Appendix:Proto-Mayan reconstructions

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Proto-Mayan reconstructions:[1]

Kaufman (2017)



pM proto-Mayan
SM Southern Mayan
CM Central Mayan
EM Eastern Mayan
WM Western Mayan

Proto-Mayan reconstructions

English gloss Spanish gloss Scientific name Proto-Mayan Notes
‘animal’ ‘animal’ *nooq (WAS+WM)
‘white-tailed deer’ ‘venado de cola blanca’ Odocoileus virginianus *kehj
‘weasel’ ‘comadreja’ Mustela *saq=b’iin
‘coyote’ ‘coyote’ Canis latrans *ʔo(ʔ)q (WAS+GQa,+LL as day name)
‘cougar’ ‘león’ Puma concolor *koj
‘jaguar’ ‘tigre’ Panthera onca *b’ahlam
‘agouti’ ‘serete’ Dasyprocta *ha(h)laaw
‘gopher’ ‘(tal)tuza’ Geomys *b’aʔh
‘bat’ ‘murciélago’ Chiroptera *sootz’
‘possum’ ‘tlacuache’ Didelphis *huhty’ (Wa+EM)
‘tom turkey’ ‘guajolote varón’ *palach (WAS+WM)
‘hawk’ ‘gavilán’ Accipiter *t’iiw ~ *t’ihw
‘screech owl’ ‘lechuza’ Tyto alba *xooch’
‘boat-tailed grackle’ ‘zanate’ Quiscalus #ty’oK [diffused; symbolic]
‘crow; raven’ ‘cuervo’ Corvus *jooj [in the Highlands]
‘heron’ ‘garza’ *jooj
‘parrot’ ‘perico’ #KuyuC (WAS+GKi) [diffused; cf. Totonako /quyu(:)t/ ‘parrot’]
‘turtle’ ‘tortuga’ Testudo *peetz ~ *peety [Wa+Mam]
‘snake’; [CM] ‘cramp’ ‘culebra; calambre’ *kaan
‘rattle(snake)’ ‘(víbora de) cascabel’ Crotalus *soʔty
‘lizard’ ‘lagartija’ Lacertilia *ʔohkoC
‘cayman’ ‘lagarto, caimán’ Caiman *ʔahiin
‘toad’ ‘sapo’ Bufo *wooʔ
‘tick’ ‘garrapata’ Ixodida *siip
‘head louse’ ‘piojo de cabeza’ Pediculus humanus capitis *ʔuk’
‘flea’ ‘pulga’ Pulex; Ctenocephalides *k’aq
‘chigger’ ‘nigua’ Tunga penetrans *ʔook-VC k’aq (literally “entering flea”)
‘scorpion’ ‘alacrán’ Scorpio *siinaʔnh
‘green fly’ ‘mosca verde’ *haʔh
‘fly grub’ ‘gusano de mosca’ *haʔh
‘ant’ ‘hormiga’ Formica *sanik
‘spider’ ‘araña’ Araneae *ʔam [pMS *ʔa:mu]
‘seed, pip, pit’ *b’aq’
‘tree’ ‘árbol’ *tyeeʔ
‘cork tree’ ‘jonote, corcho, balsa’ Heliocarpus appendiculatus *b’aty
‘pricklenut’ ‘guácima’ Guazuma ulmifolia *ʔaqit
‘marmalade fruit’ ‘zapote mamey’ Pouteria sapota / Pouteria mammosa *haʔas
‘hogplum’ ‘jocote’ Spondias spp. *ʔab’a(l) (Wa+Yu+QEQ)
‘hogplum’ ‘jocote’ Spondias spp. *q’iinom (Wa+EM)
‘guava’ ‘guayaba’ Psidium *(ʔi)kaq’
‘avocado’ ‘aguacate’ Persea americana *ʔoonh
‘breadnut’ ‘ramón, ojite, ujushte’ Brosimum alicastrum *ʔajx ~ *ʔojx
‘cacao’ ‘cacao’ Theobroma cacao #KaKaw [borrowed from pMS *kakawa, etc.]
‘sweet cassava’ ‘yuca’ Manihot esculenta *tz’iin tyeeʔ (WAS+WM) [literally “cassava tree”: in MA folk taxonomy, cassava is a tree]
‘willow’ ‘saúz, sauce’ Salix *toq’oor
‘gumbolimbo’ ‘palo mulato, palo (de) jiote’ Bursera spp. *kaqaaj [probably contains the root *kaq ‘red’]
Ficus ‘amate’ Ficus spp. *huʔnh
‘silk-cotton tree’ ‘ceiba, pochote’ Ceiba pentandra *ʔinuup
‘cohune palm’ ‘palma de coyol’ Orbignya cohune *map
‘beans’ ‘frijol’ Phaseolus vulgaris *kenaq’
