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Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 16

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Tales of the Beast Hunters Chapter 16
Publisher Hasbro
Continuity Transformers: Prime
Page count 1
Packaged with Voyager Ultra Magnus

Ultra Magnus meets Grimwing with violence and gets pretty much what he deserves.



Ultra Magnus sees a giant dragon plunging through the sky toward him. Without hesitation, he knows he has to defeat this monster before it can cause any havoc. Transforming into robot mode and leaping into the air, he strikes the creature a colossal blow with the Forge of Solus Prime...which does Grimwing almost no damage, fazing him only momentarily. Enraged at Magnus for demonstrating himself nothing more than a primitive thug, the Predacon wastes no time in disarming and crippling his opponent, leaving him behind with a warning ringing in his audio sensors.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Be warned. This world is in grave danger from my fellow Predacons. I will restrain them. You and your fellows stay out of my way or be destroyed."

Grimwing's warning


  • Magnus comes off pretty badly here to the reader, since we know (from last chapter) that Grimwing had no intention of attacking him.
  • Blackbeak was here last chapter, and is presumably present now, but isn't explicitly mentioned.
  • Grimwing is referred to as a dragon here, but is called an ursagryph on his toy. Possibly dragon is a general term for any reptilian monster in this continuity, however.
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