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Beast Rider

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"Born to be wiiiiiiild."

The Beast Riders are transforming vehicles used by the Maximals and the Vehicons during Megatron's reign over Cybertron. They are heavily armed, and sport built-in spark extractors.



Beast Machines toy bios

Beast Rider technology was created by Megatron to search out the newly conquered Cybertron, rounding up any stray Transformers and extracting their sparks. They were created in a process similar to his other Vehicons, using the recycled shells of those whose sparks had already been captured.

Mechatron was a fully mechanical "personalized transport", possessing a draconian visage due to being one many of Megatron's failed attempts to remove his own beast mode. Mechatron's Tech Spec Bio

Cheetor, frustrated by Optimus's religious zealotry and Megatron's relentless pursuits, discovered the blueprints to Beast Rider technology and used it to build his own personalized transport. The result was Che, a highly durable and fast chariot stylized after Cheetor's own beast mode. Che's Tech Spec Bio

3H comics

Snarl was in possession of a black Che chariot. He rode it while on patrol alongside Longhorn. Wreckers: Finale Part I


One of the many criminal gangs in Axiom Nexus were the Beast-Riders. Gone Too Far


Beast Machines

Cheetara would have loved to have this.


  • The Beast Riders and Deployers were developed by Hasbro Direct, a now-defunct extra branch of Hasbro that handled "extra" parts of Hasbro's action figure lines, such as the 12-inch Star Wars figures (where the main branch made the 3 3/4-inch figures).
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