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Kalbajar Rayon

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Cairt o Azerbaijan shawin Kalbajar (red) rayon. Pairt o the rayon (the daurk green area) is pairt o Nagorno-Karabakh, the local province o Martakert.

Kalbajar (Azerbaijani: Kəlbəcər) is a rayon o Azerbaijan. Kalbajar is a Kurdish name meaning Stane City. The entire region is currently unner the control o Armenie forces that caw the wastren hauf Karvajar. The eastren hauf is offeecially pairt o Nagorno-Karabakh, makin up pairt o the Martakert Province. The Azeri an Kurdish population o Kalbajar wur displaced bi the fechtin an currently live as internally displaced bodies in ither regions o Azerbaijan.


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Dadivank monastery

The Armenie name o the destrict is Karvachar (Armenie: Քարվաճառ), that corresponds tae the auncient destrict o Vaykunik, ane o 12 cantons o Artsakh (historical Nagorno-Karabakh) [1]. It wis kent as Upper-Khachen or Tsar (efter its chief toun) an aa, an wis ruled bi ane o the branches o the Hoose o Khachen, that haudit it til the Roushie conquest o the Karabakh region in the early 19t century.[1]

In the early 17t century maist o the oreeginal Armenian population o Kalbajar wis deportit bi Abbas I an eventually Kurds sattlit the area as they did in the neeburin Qashatagh [1].

In the time o Kurdistan Uyezd, the Kalbajar region wis a predominantly Kurdish inhabitit area.[2]. Efter deportation o the Kurds unner Joseph Stalin, Azeris constitutit the main pairt o the population.

As a result o the Nagorno-Karabakh War, the area wis taken bi Armenie forces in 1992. Subsequently the Azeri population fled the region.

Cultural monuments

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Karvachar is rich in Armenian monuments numberin close tae 750, whilk include monasteries, kirks, chapels, fortresses, khachkars an inscriptions.[1] The maist important o them is the monastery o Dadivank.[1]

Unner Armenie Control

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The destrict wis made intae the province o Shahumyan, ane o the 8 provinces o NKR. The province remains the least populatit o the NKR provinces wi a tot population o 2,800. The toun o Karvachar is hame tae 500 fowk.[3]

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  1. a b c d e Robert H. Hewsen, Armenia: A Historical Atlas. The University of Chicago Press, 2001, pp. 40, 101-102, 264-265.
  2. Thomas Glotz, Azerbaijan Diary: A Rogue Reporter's Adventures in an Oil-Rich, War-Torn, Post-Soviet Republic, 496 pp., M.E. Sharpe Publishers, 1998, ISBN 0765602431, p.322
  3. Armeniapedia, Karvachar

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