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Lincoln (city)

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Lincoln is a city, and the home of Rad, Carlos, Alexis, Billy, and Fred during the Autobot/Decepticon War. It may or may not be the same place as Science City.



Armada cartoon

The city of Lincoln was built at the foot and into the side of Mount Astrogate. Landmarks included the Cosmoscope Research Center where Rad's parents worked, Lincoln Middle School, and the mountain itself, which contained a series of caves leading to the ruins of an alien ship. First Encounter The ship would go on to serve as the Autobots' base, and the human children could travel there and back via their Mini-Con companions. Base It was close enough to Central City one could travel between the two by bus. Runaway

Dreamwave Armada comic

At some point, the children were living in Lincoln. They were in the Black Hills, with Rad crashing his bike into the lake after a failed stunt. Optimus Prime and Hot Shot appeared, discussing with the children that they must leave in order to prevent more damage to the planet. Just as Sparkplug was about to object, he received a distress call from the Air Defense Mini-Con Team requesting help escaping from Megatron. Armada #6

That doesn't seem quite right...

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