Welcome to the De Ricci Digitized Archive Name Game! You must create an account or log in to play.

The De Ricci Digitized Archive Name Game

The Wheel of Progress

Seymour Montefiore Robert Rosso de Ricci (1881-1942) created over 60,000 index cards for his unfinished Bibliotheca Britannica Manuscripta project, all of which have been converted to pdf files to form the Seymour de Ricci Bibliotheca Britannica Manuscripta Digitized Archive. These cards contain a wealth of information about collectors, collections, sale results, former shelfmarks, bibliography, and many other notable things about manuscripts and their owners.

A section of the archive is dedicated to collectors and repositories and organized by name. We are working to link cards to associated names in the SDBM Name Authority (Read More). We need your help! So, we’ve created the De Ricci Digitized Archive Name Game to encourage you, our user community members, to help us out.

Why Play?

Play the Name Game to advance from Contributor to Editor. Good linking and flagging of records will help us evaluate your database skills, including your ability to recognize and sort through valuable data. Or, if you are already an editor, play because you will be making valuable connections between two great sources of information. You might even think it’s fun!

Rules of the Name Game

The Name Game goal is to link PDFs of the De Ricci cards to corresponding SDBM Name Authority records. Each link must be reviewed and confirmed by an Editor, Super Editor, or Admin The PDF will then appear in the corresponding SDBM Name Authority record, so that all users can easily access whatever information the De Ricci card contains. To advance from Contributor to Editor, you must complete at least 10 games. Once your games are complete, click the Request Advancement button on the Name Game page. SDBM Admins will review your links, flags, rejections, and skips for accuracy and then determine whether you qualify for advancement The Name Game only applies to advancement from the Contributor to Editor level.

Got another idea for a data-enriching game? Suggest one via the community forum!
De Ricci Name Game Instructions
  1. Click Start a New Game A new game of 15 De Ricci Cards will automatically load.
  2. Click on a name in the left-side list to reveal the corresponding De Ricci card for that name.
  3. Click the Find button to search the SDBM Name Authority for the name described in the De Ricci card. The name in its original De Ricci card format will automatically appear in the search window. Edit the name to search the database more fully. You may need to try several variations of the name to find it.
    • If you find the name, click Link.
    • Otherwise, click 'Can’t find the name?'. You will be asked whether the name should be added to the SDBM Name Authority.
      • If you think it should be in the SDBM Name Authority, click Yes at the bottom of the search window. This action will flag the name in the De Ricci Digitized Archive, where SDBM Editors and Admins can add it to the Name Authority.
      • If the name shouldn’t be added, click No. Choose this option when the name cannot correspond to the SDBM Naming Standards. This action flags the name for review by SDBM Admins.
      • If you’re unsure about which action to take, click Not Sure. This option lets you skip the name.
  4. Once you make your decision, the search window will disappear and the game will automatically load the next De Ricci card in the series. The button to the right of the previous name will now display your decision (Linked, Flagged, or Skipped).
  5. To change your selection:
    • Click on the name.
    • Click on the button to the right, which displays your current decision.
    • The search window will open, allowing you to begin the search process again.
  6. If you notice an issue with a De Ricci card .pdf file, click the Flag for Review button directly above the De Ricci card. Occasionally, you may find that a .pdf file was processed incorrectly, resulting in references to multiple names or a name that doesn’t apply to the SDBM. Choose this option to alert SDBM Admins to the problem.
  7. Once you’ve reviewed every name, click Submit to send your game results to the SDBM Admins. Any links that you created between the De Ricci cards and the SDBM Name Authority will be catalogued.
  8. Access all of your previous games by clicking the My Games drop-down on your De Ricci Game homepage. Click the Resume button next to a game to open it.

Game Results

Once an SDBM Admin has approved the match between an SDBM Name and a De Ricci card, that De Ricci card will be cited in the name’s record in the SDBM Name Authority. When this happens, that De Ricci card will no longer appear in the De Ricci Game. You will receive an email notifying you if one of the names you matched has been confirmed as reliable. Matched names contribute to your advancement from a Contributor to Editor user level.


  1. I matched a De Ricci card to an SDBM Name during my game. But when I look at that Name record in the SDBM, I don’t see the De Ricci card reference. Why?

    SDBM Admins must review every match between a De Ricci card and an SDBM Name. You will receive an email whenever a match you’ve made has been confirmed as reliable. Post in the SDBM Name Authority messageboard on the Forum if you would like a status update on names you have matched.

  2. I found a name in a De Ricci card that isn’t in the SDBM Name Authority, but it should be. How do I add it to the SDBM?

    Flag the name within the Name Game. This will alert the SDBM Admins that the name should be added to the Name Authority.

  3. How many times do I have to play the game in order to advance user levels within the SDBM?

    You must play at least 10 games before the SDBM Admins review your user level. Keep in mind that user advancement is only partially determined by the quality of your De Ricci games. Your other work in the SDBM also contributes to your user level. The SDBM Admins advance a user only when they have appropriately demonstrated their understanding of the SDBM. Contact the SDBM Admins if you want to request an advancement.

  4. What do I do if I’m not sure about a match between a De Ricci card and an SDBM Name?

    Skip it! The name will continue to appear in other games, where it can be matched later. Access your previous games anytime from the game homepage to return to names that you skipped.

  5. Why are most of the names referenced in the De Ricci cards not in the SDBM Name Authority?

    Names appear in the SDBM Name Authority because they appear in entries and sources in the SDBM. Many of the sources described in the De Ricci cards have not been entered into the SDBM yet. Flag these names to alert SDBM Admins, and they will add them to the SDBM Name Authority.