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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

Шаблон:Short description

Дијаграм дизалица
Торањска грађевинска дизалица

Дизалице су врста транспортних уређаја који се праве од метала, челика и гвожђа.[1] Постоји више врста дизалица које служе за подизање ствари, као што су грађевинска дизалица, бродска и лучка, камионска дизалица, разне врсте мобилних дизалица итд. Дизалице морају бити од метала или челика ради чврстоће како би могле да подижу ствари.[2] Дизалица се састоји од витла, челичне ужади или ланаца те куке. Користи се за подизање и спуштање, али и за хоризонтално помицање предмета.

Прве дизалице употребљаване су већ давно у домаћинству, на пример за држање лонца за кување и његово премештање с ватре или на њу. Стари Грци су вероватно изумели и почели да примењују прве грађевинске дизалице.[3] Египћани су их користили у изградњи пирамида.[4] У средњем веку у употребу су ушле прве лучке дизалице, за утовар и истовар терета с бродова, а касније и за њихову изградњу.[5]

Гумени пуфери су неопходни за омекшавање дизалице за дизање у случају удара на крајњим крајевима или било којим другим дизалицама.[6]


Древни Блиски исток

The first type of crane machine was the shadouf, which had a lever mechanism and was used to lift water for irrigation.[7][8][9] It was invented in Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) circa 3000 BC.[7][8] The shadouf subsequently appeared in ancient Egyptian technology circa 2000 BC.[9][10]

Ancient Greece

Greco-Roman Trispastos ("Three-pulley-crane"), a simple crane type (150 kg load)

A crane for lifting heavy loads was developed by the Ancient Greeks in the late 6th century BC.[3] The archaeological record shows that no later than c. 515 BC distinctive cuttings for both lifting tongs and lewis irons begin to appear on stone blocks of Greek temples. Since these holes point at the use of a lifting device, and since they are to be found either above the center of gravity of the block, or in pairs equidistant from a point over the center of gravity, they are regarded by archaeologists as the positive evidence required for the existence of the crane.[3]

The introduction of the winch and pulley hoist soon led to a widespread replacement of ramps as the main means of vertical motion. For the next 200 years, Greek building sites witnessed a sharp reduction in the weights handled, as the new lifting technique made the use of several smaller stones more practical than fewer larger ones. In contrast to the archaic period with its pattern of ever-increasing block sizes, Greek temples of the classical age like the Parthenon invariably featured stone blocks weighing less than 15–20 metric tons. Also, the practice of erecting large monolithic columns was practically abandoned in favour of using several column drums.[4]

Although the exact circumstances of the shift from the ramp to the crane technology remain unclear, it has been argued that the volatile social and political conditions of Greece were more suitable to the employment of small, professional construction teams than of large bodies of unskilled labour, making the crane preferable to the Greek polis over the more labour-intensive ramp which had been the norm in the autocratic societies of Egypt or Assyria.[4]

The first unequivocal literary evidence for the existence of the compound pulley system appears in the Mechanical Problems (Mech. 18, 853a32–853b13) attributed to Aristotle (384–322 BC), but perhaps composed at a slightly later date. Around the same time, block sizes at Greek temples began to match their archaic predecessors again, indicating that the more sophisticated compound pulley must have found its way to Greek construction sites by then.[11]

Roman Empire

Reconstruction of a 10.4 m high Roman Polyspastos powered by a treadwheel at Bonn, Germany

The heyday of the crane in ancient times came during the Roman Empire, when construction activity soared and buildings reached enormous dimensions. The Romans adopted the Greek crane and developed it further. We are relatively well informed about their lifting techniques, thanks to rather lengthy accounts by the engineers Vitruvius (De Architectura 10.2, 1–10) and Heron of Alexandria (Mechanica 3.2–5). There are also two surviving reliefs of Roman treadwheel cranes, with the Haterii tombstone from the late first century AD being particularly detailed.

The simplest Roman crane, the trispastos, consisted of a single-beam jib, a winch, a rope, and a block containing three pulleys. Having thus a mechanical advantage of 3:1, it has been calculated that a single man working the winch could raise 150 kg (330 lb) (3 pulleys x 50 kg or 110 lb = 150), assuming that 50 kg (110 lb) represent the maximum effort a man can exert over a longer time period. Heavier crane types featured five pulleys (pentaspastos) or, in case of the largest one, a set of three by five pulleys (Polyspastos) and came with two, three or four masts, depending on the maximum load. The polyspastos, when worked by four men at both sides of the winch, could readily lift 3,000 kg (6,614 lb) (3 ropes x 5 pulleys x 4 men x 50 kg or 110 lb = 3,000 kg or 6,614 lb). If the winch was replaced by a treadwheel, the maximum load could be doubled to 6,000 kg (13,228 lb) at only half the crew, since the treadwheel possesses a much bigger mechanical advantage due to its larger diameter. This meant that, in comparison to the construction of the ancient Egyptian pyramids, where about 50 men were needed to move a 2.5 ton stone block up the ramp (50 kg (110 lb) per person), the lifting capability of the Roman polyspastos proved to be 60 times higher (3,000 kg or 6,614 lb per person).[12]

