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A cross-sell is a very simple form of toy marketing found on toy packaging. The package for one toy has an area which is reserved for advertising various other toys, which are depicted in the form of stock photos.

The assortment of pictured toys varies; it's common for toys to advertise other members of the same assortment, but it's not unusual for toys from different size classes or waves to be shown.

The main advantage of a cross-sell over a catalog is that the cross-sell can reach people who are looking at the packaging, and therefore presumably interested in the brand, but haven't actually purchased any toys yet. This comes at the expense of space, as the package has limited space and cannot depict the same number of toys, or give as much information about them (particularly in the case of multilingual packaging), as a catalog can.

In some cases, an entire group of toys has used a single standardized cross-sell advertising the group, with the result that each toy is among the cross-sells on its own packaging. This was common with the many subgroups in Generation 1 and Generation 2, such as the Constructicons or Go-Bots, and is less seen in more recent lines.

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