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Talk:Pilot (Part 1)

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Is the Matronly Docent an Autobot or a Neutral?

I think it is a Neutral because it has no Autobot symbol and everyone created after Optimus Prime's death is a Neutral right. I do not know the origins of Strongarm but now she is an Autobot but all the others created are just simple Neutrals, anyone agree that it should be listed as a Neutral or Other in Pilot Part 1

—Thanks SeanTF1967
My justification for saying she's an Autobot is that neutrals haven't been established as existing in this continuity. While the Docent doesn't have an Autobot symbol, neither does Fixit, and Hasbro Studio's own promotional material refers to him as an Autobot. Plus she is working in a building with a huge Autobot insignia on it. If we don't call her an Autobot, I think the most we can do is keep it vague and refer to her as a "Transformer" without any particular alignment mentioned. --abates (talk) 00:26, 25 February 2015 (EST)

I see your point but why are the Guards not included, but are all the random bots Autobots or just NAILS or Neutrals or could be listed as Others right, with the Docent, I will see if there is a symbol but what to do with the guards. SeanTF1967 Hey abates can you tell me where do the guards go. SeanTF1967

The guards would presumably be kept vague too. --abates (talk) 20:12, 26 February 2015 (EST)

Are you not going to add them as Autobots, all 5 had Autobot Insignia'sSeanTF1967

Did they? I checked after the question was raised over the Docent, and didn't see any insignia. I'm not seeing any here for instance. I'll check that scene again when I have a moment, but if the guards are Autobots, I'd definitely count that as a point in favour of the Docent being an Autobot too. --abates (talk) 20:47, 26 February 2015 (EST)

They did.SeanTF1967

I rewatched the scene and I don't see an Autobot insignia on either of the guards. Can you point to a screencap showing them? --abates (talk) 15:32, 27 February 2015 (EST)
If they are all Transformers working in a big Autobot base I don't think it's unreasonable to assume they are Autobots. Sideswipe is an Autobot and he's a criminal; presumably if there were a meaningful neutral faction on RID-era Cybertron, he'd be one. -LV (talk) 18:03, 27 February 2015 (EST)

Odd I cannot find it anymore, so where do you put them, if it helps when Grimlock was going to attack Bee said "There are Civilians, no threat" you can list them as others with the Docent or list them all as AutobotsSeanTF1967

Bumblebee was talking about human civilians, not Transformer civilians. How is that relevant? --abates (talk) 19:12, 27 February 2015 (EST)

Can we just assume the guards are Autobots or label them however you feel but as long as they are there because they did appear SeanTF1967

Kaon Plaza

Are the statues of the Thirteen Primes or of Team Prime? One statue looks like Bulkhead and another looks like Smokescreen, but the rest really do look like the Thirteen. CBT (talk) 19:39, 6 March 2022 (EST)

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