Врсте дизалица

Постоје многе врсте дизалица за бројне видове примена, као што су грађевинска дизалица, бродска и лучка, камионска дизалица, разне врсте мобилних дизалица итд.


  1. ^ „How Are Cranes Powered?”. Bryn Thomas Cranes. Приступљено 20. 11. 2017. 
  2. ^ „Врсте дизалица - Знање - Хенан ФинеВорк Цранес Цо., Лтд”. srla.fanwocranes.com. Архивирано из оригинала 19. 12. 2018. г. Приступљено 25. 10. 2018. 
  3. ^ а б в Coulton 1974, стр. 7 harvnb грешка: више циљева (2×): CITEREFCoulton1974 (help)
  4. ^ а б в Coulton 1974, стр. 14ff harvnb грешка: више циљева (2×): CITEREFCoulton1974 (help)
  5. ^ Matthies 1992, стр. 514. sfn грешка: више циљева (2×): CITEREFMatthies1992 (help)
  6. ^ „Гумени пуфери - крани крајеви”. 
  7. ^ а б Paipetis, S. A.; Ceccarelli, Marco (2010). The Genius of Archimedes -- 23 Centuries of Influence on Mathematics, Science and Engineering: Proceedings of an International Conference held at Syracuse, Italy, June 8–10, 2010. Springer Science & Business Media. стр. 416. ISBN 9789048190911. 
  8. ^ а б Chondros, Thomas G. (1. 11. 2010). „Archimedes life works and machines”. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 45 (11): 1766—1775. ISSN 0094-114X. doi:10.1016/j.mechmachtheory.2010.05.009. 
  9. ^ а б Sayed, Osama Sayed Osman; Attalemanan, Abusamra Awad (19. 10. 2016). „The Structural Performance of Tower Cranes Using Computer Program SAP2000-v18”. Sudan University of Science and Technology. Архивирано из оригинала 14. 12. 2019. г. Приступљено 1. 8. 2019. „The earliest recorded version or concept of a crane was called a Shaduf and used over 4,000 years by the Egyptians to transport water. 
  10. ^ Faiella, Graham (2006). The Technology of Mesopotamia. The Rosen Publishing Group. стр. 27. ISBN 9781404205604. 
  11. ^ Coulton 1974, стр. 16 harvnb грешка: више циљева (2×): CITEREFCoulton1974 (help)
  12. ^ All data from: Dienel & Meighörner 1997, стр. 13