‘type of bean’ *weʔt’ [WAS+Tz]
‘chayote’ ‘chayote, güisquil’ Sechium edule *ch’imaah ~ *ch’umaah
‘grape’ ‘uva’ Vitis sp. *tz’usub’
‘nettle’ ‘chichicaste, ortiga’ Urera baccifera *lah
‘sweet potato’ ‘camote’ Ipomoea batatas *ʔiis
‘pigweed’ ‘bledo’ Amaranthus sp. *tees ~ *tzees
‘chili pepper’ ‘chile’ Capsicum *ʔiik
‘tobacco’ ‘tabaco’ Nicotiana tabacum *mahy ~ *maʔy [diffused, with extra-Mayan parallels]
‘kind of grass’ *toom (WAS+TZE+MCH)
‘bamboo’ ‘otate, bambú’ Bambusa, Arundinaria *chanhib’ ~ *kanhib’ (WAS+Tz)
‘corn tassel’ ‘flor de milpa’ *tz’utuj [cf. pSokean *tzutuʔ ‘corn spike’; ‘espiga de maíz’]
‘roasting ear’ ‘elote’ *ʔajn
‘maize ear’ ‘mazorca’ *nhal
‘corncob’ ‘olote’ *b’aqal [WAS+Yu+WM]
‘prickly pear’ ‘nopal, tuna’ Opuntia *paq’aC (WAS+Yu)
‘century plant (fiber)’ ‘maguey; cañamo, ixtle’ Agave *kiih
‘seed [for planting]’ ‘semilla’ *ʔiiyaanh
‘to plant/sow it’ ‘sembrarlo’ *ʔaw (vt)
‘cornfield’ ‘milpa’ *ʔalVj (WAS+Toj)
‘to shell maize’ ‘desgranar maíz’ *ʔix (vt)
‘to shell maize’ ‘desgranar maíz’ *ʔix.i (vt)
‘to grind it’ ‘molerlo’ *keeʔ.e (vt)
‘corn dough’ ‘masa’ *q’oor [EM +‘atole’]
‘pinole’ *k’aj
‘hunger’ ‘hambre’ *waʔ.ij(-aal)
‘to bite it; eat meat/mushrooms’ ‘morderlo, comer carne/hongos’ *tiʔ (vt)
‘to drink it’ ‘beberlo, tomarlo’ *ʔuk’ (vt)
‘stinking’ ‘hediondo, apestoso’ *tyuʔh
‘sweet’ ‘dulce’ *kiʔ
‘bitter; gall’ ‘amargo; hiel amarga’ *k’ah
‘salt’ ‘sal’ *ʔaʔtz’aam
‘painful; spicy hot’ ‘doloroso, que duele; picante’ *raʔh ~ *raah
‘swelling’ ‘hinchazón’ *maal
‘mange’ ‘sarna’ *saal
‘white’ ‘blanco’ *saq
‘grue [undifferentiated green and blue]; unripe’ ‘verde, azul; no maduro’ *raʔx
‘black’ ‘negro’ *ʔejq’
‘yellow; ripe’ ‘amarillo; maduro’ *q’an
‘red’ ‘rojo, colorado’ *kaq
‘to go down’ ‘bajar(se)’ *ʔehm (vi) (WAS+GLL)
‘to come’ ‘venir’ *tya(a)-l (vi)
‘to arrive here’ ‘llegar aquí’ *Huul (vi)
‘visitor, guest’ ‘huésped, visita’ *Huulaaʔ
‘to make a circuit, to walk around the outside edge’ ‘caminar al rededor’ *q’ot (vi) [WAS+QEQ]
‘to go out’ ‘salir’ *ʔeel (vi)
‘to go in’ ‘entrar’ *ʔook (vi)
‘to put it in’ ‘meterlo’ *ʔok.esa (vt)
‘to walk’ ‘caminar, andar’ *xanh (vi)
‘to exchange it’ ‘hacerle cambio’ *jal (vt)
‘sale’ ‘venta’ *k’aay
‘to sell it’ ‘venderlo’ *k’aay.i (vt)
‘name’ ‘nombre’ *b’ih
‘lord, boss’ ‘señor, jefe’ *ʔaajaaw
‘servant, messenger, errand-boy’ ‘mensajero, mandadero, mozo’ *ʔab’.aat
‘person; man’ ‘gente; hombre’ *winaq
‘female ‘hembra’ *ʔix
‘female; relatively smaller or weaker thing or being’ [not necessarily animate] ‘hembra; ser o cosa relativamente más pequeño o menos fuerte’ [no necesariamente animado] *ʔix= [classifying prepound]
‘male; relatively larger or stronger animate being’ ‘varón, macho; ser animado relativamente más grande o más fuerte’ *ʔaj= [classifying prepound]
‘mother’ ‘madre’ *naaʔ
