes Apr-Nov only from piers. You can take one fish with yourself a day, some species of fish cannot be hunted (salmon), while in some cases (rainbow trout) you are obliged to remove them from water. Specific regulations can be found here (in Polish only).



You can traverse Drawa river in the park on canoe, there are many kayak rentals in the area. Swimming requires permit and you will also need to arrange camping locations if you plan to swim longer than one day. River is open from July to mid-March, it is easier to swim in summer when water is lower. Common sense apply, do not drink alcohol, destroy plants, do not swim too fast as the river can suddenly get dangerous, but also not too slow to avoid getting stuck on logs. Also, swimming outside vessel is illegal in the park and in general you should avoid walking in water.





Bring food supplies with you. There are only two shops close to the park.

  • 1 'Nad Drawą' Grocery shop, Zatom 6 (there is marked trail from the river). M-Sa 08:00-20:00, Su 10:00-12:00 16:00-18:00. Well stocked shop on early part of the canoe trail. It has everything you need for your travel needs.
  • 2 'Drawieńska' Restaurant, Głusko 4 (stop before the lake and go uphill, you will reach the town), +48 514 648 664. 09:00-19:00 daily. Only restaurant in the park, serves fish and deer. 50 zł.



Bring water supply with you. Camping spots do not have tap water.





There are few accommodations in Zatom and one in Sitnica.



There are five camping spots on the river. All of them are stocked with firewood free to use and useful for drying your belongings after swimming, some of them contain also wooden shelters good for eating and staying away from rain. Price is 24 zł/day in Jul-Aug and 12 zł/day in Sep-Jun. Car parking costs 12 zł/day, caravan/camper 20zł/day. Sites below are listed in sequence from highest to lowest part of the river in the park. They are located roughly every 9 km of river run.

  • 1 Drawnik Camp Site (first camp site from Dubie lake). Not very useful camp site at start of canoe trail in the park. Probably the only camp site with reachable amenities (1.5 km to nearest large grocery shop).
  • 2 Barnimie Camp Site (just after the hardest part of the trail). Well provided camp site with wooden shelters and fireplaces located on top of a hill, it will be hard to push kayak to the top, while illegal many people leave their kayak near the river. No mobile connection
  • 3 Bogdanka Camp Site (on confluence of Drawa and Korytnica rivers). Located in quite scenic location with nice view of Drawa river. Wooden shelters for preparing foods. Close to the river so may be a bit cool.
  • 4 Sitnica Camp Site (on calm part of the river, east side, field behind trees). Located close to the water in a valley, so a bit cool and swampy, not so far from previous camp site. Well stocked with wood, two wooden shelters. No mobile connection. There is a thief who steals money and supplies, beware and put night watch if you can.
  • 5 Pstrąg Camp Site (on west side of river on a hill, in plain sight). similar to Barnimie located on a small hill so you will need to bring your kayaks uphill, as there is not much place close to the river.
  • 6 Kamienna Camp Site (not far from the dam, also in plain sight). Last camp site before leaving the park. Camp sites outside park have no supplies or are more expensive so it may be worth a try.



Camping outside designated places is illegal.

Stay safe


Significant parts of the park have no mobile access. There are two small grocery shops (in Zatom and Głusko). Many parts of the river are whitewatery and can be dangerous. Buy all you need before arriving.

If you rent canoe or bike then exchange your travel plan with rental. They will help you arrange proper trail for your skills, keep in touch with you in case of problems and tell you where to call for pick-up.

There is also well known thief who robs people at Sitnica camping, peculiarly he steals only money, food and drink then throws those he did not like into forest close to camp site. Place night watch while sleeping there. Police and park guards are useless, closest police station is in Dobiegniew 20 km away (in straight line) and you are unlikely to have a ride at this place.

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