ジャン・ヴェベ Jean Veber | |
自画像 | |
生誕 |
1864年2月13日 フランス,パリ |
死没 |
1928年11月28日 フランス,パリ |
ジャン・ヴェベ(Jean Veber、1864年2月13日 - 1928年11月28日)はフランスのカリカチュア、アーティスト。
[編集]パリで生まれた。イラストレーターとしての訓練を受けた後、兄の薦めに従って、パリの文芸誌、「ジル・ブラス」の挿絵画家となった。1897年にプロイセン王国の宰相、オットー・フォン・ビスマルクを自国民を屠殺する肉屋に戯画化したことにより大きな論争を呼んだ。ヴェベの漫画は、他の雑誌、「ラシエット・オ・ブール」や 「ル・リール」にも掲載された。
Jean Veber is quite a peculiar phenomenon which has not yet been deservedly appreciated. On one characteristic ground: because he never understood how to be solemn; because he seems not to take himself or his art seriously. He began as a caricature draughtsman for Boulevard papers, and only when his vocation for this peculiar province was well established, did he exhibit oil-paintings. But he was already labelled, and people continue to regard him merely as a comic draughtsman. The public refuses to allow a double renown to a single talent. [...] Jean Veber is the descendant in the direct line of the younger David Teniers, the Adriaen Brouwers, and the Hollen-Breughels. From them he derives his full style of painting, his deep, rich colours, his great sureness and luxuriance of execution, his clear composition and florid imagination. He differs, however, from them in the quality of his fancy which delights in symbols replete with philosophical references; frequently in Saadic spectacles of cruelty and lust, and very often in lubricities of the Félicien Rops kind. This is the effect of the hundred and fifty to three hundred years which separate him from his more innocent spiritual ancestors.[1]
L'Impudique Albion (1901)
L'arracheuse de dents, 1904
Le hochet de la République, 1904
Les Parisiens tirant le diable par la queue, musée Carnavalet
[編集]- レジオンドヌール勲章(シュヴァリエ), 1907
- レジオンドヌール勲章(オフィシエ), 1920[2]
[編集]- ^ Nordau, Max (1907). On Art and Artists. Philadelphia: G.W. Jacobs, pp. 264–66.
- ^ [1]