‘woman’s offspring’ ‘hijo/hija de mujer’ *ʔaal
‘grandmother’ ‘abuela’ *miim (WAS+LL+KOT)
‘woman’s grandchild’ ‘nieto/nieta de mujer’ *ʔiʔh
‘grandfather; man’s grandchild’ ‘abuelo; nieto/nieta de hombre’ *maam
‘MoBr’ ‘hermano de la madre’ *ʔikaan
‘nephew’ ‘sobrino’ *ʔikaaq’
‘cross-sex sibling-in-law’ ‘cuñado/cuñada del sexo opuesto’ *muʔ
‘woman’s sibling-in-law’ ‘cuñado/cuñada de hembra’ *jawan
‘man’s brother-in-law’ ‘cuñado de varón’ *b’aal (Wa+Yu+Tz+Mam)
‘man’s father-in-law; man’s son-in-law’ ‘suegro de hombre; yerno de *nhiiʔ
‘woman’s parent-in-law; daughter-in-law’ ‘suegro/suegra de mujer; nuera’ *ʔalʔiib’
‘its corner’ ‘su esquina’ *u+xikin *ITS EAR
‘on top of it’ ‘encima de ello’ *tya+ u+b’aah *AT ITS HEAD
‘its tip’ ‘su punta’ *u+wiʔ *ITS HEAD/HAIR
‘handle; stalk’ ‘cabo, mango; tallo’ *r+aqan *ITS LEG/FOOT
‘under it’ ‘debajo de ello’ *r+ahlaanh *ITS UNDERNEATHNESS
‘corner, side’ ‘esquina, lado’ *xuk
‘earth’ ‘tierra’ *kab’
‘sky’ ‘cielo’ *kaʔnh
‘thunder’ ‘trueno’ *kahoq
‘rain’ ‘lluvia’ *nhab’
‘wind’ ‘viento’, ‘air’ ‘aire’ *ʔiʔq’
‘moon’ ‘luna’ *ʔiik’
‘sun, day, time, festival’ ‘sol, día, tiempo, fiesta’ *q’iinh
‘how much?, how many?’ ‘¿cuánto?, ¿cuántos?’ *jar-ub’
‘one’ ‘uno’ *juun
‘two’ ‘dos’ *kaʔ-ib’ [sic]
‘three’ ‘tres’ *ʔoox-ib’ /ʔoxib’/ [sic]
‘four’ ‘cuatro’ *kaanh-ib’ /kanhib’/ [sic]
‘5’ *Hoʔ-oob’
‘6’ *waqaq-iib’
‘7’ *huuq-uub’ /huquub’/
‘8’ *waqxaq-iib’
‘9’ *b’eleenh-eeb’ /b’elenheeb’/
‘10’ *lajuunh-eeb’ /lajunheeb’/
‘x20’ *=winaq
‘20’ *jun=winaq
‘100’ *Hoʔ=winaq
‘100’ *Hoʔ=k’ahl
‘to count it’ ‘contarlo(s)’ *ʔaj (vt)
‘fore-finger; hand-span’ ‘dedo índice; cuarta’ *k’ut.u(u)b’
‘to point at it, show it’ *k’ut (vt)
‘fire’ ‘fuego, lumbre’ *q’ahq’
‘ashes; quicklime’ ‘ceniza(s); cal’ *tyaʔnh
‘firewood’ ‘leña’ *siiʔ
‘dancing’ ‘baile’ *b’ix
‘musical instrument’ ‘instrumento músico’ *waj.b’
‘flute, whistle’ ‘chirimía, flauta, pito’ *suub’
‘enchantment, witching’ ‘encanto, brujería’ *laab’
‘to sleep’ ‘dormir’ *war (vi)
‘needle’ ‘aguja’ *tz’is.Vb’
‘to weave it’ ‘tejerlo’ *kem (vt)
‘men’s pants [with long legs, short legs, or no legs]’ ‘calzón’ *weex
‘bead; necklace’ ‘perla, cuenta; collar, gargantilla’ *ʔuuh
‘obsidian’ ‘obsidiana’ *tyaah
‘string, cord, rope; vine’ ‘cuerda, pita, lazo; bejuco’ *k’aj/haanh/m (*j ~ *h, *nh ~ *m)
‘quern’ ‘metate, piedra de moler’ *kaaʔ
‘ladder’ ‘escalera’ *ʔehb’ (WAS+LL+QEQ)
‘water jug’; ‘water gourd’; ‘gourd dipper’ ‘cántaro’; ‘tecomate’; ‘jícara’ *mul (WAS+GK)
‘bowl’ ‘escudilla, plato hondo’ *la(a)q
‘water gourd’ ‘tecomate’ *tzuhh
‘gourd dipper or bowl’ ‘guacal, jícara’ #tzimah
‘bed; rack’ ‘cama; tapesco’ *ch’aaq
‘house; container’ ‘casa; recipiente’ *ʔatyooty ~ *ʔatyuuty
‘road’ ‘camino’ *b’eeh cf. *b’eh ‘to go’
‘dream’ ‘sueño’ *watyik’/b’
‘rattle’ ‘chinchín’ *chiC.chiC
‘sneezing’ ‘estornudar’ *hat’is ~ *hat’ix ~ *hach’ix, etc.

