Appendix:False friends between Indonesian and Standard Malay (N-R)

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This is a list of Indonesian-Malay false friends, that is, word pairs similar in appearance but different in meaning. Diacritics are shown for clarity in this table (while they are not usually written). Translations may be approximated; see linked entries for details.

Indonesian Standard Malay Translation,
Indonesian only
Standard Malay only
nêgêri negeri country; land; hometown; West Sumatra district state (any sovereign polity) state (a political division of a federation)
nipis nipis citron thin
olahraga olahraga exercise (improving physical strength and fitness); sport (physical exertion or skills, something done for fun) athletics
pacuan pacuan race; racecourse, racetrack, raceway drive
pajak pajak tax to mortgage, to pawn
pakèt pakét package packet
pandu pandu to guide the tourist to drive the vehicle
pangkat pangkat exponent; power (product of equal factors) rank (a level in an organization such as the military); rung, step; floor, story
pantas pantas worthy, appropriate, fit quick, fast; skilled, experienced The sense of fast, deft are dated (fossilized in several compounds) in Standard Indonesian.
pantat pantat tail buttock vagina (dialectal)
pasukan pasukan squad (military) team
pêcutan pecutan whip, lash blow, whip, or lash administered acceleration
pêgawai pegawai employee officer; official
pêjabat pejabat official (office holder) office
pêkan pekan market; week small town
pêlabur pelabur ration supply investor
pêlaburan pelaburan whitewashing, resurfacing investment
pêlan pelan slow - plan
pêlatih pelatih trainer - trainee
pêlêmbapan pelembapan - humidification damping
pêmadam pemadam fire extinguisher eraser In Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, fire extinguisher is pemadam api.
pêmbangkang pembangkang rebel, insurgent - opposition
pêmêrintah pemerintah government (the body) - ruler (person who rules or governs)
  1. In Singapore, foreign government can be referred as either kerajaan or pemerintah. However, Singaporean government always have been referred as pemerintah, which has no monarchic connotations.
  2. In Indonesia, pemerintah always refer to government.

pêmêrintahan pemerintahan government (ruling political power) command (military body or troops)
pêmêrolehan pemerolehan acquisition procurement
pèn pén pin (surgical metal), want (colloquial verb) pen (writing tool)
pênolong penolong rescuer aide, assistant
pênagihan penagihan debt collection - addiction
pêngacara pengacara lawyer master of ceremonies
pêngacau pengacau agitator, insurgent stirrer
pêngajian pengajian mass recitation of Qur'an study
pênganggaran penganggaran budgeting approximation
pênganjur penganjur promoter organizer
pêngasingan pengasingan exile alienation, segregation isolation, insulation, separation (chemistry),
pêngêlasan pengelasan welding - classification
pêngêluaran pengeluaran expense production
pêngêmbangan pengembangan development blooming, flowering; expansion dilation
pêngênalan pengenalan introduction * identification Both terms are listed in both dictionary, this entry show the difference of prevalences.
pênghapus penghapus eraser exterminator; abolisher
pêngubah pengubah transformer transformer (electrical engineering)
pêngucapan pengucapan pronunciation declamation, recitation
pênjagaan penjagaan conservation surveillance care, supervision
pênyêdêrhanaan penyederhanaan simplification; reduction (the rewriting of an expression into a simpler form) moderation; parsimony
pênyêlidikan penyelidikan investigation research
pêrangkat perangkat equipment; apparatus; device (computer); officer set (music)
pêrbarui perbarui to update, to freshen, to modernize to renew to reform
pêrcuma percuma useless, not needed free of charge The free of charge sense is obsolete (fossilized in several compounds) in Indonesian.
pêrhubungan perhubungan connection, relation; transportation; communication
  1. In Brunei, the prevailing meaning is about both transportation and communication.
  2. In Indonesia, the prevailing meaning is about transportation.
  3. In Singapore, the prevailing meaning is about communication.

pêria peria - bitter melon (Momordica charantia) man Man is pria in Indonesian.
pêrkara perkara concern; problem case, lawsuit affair, matter; about (colloquial) because (law) article
pêrkauman perkauman family; tribal, clan; ethnicity commune racism
pêrlêmbagaan perlembagaan institutionalization - constitution
pêrniagaan perniagaan trade - business
pêrpuluhan perpuluhan tithe - decimal
pêrsêkutuan persekutuan alliance; joint venture; partnership; fellowship, communion union federation
pêrsênyawaan persenyawaan compounding - fertilization
pêrusahaan perusahaan corporation company, enterprise industry
pêrusak perosak destroyer, wrecker pest, vermin
pêrwalian perwalian trusteeship guardianship
pêtang petang evening - afternoon
piawai piawai skillful, clever right, true standard; correct (method)
pijat pijat massage - bug
pohon pohon - tree plea In Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei, the sense of tree is considered poetic and occasionally used. However, in several states of Malaya, the sense of tree is favoured, similar to the Indonesian usage.
pokok pokok essential, basic, main - tree
polis polis insurance policy - police
polisi polisi police - policy
pondok pondok bungalow, cottage, lodge; traditional Islamic boarding school shed, hut; abode booth (kiosk)
praktik praktik practice practical
prémium prémium petrol, gasoline prize, reward; premium (insurance); something premium
prèstasi préstasi accomplishment, achievement - performance
prihatin prihatin sad, afflicted; worried; abstinence concerned care
prosiding prosiding - proceeding (published collection of papers) proceeding (legal action)
psikologis psikologis psychological psychologist
punggung punggung back buttock; bottom (of pan)
pupuk pupuk fertilizer to nurture
pusing pusing headachy; dizzy; blank to turn to spin The sense of to turn is rare in Indonesian.
putra putera son prince
putri puteri daughter princess
ralat ralat errata, correction, rectification error, mistake
rangkaian rangkaian series, string; circuit network
rapat rapat meeting, gathering, assembly close, tight
rasional rasional - rational rationale
rasuah rasuah corruption bribe
rayuan rayuan flattery, seduction appeal (to be attractive) appeal (law); petition
rêmbêsan rémbésan infiltration, seepage - secretion
rêsapan resapan absorption - diffusion
ribut ribut stir; disorder, disturbance busy; noisy storm The storm sense is obsolete (fossilized in several compounds) in Indonesian.
riwayat riwayat history; tale hereditary story; narration (of hadith)