Rafael Sabatini
Rafael Sabatini | |
(1924) | |
Bizitza | |
Jaiotza | Jesi, 1875eko apirilaren 29a |
Herrialdea | Erresuma Batua Britainia Handia eta Irlandako Erresuma Batua Italiako Erresuma (1875eko apirilaren 29a - 1946ko ekainaren 18a) Italia (1946ko ekainaren 18a - 1950eko otsailaren 13a) |
Heriotza | Wikon, 1950eko otsailaren 13a (74 urte) |
Hezkuntza | |
Hizkuntzak | ingelesa |
Jarduerak | |
Jarduerak | idazlea, itzultzailea, eleberrigilea, gidoilaria eta zientzia-fikzio idazlea |
Lan nabarmenak | ikusi
Rafael Sabatini (Jesi, 1875eko apirilaren 29a - Adelboden, 1950eko otsailaren 13a) italo-ingeles eleberrigilea izan zen.
Aita italiarra zuen eta ama, berriz, ingelesa. Biak opera kantariak ziren eta gero irakasleak. Bost hizkuntza hitz egiten zituen arren, Sabatinik ingelesez idaztea aukeratu zuen. 1902an idatzi zuen bere lehen eleberria, baina 1921era arte ez zuen arrakasta lortu Scaramouche eleberriarekin. Bere eleberri batzuek zinema mutuko filmak inspiratu zituzten. Abenturazko 34 eleberri idatzi zituen, baita istorio laburrak, antzezlanak eta ez-fikziozko liburuak ere.
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Sailak
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]Scaramouche
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Scaramouche (1921)
- Scaramouche the King-Maker (1931)
Captain Blood
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Tales of the Brethren of the Main
- Captain Blood (1922)
- Captain Blood Returns (1931)
- The Fortunes of Captain Blood (1936)
Beste eleberri batzuk
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Lovers of Yvonne (1902)
- The Tavern Knight (1904)
- Bardelys the Magnificent (1906)
- The Trampling of the Lilies (1906)
- Love-At-Arms: Being a narrative excerpted from the chronicles of Urbino during the dominion of the High and Mighty Messer Guidobaldo da Montefeltro (1907)
- The Shame of Motley (1908)
- St. Martin's Summer (edo The Queen's Messenger, 1909)
- Mistress Wilding (edo Anthony Wilding, 1910)
- The Lion's Skin (1911)
- The Strolling Saint (1913)
- The Gates of Doom (1914)
- The Sea Hawk (1915)
- The Snare (1917)
- Fortune's Fool (1923)
- The Carolinian (1924)
- Bellarion the Fortunate (1926)
- The Nuptials of Corbal (1927)
- The Hounds of God (1928)
- The Romantic Prince (1929)
- The Reaping (1929)
- The King's Minion (edo The Minion, 1930)
- The Black Swan (1932)
- The Stalking Horse (1933)
- Venetian Masque (1934)
- Chivalry (1935)
- The Lost King (1937)
- The Sword of Islam (1939)
- The Marquis of Carabas (edo Master-At-Arms, 1940)
- Columbus (1941)
- King in Prussia (edo The Birth of Mischief, 1944)
- The Gamester (1949)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Justice of the Duke (1912)
- The Honour of Varano
- The Test Ferrante's jest
- Gismondi's wage
- The Snare
- The Lust of Conquest
- The pasquinade
- The Banner of the Bull (1915)
- Turbulent Tales (1946)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- Bardelys the Magnificent (Henry Hamiltonekin)
- Fugitives
- In the Snare (Leon M. Lionekin)
- Scaramouche
- The Rattlesnake (edo The Carolinian, 1922, J. E. Harold Terryrekin)
- The Tyrant: An Episode in the Career of Cesare Borgia, a Play in Four Acts (1925)
[aldatu | aldatu iturburu kodea]- The Life of Cesare Borgia (1912)
- Torquemada and the Spanish Inquisition: A History (1913)
- The Historical Nights' Entertainment (1917)
- The night of Holyrood – The Murder of David Rizzio
- The night of Kirk O'Field – The Murder of Darnley
- The night of Bertrayal – Antonio Perez and Philip II of Spain
- The night of Charity – The Case of the Lady Alice Lisle
- The night of Massacre – The Story of the Saint Bartholomew
- The night of Witchcraft – Louis XIV and Madame De Montespan
- The night of Gems – The "Affairs" Of The Queen's Necklace
- The night of Terror – The Drownings at Nantes Under Carrier
- The night of Nuptials – Charles The Bold And Sapphira Danvelt
- The night of Stranglers – Govanna of Naples And Andreas of Hungary
- The night of Hate – The Murder of the Duke of Gandia
- The night of Escape – Casanova's Escape From The Piombi
- The night of Masquerade – The Assassination of Gustavus III of Sweden
- The Historical Nights' Entertainment – Series 2 (1919)
- The absolution – Affonso Henriques, first king of Portugal
- The false Demetrius – Boris Godunov and the pretended son of Ivan the Terrible
- The hermosa fembra – an episode of the Inquisition in Seville
- The pastry-cook of Madrigal – the story of the false Sebastian of Portugal
- The end of the "vert galant" – the assassination of Henry IV
- The barren wooing – the murder of Amy Robsart
- Sir Judas – the betrayal of Sir Walter Raleigh
- His Insolence of Buckingham – George Villiers' courtship of Anne of Austria
- The path of exile – the fall of Lord Clarendon
- The tragedy of Herrenhausen – Count Philip Königsmark and the Princess Sophia Dorothea
- The tyrannicide – Charlotte Corday and Jean Paul Marat
- The Historical Nights' Entertainment – Series 3 (1938)
- The king's conscience – Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
- Jane the queen – The Lady Jane Grey
- The 'crooked carcase' – Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex
- The forbidden fruit – The Marriage of the Lady Arabella Stuart
- The merchant's daughter – Catherine de' Medici and the Guises
- The king of Paris – The Assassination of Henri de Guise
- The tragedy of Madame – The End of Henriette d'Angleterre
- The vagabond queen – Christine of Sweden and the Murder of Monaldeschi
- The queen's gambit – Maria-Theresa and the Elector of Bavaria
- The secret adversary – The Rise and Fall of Johann Frederich Struensee
- Madam Resourceful – Catherine of Russia and Poniatowski
- The victor of vendémiaire – Barras' Account of Bonaparte's Courtship of La Montansier
- Heroic Lives (1934)