Lower-level Mayan reconstructions

English gloss Spanish gloss Scientific name Proto-Southern Mayan Proto-Central Mayan Proto-Eastern Mayan Proto-Western Mayan Notes
‘domestic animal’ ‘animal doméstico’ *ʔaalaq’
‘howler monkey’ ‘zarahuato’ Alouatta *b’aʔtz’
‘spider monkey’ ‘mono araña’ Ateles (WM+Yu?) *maax [diffused]
‘long-tailed monkey; howler monkey’ ‘mico, mono; zarahuato’ *k’ooy
‘mountain cow, tapir’ ‘danta’ Tapirus *tixl
‘dog’ ‘perro’ Canis familiaris *tz’iʔ
‘skunk’ Conepatus leuconotus / Conepatus semistriatus *pahar
‘squirrel’ ‘ardilla’ Sciurus *kuʔk
‘rabbit’ ‘conejo’ Sylvilagus *ʔimul
‘mouse’ ‘ratón’ Mus *ch’oʔh
‘nine-banded armadillo’ Dasypus novemcinctus *ʔib’
‘female bird; vulva’ ‘pájaro hembra; vulva’ *tuʔx
‘male bird’ ‘pájaro varón/macho’ *(ʔaj=)tzooʔ
‘turkey’ ‘guajolote’ Meleagris gallopavo *ʔak’ [meaning mostly shifted to ‘chicken’]
‘wild turkey’ ‘pavo de monte’ Meleagris gallopavo (EM+QaP+Ch) *ʔak’.aach [meaning mostly shifted to ‘turkey’]
‘sparrow hawk, kestrel’ ‘gavilancillo’ Falco sparverius #liK.liK
‘buzzard, vulture’ ‘zopilote’ Cathartes sp. (EM+Yu) *k’uty
‘(barn) owl’ ‘tecolote, búho’ Bubo *ʔikiin
‘boat-tailed grackle’ ‘zanate’ Quiscalus (LL+WM) *q’aʔaw
‘turtle-dove’ ‘tortolita’ Streptopelia? *(ʔix=)muukuur
‘wild dove’ ‘paloma silvestre’ Columba *(ʔix=)pumuuy
‘parrot, parakeet’ ‘loro, perico, chocoyo, cotorra’ Psittaciformes (LL+WM) *ty’e(e)l
‘parrot, parakeet’ ‘loro, perico, chocoyo, cotorra’ Psittaciformes *k’e(e)l
‘macaw’ ‘guacamaya’ Ara *mooʔ
‘macaw’ (‘red x’) ‘guacamaya’ Ara *kaqiix
‘woodpecker; mockingbird’ ‘pájaro carpintero; cenzontle’ Picidae; Mimus *ty’ejeC
‘quetzal’ Pharomachrus *q’uʔq’
‘bluebird’ ‘pájaro azul’ Sialia mexicana *xeew
‘hummingbird’ ‘chupaflor’ Trochilus *tz’uunuʔn
‘iguana’ Iguana *ʔoohan
‘frog’ ‘rana’ Rana *ʔamooch
‘fish’ ‘pescado, pez’ *kar
‘little fish’ ‘pescadito’ *mutz’utz’
‘snail’ ‘caracol’ Gastropoda *t’oot’
‘snail’ ‘caracol’ Gastropoda *puur
‘fresh-water crab’ ‘cangrejo’ Brachyura (EM+GQ) *tap
‘bedbug’ ‘chinche’ Cimex *poty’
‘nit’ ‘liendre’ *u+tzaaʔ ʔuk’ (‘its-shit-of louse’)
‘(body) louse’ ‘piojo (del cuerpo)’ Pediculus humanus humanus *saq ʔuk’
‘grub’ ‘gusano’ *jut
‘chigger’ ‘nigua’ Tunga penetrans *jut
‘wasp’ ‘avispa’ Vespidae *hoonon
‘bumblebee’ ‘abejorro’ Bombus *hoonon
‘wasp(’s nest)’ *ʔahqaanh [a similar-sounding pSokean form *7okʉwVC is reflected in WAS, TZE, and TOJ]
‘honey(-bee)’ ‘abeja, colmena’ Apis *kaab’
‘beeswax’ *(ʔix=)kab’
‘gnat’ ‘mosquito’ Culex *ʔus
‘fly’ ‘mosca’ Diptera *ʔus
‘mosquito’ ‘zancudo’ Anopheles *xeʔn
‘cricket’ ‘grillo’ Gryllidae *chiil..
‘grasshopper’ ‘saltamontes’ Caelifera *chiil..
‘cricket’ ‘grillo’ Gryllidae *lool
‘locust, cicada’ ‘chicharra, cigarra’ Cicadidae *lool
‘grasshopper’ ‘saltamontes, chapulín’ Caelifera *lool
‘grasshopper’ ‘saltamontes, chafpulín’ Caelifera *sahk’
‘locust, cicada’ ‘chicharra, cigarra’ Cicadidae *sahk’
‘butterfly’ ‘mariposa’ Rhopalocera *pehpen
‘lightning bug, firefly’ ‘luciérnaga’ Lampyridae *kuhkaʔy [diffused]
‘earth-worm’ ‘lombriz’ Lumbricina (LL+WM) *luqum
‘pit, kernel’ *nahq’
‘plant blight; dead leaves; flaky bark of gumbolimbo’ ‘plaga, argenio; broza; palo jiote’ *soj (Yu+MCH+KCH)
