
    1. Frankenstein or a Submarine Alkaline Vent: Who Is Responsible for Abiogenesis?: Part 1: What is... 2018

      Branscomb, Elbert; Russell, Michael J

      Bio Essays, Vol. 40, Issue 7.

      Origin of life models based on "energized assemblages of building blocks" are untenable in principle. This is fundamentally a consequence of the fact that any living system is in a physical state t... Read more

      Origin of life models based on "energized assemblages of building blocks" are untenable in principle. This is fundamentally a consequence of the fact that any living system is in a physical state that is extremely far from equilibrium, a condition it must itself build and sustain. This in turn requires that it carries out all of its molecular transformations-obligatorily those that convert, and thereby create, disequilibria-using case-specific mechanochemical macromolecular machines. Mass-action solution chemistry is quite unable to do this. We argue in Part 2 of this series that this inherent dependence of life on disequilibria-converting macromolecular machines is also an obligatory requirement for life at its emergence. Therefore, life must have been launched by the operation of abiotic macromolecular machines driven by abiotic, but specifically "life-like", disequilibria, coopted from mineral precipitates that are chemically and physically active. Models grounded in "chemistry-in-a-bag" ideas, however energized, should not be considered. Read less

      Journal Article  |  Full Text Online

    2. Abiogenesis through gradual evolution of autocatalysis into template‐based replication 2023

      Pavlinova, Polina; Lambert, Camille N.; Malaterre, Christophe; Nghe, Philippe

      Febs Letters, Vol. 597, Issue 3, pp. 344 - 379.

      How life emerged from inanimate matter is one of the most intriguing questions posed to modern science. Central to this research are experimental attempts to build systems capable of Darwinian evol... Read more

      How life emerged from inanimate matter is one of the most intriguing questions posed to modern science. Central to this research are experimental attempts to build systems capable of Darwinian evolution. RNA catalysts (ribozymes) are a promising avenue, in line with the RNA world hypothesis whereby RNA pre‐dated DNA and proteins. Since evolution in living organisms relies on template‐based replication, the identification of a ribozyme capable of replicating itself (an RNA self‐replicase) has been a major objective. However, no self‐replicase has been identified to date. Alternatively, autocatalytic systems involving multiple RNA species capable of ligation and recombination may enable self‐reproduction. However, it remains unclear how evolution could emerge in autocatalytic systems. In this review, we examine how experimentally feasible RNA reactions catalysed by ribozymes could implement the evolutionary properties of variation, heredity and reproduction, and ultimately allow for Darwinian evolution. We propose a gradual path for the emergence of evolution, initially supported by autocatalytic systems leading to the later appearance of RNA replicases. In this review, we examine how rudimentary forms of evolution may have started in autocatalytic RNA networks and subsequently led to the appearance of RNA replicases, allowing life to emerge from inanimate matter. Read less

      Journal Article  |  Full Text Online

    3. Cysteine Chemistry in Connection with Abiogenesis 2020

      Shalayel, Ibrahim; Youssef‐Saliba, Sparta; Vazart, Fanny; Ceccarelli, Cecilia...

      European Journal Of Organic Chemistry, Vol. 2020, Issue 20, pp. 3019 - 3023.

      Theoretical and experimental work has been conducted about possible prebiotic syntheses of cysteine. Activated derivatives of this amino acid can oligomerize and polymerize to afford various poly‐t... Read more

      Theoretical and experimental work has been conducted about possible prebiotic syntheses of cysteine. Activated derivatives of this amino acid can oligomerize and polymerize to afford various poly‐thiazolines and cysteine‐rich chains. Theoretical and experimental work has been conducted about possible prebiotic syntheses of cysteine. Activated derivatives of this amino acid are able to oligomerize and polymerize to afford various poly‐thiazolines and cysteine‐rich chains. Read less

      Journal Article  |  Full Text Online

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    Books & Media

    1. Critiques and addresses

      by Thomas Huxley.

      Hunt Q171 .H914 | Book

    2. Self-Organization as a New Paradigm in Evolutionary Biology : From Theory to Applied Cases in the...

      edited by Anne Dambricourt Malassé.

      Online Resources QH359 -425 ebook | Book

    3. Evolution, Development and Complexity : Multiscale Evolutionary Models of Complex Adaptive Systems

      edited by Georgi Yordanov Georgiev, John M. Smart, Claudio L. Flores Martinez...

      Online Resources QC174.7 -175.36 ebook | Book

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