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Benzuli Expanse

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The Benzuli Expanse is a dangerous region of space, host to a cosmic anomaly believed to be impassable.



2005 IDW continuity

The crew of the first Ark spacecraft were commissioned to find safe passage through this anomaly, only to disappear and emerge in the Dead Universe. Other civilizations would later study the anomaly, each one being meet with violence from the survivors of the Ark, who didn't want anyone snooping around. The most recent indicated that the phenomenon was expanding at an alarming rate and would eventually consume the star system it inhabited. However, this research mission was unable to report their findings, as it was summarily destroyed by one of the Dead Universe's heralds, Galvatron. Spotlight: Galvatron

At some point in that time, three Nega-Cores were designed by Jhiaxus and established in key places, which were designed to increase the anomaly's expansion, with the ultimate end-goal of forcibly merging both universes. Spotlight: Doubledealer

After Cyclonus secured the Nega-Core and activated its guardian, Nemesis Prime initiated the Expansion with the rest of the Dead Universe crew in the Benzuli Expanse. Spotlight: Cyclonus

Realizing the presence of the Ark's crew, Optimus Prime declared the Autobots would begin their investigations in the Expanse, sending a team of scientists to learn what they could. By that point, the anomaly had spread to encompass the entire star system, and all the Autobots' attempts to probe it resulted in failure. Spotlight: Hardhead

Not taking kindly to the intrusion into their territory, the inhabitants of the Dead Universe sent Cyclonus to dispatch the Autobots. Spotlight: Doubledealer However, before Cyclonus could terminate them, they were saved by the timely arrival of the Nightbird, carrying a gift for the Mirror-Manifold's crew that would allow them to survive the anomaly without dying. Using the space bridge portals the Dead Universes' inhabitants had been employing to easily link the Nega-Core sites, the four Autobots took the objects and brought them into the Dead Universe itself, where they detonated and collapsed the anomaly. Spotlight: Sideswipe

The AllSpark Almanac

The Benzuli Expanse was a twisting region of the Milky Way that included Gorlam Prime. The AllSpark Almanac II Starscream considered himself the most handsome robot this side of the Benzuli Expanse. The AllSpark Almanac


Devastation video game

Nova Prime was hailed as the Conqueror of the Benzuli Expanse. Transformers: Devastation


Foreign names

  • Japanese: Benzuli Seiiki (ベンズライ星域 Benzurai Seiiki, "Benzuli Stellar Region")
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