‘onion cordia, Spanish elm’ ‘laurel blanco’ Cordia alliodora *sanik tyeeʔ [literally ‘ant tree’]
‘elephant ear’ ‘conacaste, guanacast(l)e’ Enterolobium cyclocarpum *piit
‘white sapote, Mexican apple’ ‘matasano’ Casimiroa edulis *ʔaajaaw=tyeeʔ [literally ‘lord tree’]
‘sapodilla, naseberry’ ‘chicozapote, zapotillo’ Manilkara zapota *muuy
‘soursop’ ‘anona’ Annona muricata *k’iwex
‘Nectandra’ ‘aguacatillo’ Nectandra *tzitz
‘wild cacao’ ‘pataxte’ Theobroma cacao *peeq [this may have meant ‘undifferentiated cacao’ before the introduction of #KaKaw]
‘sweet cassava’ ‘yuca’ Manihot esculenta *tz’iin
‘pine’ ‘pino, ocote’ Pinus *tyaj
‘cypress’ ‘ciprés’ Cupressus spp. *k’isiis
‘tropical cedar’ ‘cedro’ Cedrela odorata (LL+WM) *k’uh=tyeeʔ [lit. ‘god tree’]
‘oak’ ‘encino, roble’ Quercus spp. *jih
‘oak’ ‘encino, roble’ Quercus spp. *jih
‘annatto’ ‘achiote’ Bixa orellana *k’uxub’
‘annatto’ ‘achiote’ Bixa orellana *hoʔox
‘palm’ ‘palma’ Arecaceae *xaʔnh
‘parlor palm’ ‘pacaya’ Chamaedorea elegans *k’iib’
‘vine’ *ʔaʔq’
‘vine, creeper’ *quul
‘pumpkin’ ‘ayote, calabaza amarilla’ Cucurbita pepo pepo *k’uhm ~ *k’uum
‘pumpkin seed’ ‘pepita de ayote’ *sakiil
‘summer squash’ ‘ayote de tierra fría, güicoy’ Cucurbita pepo (EM+GQ) *muukun
‘winter squash’ ‘chilacayote, tzílaca’ Cucurbita ficifolia (EM+GQ) *q’ohq’
‘soaproot, soapberry’ ‘amole, jabón de monte, jaboncillo’ Sapindus saponaria *ty’
‘tomato’ ‘tomate, jitomate’ Solanum lycopersicum *pixp
‘tomato’ ‘tomate, jitomate’ Solanum lycopersicum EM+ *ʔix=kooyaaʔ [borrowed from Mije-Sokean: pMS *ko:ya:ʔ]
‘herb’ ‘hierba’ *tz’uʔl
‘pot-herbs, greens’ ‘verdura, hierba, quelites’ *ʔiityaaj
‘rattlepod’ ‘chipilín’ Crotalaria (GQ+GM) *ch’aʔb’iʔn
‘cigar’ ‘puro’ *siik’
‘fern’ ‘helecho, palmita’ Pteridium *tzihb’
‘marigold’ ‘flor de muerto’ Tagetes erecta *tuhs
‘sunflower’ ‘girasol, mirasol’ Tithonia rotundifolia *suʔn [KiP is from *suʔun; Yu, TUZ, GM could be from either *suʔun or *suʔn]
‘American black nightshade’ ‘yerbamora’ Solanum americanum *muuh
‘American black nightshade’ ‘yerbamora’ Solanum americanum *ʔiimuʔut
‘grass; thatching’ *ʔaaq
‘straw’ ‘paja’ *k’im
‘cattail’ ‘tule’ Typha *puuj
‘reed’ ‘(caña de) carrizo’ Phragmites australis *ʔaaj
‘young maize ear’ ‘jilote’ *hiʔh
‘pineapple’ ‘piña’ Ananas comosus WM+ *pajk’ [This plant originated in lowland South America, but reached Meso-America in pre-Columbian times.]
‘prickly pear’ ‘nopal, tuna’ Opuntia *pehtaq(’)
‘bromelia’ ‘pie de gallo, tecolúmate’ Bromelia *ʔeek’
‘moss’ ‘musgo’ (EM+GQ) *q’uux
‘type of mushroom’ *q’an=tzuhh (lit. ‘yellow bottlegourd’)
‘weeding corn’ ‘limpia’ *ʔaq’iin
‘maize kernels on or off the cob’ ‘maíz en grano; maíz desgranado’ *ʔix.i.ʔm
‘to toast it, roast it’ ‘tostarlo, dorarlo’ *k’il (vt)
‘to broil it’ ‘asarlo’ (EM+GQ) *b’ol (vt)
‘to mash (chili, tomato) in mortar with pestle’ ‘machacarlo (chile, tomate) en molcajete’ *q’ut (vt)
‘to crush, squash (chili, tomato)’ ‘machacarlo, destriparlo (chile, tomate, olote cocido)’ *puty’ (vt)
‘corn gruel’ ‘atole’ *maatz’
‘corn gruel’ ‘atole’ *ʔuul [from Sokean; pSo *ʔunu < pre-pSo *ʔu:nu]