  • Coulton, J. J. (1974), „Lifting in Early Greek Architecture”, The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 94: 1—19, JSTOR 630416, doi:10.2307/630416 
  • Dienel, Hans-Liudger; Meighörner, Wolfgang (1997), „Der Tretradkran”, Publication of the Deutsches Museum (Technikgeschichte series) (2nd изд.), München 
  • Lancaster, Lynne (1999), „Building Trajan's Column”, American Journal of Archaeology, 103 (3): 419—439, JSTOR 506969, doi:10.2307/506969 
  • Matheus, Michael (1996), „Mittelalterliche Hafenkräne”, Ур.: Lindgren, Uta, Europäische Technik im Mittelalter. 800 bis 1400. Tradition und Innovation (4th изд.), Berlin: Gebr. Mann Verlag, стр. 345—348, ISBN 978-3-7861-1748-3 
  • Matthies, Andrea (1992), „Medieval Treadwheels. Artists' Views of Building Construction”, Technology and Culture, 33 (3): 510—547, JSTOR 3106635, doi:10.2307/3106635 
  • O’Connor, Colin (1993), Roman Bridges, Cambridge University Press, стр. 47—51, ISBN 978-0-521-39326-3 
  • Jünemann/Schmidt. Materialflußsysteme. ISBN 978-3-540-65076-8. 
  • Scheffler, Martin. Fördermaschinen, Bd. 1, Hebezeuge, Aufzüge, Flurförderzeuge, Friedr. Vieweg&Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden. 1998. ISBN 978-3-528-06626-0. In diesem Band werden die Wirkungsweise, Auslegung und Bauform von Lastaufnahmemitteln, Serienhebezeugen, Hebezeugen, Fahrzeugkranen, Aufzügen, Wagen und Schleppern, Staplern, Fahrerlosen Transportsystemen und Regalförderen dargestellt. 
  • Becker, Rudolf. Das große Buch der Fahrzeugkrane, Band 1 – Handbuch der Fahrzeugkrantechnik. KM-Verlags GmbH,. ISBN 978-3-934518-00-1. 
  • Saller, Rudolf. Das große Buch der Fahrzeugkrane, Band 2 – Handbuch für Kranbetreiber. KM-Verlags GmbH. ISBN 978-3-934518-04-9. 
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  • Lütche, Walter. Giganten der Arbeit, 40 Jahre Fahrzeugkranbau in der DDR -das Typenbuch-. 64560 Riedstadt: KM-Verlags GmbH. ISBN 978-3-934518-05-6. 
  • Bachmann, Oliver; Heinz-Herbert Cohrs; Whiteman, Tim; Wislicki, Alfred (1997). Faszination Baumaschinen - Krantechnik von der Antike zur Neuzeit, Giesel Verlag für Publizität GmbH. ISBN 978-3-9802942-6-3. 
  • Hans-Otto Hannover; Mechtold, Fritz; Koop, Jürgen; Lenzkes, Dieter. Sicherheit bei Kranen, 7. izdanje. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag. ISBN 978-3-540-62730-2. 
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  • Seeßelberg, Christoph (2009). Kranbahnen – Bemessung und konstruktive Gestaltung; 3. izdanje. Berlin: Bauwerk-Verlag. ISBN 978-3-89932-218-7. 
  • Kotte, Gernot (4. 4. 1989). Fahrzeugkran statt Turmdrehkran? Wann sind Fahrzeugkrane von Vorteil? In: bd baumaschinendienst, Heft. стр. S. 398—402. 
  • Cohrs, Heinz Herbert. Lastmomentbegrenzer und Kranelektronik. in Fördern und Heben, Mainz, 1989, Heft 12. стр. S. 1008—1010. 
  • Moderne Fahrzeugkrane für den Bau. Markt und Technik in Bewegung. In: BMT Baumaschine und Bautechnik 37, 1990, Heft 5. стр. S. 244—247. 
  • Otto, Günter. Die Entwicklung des Telekrans. In: Deutsche Hebe- und Fördertechnik, Ludwigsburg, 1992, Heft 6, Heft 6, S. 44-49 (Teil I) und Heft 7/8, S. 34 und 37 (Teil II). 
  • Theiner, Josef. Neu- und Weiterentwicklungen bei Fahrzeugkranen. In: Deutsche Hebe- und Fördertechnik, Ludwigsburg, 1998, Heft 9. стр. S. 28—34. 
  • Hamme, Ulrich; Hauser, Josef; Kern, Andreas; Schriever, Udo. Einsatz hochfester Baustähle im Mobilkranbau. In: Stahlbau 69, 2000, Heft 4. стр. S. 295—305. 
  • Scheffels, G. Grenzen in Sicht? Stand der Technik und Trends in der Auslegertechnologie. (Teleskopkrane) In: Fördern und Heben, Mainz, 2000, Heft 6. стр. S. 439—441. 
  • Maffini, Jacques. Steuerungssysteme für mittlere und große Mobilkrane. In: Hebezeuge und Fördermittel, Berlin, 2001, Heft 11. стр. S. 528—530. 
  • Beringer, Wolfgang. Der Siegeszug der Mobilkrane. In: Deutsche Hebe- und Fördertechnik, Ludwigsburg, 2004, Heft 6. стр. S. 96—100. 
  • Coulton, J. J. (1974). Lifting in Early Greek Architecture. In: The Journal of Hellenic Studies, Bd. 94. стр. S. 1—19. 
  • Hans-Liudger Dienel; Meighörner, Wolfgang (1997). Der Tretradkran. Veröffentlichung des Deutschen Museums (Technikgeschichte Reihe), 2. izdanje. München. 
  • Lancaster, Lynne (1999). Building Trajan's Column. In: American Journal of Archaeology, Bd. 103, Nr. 3. стр. S. 419—439. 
  • Matheus, Michael. Mittelalterliche Hafenkräne. In: Uta Lindgren (ed): Europäische Technik im Mittelalter. 800-1400, Berlin 2001 (4. izdanje.). ISBN 978-3-7861-1748-3. 
  • Matthies, Andrea (1992). Medieval Treadwheels. Artists' Views of Building Construction. In: Technology and Culture, Bd. 33, Nr. 3. стр. 510—547. 

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