‘corn gruel’ ‘atole’ (YUK+EM) *saq=Haʔ
‘leached maize, hominy’ ‘nixtamal’ *b’uuch
‘to eat in general’ ‘comer’ *waʔ (vi)
‘to eat crunchy things’ ‘comer cosas tostadas, crujientes’ *k’ux (vt)
‘to eat soft things, fruit, eggs’ ‘comer cosas suaves, frutas, huevos’ *loʔ (vt)
‘sour’ ‘agrio, ácido’ (LL+WM) *paaj ~ *paʔj
‘sick(ness), wound, sore, suffering’ ‘enfermo, enfermedad, herida, llaga, sufrimiento’ *yaaj
‘dumb’ ‘mudo’ *meem
‘medicine’ ‘medicina, remedio’ *tz’ak [cf. pMS *tzok]
‘curing power’ ‘poder del curandero’ (Hue) *kuun
‘curer’ ‘curandero’ *ʔaj=kuun
‘to go, travel, walk’ ‘ir, viajar, andar, caminar’ *beh.i-:n ~ *b’ihn (vi)
‘to go away’ ‘irse’ *xiʔ (vi)
‘to go away’ ‘irse’ (EM+GQ) *ʔoonh (vi)
‘to arrive elsewhere’ ‘llegar en otra parte’ EM+ *ʔapo-:n (vi)
‘to pass by, cross over’ ‘pasar, cruzar’ *q’ahx (vi)
‘to turn it’ ‘darle vuelta, voltearlo’ *sut (vt)
‘to swim’ ‘nadar’ *nuhx (vi)
‘earth to quake’ ‘temblar la tierra’ *nhihk (vi)
‘to run’ ‘correr’ *ʔahn (vi)
‘to run’ ‘correr’ *ʔahnh (vi)
‘to run (away), flee’ ‘correr, huirse’ *ʔahn(h).im.aj (vi)
‘theft’ ‘robo’ *ʔeleq’
‘loan, something borrowed’ ‘préstamo’ *majaan
‘to pay it’ ’pagarlo’ *toj (vt)
‘debt’ ‘deuda’ *k’aas
‘to buy it’ ‘comprarlo’ (LL+WM) *man (vt)
‘market’ ‘mercado, plaza’ *k’iwik
‘gift’ ‘regalo’ *mahtaan
‘gift’ ‘regalo’ *siih
‘to put it’ ‘ponerlo’ *ʔaq’
‘to give it, to put it’ ‘darlo, ponerlo’ *yeʔ (=> yaʔ in KiP)
‘town’ ‘pueblo’ *ʔaamaaq’
‘rich person’ ‘rico, adinerado’ *b’eh.oom
‘rich person’ ‘rico, adinerado’ *q’iinoom
‘tribute, service’ ‘tributo, servicio’ *pataan
‘to send him, order him’ ‘enviarlo, mandarlo, obligarlo’ *taq (vt)
‘slave’ ‘esclavo’ *muun
‘female; woman’ ‘hembra; mujer’ *ʔix.oq
‘male’ ‘varón, macho’ *xiib’
‘step-mother’ ‘madrasta’ *chuchuʔ
‘father’ ‘padre’ [diffused] #TaaT
‘man’s son’ ‘hijo de hombre’ (EM+GQ) *k’aajol
‘man’s son’ ‘hijo de hombre’ *nity’an
‘same sex elder sibling’ ‘hermano/hermana mayor del mismo sexo’ *ʔatz [borrowed from pSokean *ʔatzi ‘elder male kinsman’]
‘same sex elder sibling’ ‘hermano/hermana mayor del mismo sexo’ LL *sakuʔn
‘elder brother’ ‘hermano mayor’ *ʔ
‘man’s sister’ ‘hermana de varón’ EM+Qa *ʔaanaab’
‘same sex younger sibling’ ‘hermano/hermana menor del mismo sexo’ (Yu+WM+GM) *ʔihtz’iin
‘same sex younger sibling’ ‘hermano/hermana menor del mismo sexo’ (Yu+Ch+GK) *tyaaq’
‘woman’s brother’ ‘hermano de hembra’ *xib’.aal [based on *xiib’ ‘male’]
‘wife; older woman’ ‘esposa; viej(it)a’ (LL+WM) *ʔanat
‘wife’ ‘esposa’ (YUK+Ki) *ʔix=nhaah.iil
‘old man; man; husband’ ‘viejo; hombre; marido’ (Yu+GQ+GM) *ʔiitaam
‘man’s sister-in-law’ ‘cuñada de varón’ *ʔix=naʔm
‘its (sharp) edge’ ‘su filo’ *r+eeh *ITS FRONT.TOOTH
‘its edge’ ‘su orilla’ *u+tyiiʔ *ITS MOUTH
‘door’ ‘puerta’ *u+tyiiʔ nhaah *ITS-MOUTH of-HOUSE, ‘house’s mouth’
‘its bottom’ ‘su fondo’ *r+iit *ITS ARSE
‘in front of it’ ‘en frente de ello’ *tya+ u+Haty *AT ITS FACE/EYE
‘handle’ ‘cabo, mango’ *r+ooq *ITS LEG/FOOT
‘tear(s)’ ‘lágrima(s)’ *r+Haʔ-aal (ERG+)Haty *ITS-WATER of-FACE/EYE, ‘face’s water’
‘branch(es)’ ‘rama(s)’ *u+q’ab’ tyeeʔ *ITS-ARM of-TREE, ‘tree’s arm’
‘sea-coast’ ‘la costa del Pacífico’ *malaaj [areal?]
‘field, plain, flat place’ ‘campo, llano, planada’ *taq’aanh
‘lake, sea’ ‘lago, laguna, mar’ *najb’
‘mountain, hill’ ‘cerro’ *witz
‘frost’ ‘helada’ *tahiiw [only exists above 6,000 feet]
‘hail’ ‘granizo’ *b’aty
‘year’ ‘año’ *haʔb’
‘star’ ‘estrella’ (GLL+QEQ) *ʔeeq’
‘star’ ‘estrella’ *ch’umiil
‘day-keeper, calendar priest’ ‘sacerdote Maya’ (EM+LL) *ʔaj=q’iinh
‘during the day’ ‘durante el día, de día’ *tya+ q’iinh
‘yesterday’ ‘ayer’ *ʔeew.ii(r)
‘before, a long time ago’ ‘antes, hace mucho tiempo’ *ʔoonh.eer
‘first’ ‘primero’ *b’ah
‘first’ ‘primero’ *nah
‘12’ *kab’=lajuunh
‘12’ *laj=kaʔ/b’
‘13’ *ʔoox=lajuunh /ʔoxlajuunh/
‘14’ *kaanh=lajuunh /kanhlajuunh/
‘15’ *Hoʔ=lajuunh
‘16’ *waqaq=lajuunh
‘17’ *huuq=lajuunh /huqlajuunh/
‘18’ *waqxaq=lajuunh
‘19’ *b’eleenh=lajuunh /b’elenhlajuunh/
‘x20’ *=k’ahl
‘30’ *lajuunh u+kaʔ=winaq
‘40’ *kaʔ=winaq
‘40’ *kaʔ=k’ahl
‘50’ *lajuunh r+oox=k’ahl /.. roxk’ahl/
‘60’ *ʔoox=k’ahl /ʔoxk’ahl/
‘120’ *waqaq=k’ahl
‘160’ *waqxaq=k’ahl
‘200’ *lajuunh=k’ahl /lajunhk’ahl/
‘measuring cord’ ‘cuerda para medir’ *ʔeht
‘mark, sign, foot-print’ ‘seña, huella’ *r+eht.aal
‘smoke’ ‘humo’ *sib’
‘toy’ ‘juguete’ *ʔaalaʔs
‘to sing’ ‘cantar’ *b’ity (vi)
‘pine needles’ ‘juncia, hoja de pino’ *xaaq(-i) tyaj
‘copal incense’ ‘copal’ Bursera bipinnata, Bursera tomentosa *poom [from pMS *po:mʉʔ]
‘animal spirit-companion/counterpart; shape-shifter’ ‘contraparte animal, tonal; nahual’ *wa(h)r [probably based on the root √war ‘to sleep’]
‘cotton’ ‘algodón’ Gossypium *tyiinh
‘cottonseed’ ‘semilla de algodón’ *tuhx
‘cotton (thread); clothing’ ‘(hilo de) algodón; ropa’ *nooq’
‘spindlewhorl’ ‘malacate, huso’ *pet.eht
‘to sew it’ ‘coserlo, costurarlo’ *tz’is (vt)
‘comb’ ‘peine’ *xih.ab’
‘nest; blanket’ ‘nido; cobija, chamarra’ *q’uuʔ
‘clothing’ ‘ropa’ *b’uhq
‘mask’ ‘máscara’ *k’ooj [diffused]
‘to paint it, dye it’ ‘pintarlo, teñirlo’ *b’on (vt)
‘writing’ ‘escritura’ *tz’ihb’
‘to write it’ ‘ecribirlo’ *tz’ihb’.a (vt)
‘stone’ ‘piedra’ (Yu+WM) *toonh
‘stone’ ‘piedra’ *ʔaʔb’aj
‘flint’ ‘pedernal’ *tyooq’
‘muller’ ‘mano de metate, mano de piedra’ *u+q’ab’ kaaʔ
‘wooden platform for quern support’ ‘tabla de molendero’ *ʔaq’een
‘whetstone’ ‘piedra de afilar’ *huʔx [Stone tools are sharpened with other types of stone.]
‘axe’ ‘hacha’ *ʔikaj
‘mirror’ ‘espejo’ *lem
‘net bag; shoulder bag’ ‘red, matate; morral, bolsa’ *chiim
‘bag’ ‘bolsa’ *ty’uʔuy
‘basket with handles’ ‘canasta con argollas/agarrador’ *xuʔuk
‘water jar’ ‘cántaro, tinaja’ *q’i(h)b’
‘gourd dipper’ ‘guacal, jícara’ *johm
‘dugout; trough’ ‘canoa; batea, comedero’ *jukuub’
‘canoe, raft’ ‘canoa, balsa’ *tyem
‘dugout; trough’ ‘canoa; batea, comedero’ *jukuub’
‘canoe, raft’ ‘canoa, balsa’ *tyem
‘hammock’ ‘hamaca’ *ʔaab’ [introduced after 1300 CE]
‘seat, bench’ ‘asiento, banco’ *teem
‘seat, bench’ ‘asiento, banco’ *q’ahnh
‘house; dwelling’ ‘casa; domicilio’ *nhaah
‘shack, hut’ ‘choza, jacal’ *paat
‘bridge’ ‘puente’ *q’aH..
‘being there, existing’ ‘que está, que hay’ *ʔar
‘to come to an end’ ‘acabarse, terminarse’ *laaj
‘load’ ‘carga’ *ʔihq(atz)
‘to carry it’ ‘cargarlo’ *ʔihq.a (vt)
‘to recognize it’ ‘conocerlo’ *ʔojtyaq.i (vt)

See also



  1. ^ Kaufman, Terrence (2017). Aspects of the lexicon of proto-Mayan and its earliest descendant. In: Judith L. Aissen, Nora C. England, and Roberto Zavala Maldonado (eds). The Mayan languages, 62-111. Routledge language family series. New York: Routledge.
Vocabulary lists of Amerindian languages
North America

Amerindian • p-Amerind • p-Eskimo • p-Na-Dene • p-Athabaskan • p-Algonquian • Beothuk • p-Iroquoian • p-Siouan • Caddoan • Yuchi • Kutenai • Chinook • p-Sahaptian • p-Takelman • p-Kalapuyan • Alsea • p-Wintun • Klamath • Molala • Cayuse • Coos • Lower Umpqua • p-Utian • p-Yokuts • p-Maidun • p-Salishan • p-Wakashan • p-Chimakuan • p-Hokan • p-Palaihnihan • Chimariko • Shasta • Yana • p-Pomo • Esselen • Salinan • p-Chumash • Waikuri • p-Yuman • p-Yukian • Washo • p-Kiowa-Tanoan • p-Keresan • Coahuilteco • Comecrudo • Cotoname • Karankawa • Tonkawa • Maratino • Quinigua • Naolan • p-Muskogean • Natchez (Swadesh) • Atakapa • Adai • Timucua

Central America

p-Oto-Manguean • p-Oto-Pamean • p-Central Otomian • p-Otomi • p-Popolocan (p-Mazatec) • p-Chinantec • p-Mixtec • p-Zapotec • p-Uto-Aztecan • p-Aztecan • Purépecha (Swadesh) • Cuitlatec • p-Totozoquean • p-Totonacan • p-Mixe-Zoquean • Highland Chontal • Huamelultec • Tequistlatec • p-Huave • p-Mayan (Swadesh) • Xinca • p-Jicaque • p-Lencan • Lenca • p-Misumalpan

South America

p-Cariban • p-Taranoan • p-Chibchan • p-Barbacoan • Páez • p-Pano-Takanan • p-Panoan • p-Makú • Hupda • p-Tukanoan • p-Arawan • Harákmbut–Katukinan • p-Cahuapanan • p-Choco • p-Guahiban • p-Shuar • Candoshi • p-Shuar-Candoshi • Achuar • p-Nambikwaran • Tinigua • Timote • p-Lule-Vilela • Vilela • Chamacoco • Allentiac • Chaná • Arutani-Sape • p-Bora-Muinane • Bora • p-Witotoan • Witoto • p-Macro-Daha • Sáliba • Piaroa • Ticuna • Yuri • Caraballo • Andoque • p-Mataguayo • p-Guaicurú • Guachí • Payagua • Mura • Pirahã • Matanawi • Quechumaran • Quechuan • p-Zaparoan • p-Peba-Yagua • Iquito • p-Chapacuran • Andaqui • Guamo • Betoi • Kamsá • Otomacoan • Jirajaran • Hibito-Cholon • Cholón • Sechura-Catacao • Sechura • Culli • Mochica • Esmeralda • Taushiro • Urarina • Aiwa • Canichana • Guató • Irantxe • Aikanã • Kanoé (Swadesh) • Kwaza • Mato Grosso Arára • Munichi • Omurano • Puinave • Leco • Puquina • Ramanos • Warao • Yaruro • Yuracaré • Yurumangui

South America (NE Brazil)

Katembri • Taruma • Yatê • Xukurú • Natú • Pankararú • Tuxá • Atikum • Kambiwá • Xokó • Baenan • Kaimbé • Tarairiú • Gamela

South America (Arawakan)

p-Arawakan • p-Japurá-Colombia • p-Lokono-Guajiro • Wayuu • p-Mamoré-Guaporé • p-Bolivia • p-Mojeño • p-Purus

South America (Macro-Jê)

p-Macro-Jê • Rikbaktsa • p-Jê • Jeikó • p-Jabuti • p-Kamakã • Kamakã • Maxakali • Chiquitano • Dzubukua • Oti • p-Puri • p-Bororo

South America (Tupian)

p-Tupian • Puruborá • Karo • p-Tupari • p-Maweti-Guarani • p-Tupi-Guarani • Guaraní