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The Great Angolmois Freezing Tactic

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Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers ep 33
BWII 33 Angolmois freeze.jpg
"The Great Angolmois Freezing Tactic"
アンゴルモア冷凍大作戦 ()
(Angolmois Reitō Daisakusen)
Production company TV Tokyo, NAS, Ashi Productions
Airdate 11 November 1998
Writer Yukiyoshi Ōhashi
Director Susumu Ishizaki
Animation studio Ashi Productions
Continuity Japanese Generation 1 cartoon continuity

As Angolmois Energy erupts all over Gaia, the Maximals race to stop the destruction of the planet.



BW II ep33 Bighorn Friend.jpg
Nemesis closes on to the fifth planet, and the Angolmois Energy on Gaia continues to intensify. In the forest, Lio Junior finds Bighorn playing with a group of squirrels, and they both agree that they must protect Gaia for the sake of all of the life on it.

Outside the Yukikaze, Lio Convoy's Maximals are surprised by NAVI's new body built by Skywarp. All of the Maximals have been gathered by Lio Convoy so that he can show them his plan for the recent spate of Angolmois activity—several "Angolmois Energy cooling devices" with the ability to freeze Angolmois Energy. The Maximals split up to cover the planet more efficiently, while Lio Convoy watches Drill Nuts lead the Insectrons in building an artillery cannon.

BW II ep33 Volcano Plug.jpg
On their mission, Tasmania Kid and Diver find an eruption of Angolmois Energy and freeze it, idly musing that maybe freezing the entire planet would be a better idea. The team of Bighorn, Lio Junior, Santon, and Skywarp find a series of eruptions... and the Jointrons trying to plug them with boulders. The Magnaboss trio are introduced to their fellow Maximals and Lio Junior looks in awe as the Jointrons merge into Tripledacus to lift a giant boulder and block a larger eruption. They're spotted by Dirgegun and Thrustor, who wonders just what they're doing and report their observations to Galvatron.

Galvatron sends a signal to Nemesis with his Galva-Matrix and commands the planet to increase its power. The artificial planet absorbs the entirety of the fifth planet and sends out a powerful blast to Gaia that causes Angolmois Energy all over the planet to erupt from the surface, frightening the observing Artemis and Moon and befuddling the Maximals. For the sake of protecting the squirrel family and all of the living beings inside the forest, Lio Convoy has the Maximals bring together the cooling devices to prevent the jungle from being a scorched wasteland.

BW II ep33 Jupiter Power.jpg
The Maximals focus on freezing more Angolmois Energy geysers and Tripledacus comes up with a plan of his own. The Maximals' freezing efforts are hampered by Dirgegun and Thrustor, who blast away at the ice, causing the Angolmois Energy to reactivate; Bighorn and Tasmania Kid leap out of their vehicles to counteract the Predacons' attacks. Lio Convoy detects a horde of Angolmois Energy under a crater and notes that, if it erupts, it'll take the jungle with it. Gigastorm arrives on the scene while Bighorn tries to tell the creatures inside the forest to evacuate in case the Maximals fail in protecting their home. To take care of their titanic opponent, the Maximals focus their cooling beams onto Gigastorm, and the panicking archduke orders Hellscream and Max-B to come to his rescue.

The pair refuse however, since they're busy with Tripledacus, who has been carrying a large iceberg to both plug and cool the Angolmois Energy. Lio Junior and Skywarp, who have been accompanying Tripledacus, protect the iceberg from Hellscream and Max-B, while the bumbling Dirgegun and Thrustor finally figure out how to warm up Gigastorm with their attacks. Gigastorm's attacks threaten to make the Angolmois Energy in the crater erupt, but Tripledacus manages to plug it with the iceberg, and Magnaboss's Magna Blade makes Gigastorm call for a retreat.

BW II ep33 Freezing Beam.jpg
The day's tasks settled, NAVI alerts Lio Convoy that the fifth planet has disappeared, and the Maximal Commander declares that the time has come for them to attack.

Artemis & Moon II Report

In this session, Moon teaches about Magnaboss, the triple fusion of Lio Junior, Santon, and Skywarp. Among its repertoire of attacks is the Angolmois Ball, compressed Angolmois Energy sealed in an electromagnetic barrier device and shot out. There are also the Sky Missiles that shoot from his chest and the Magna Blade that can emit a laser shockwave. The combination's energy source is Lio Junior himself, so Magnaboss will only become more powerful as Lio Junior ages.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Maximals Predacons Insectrons Others


Transformers references

Real world references


  • This episode has your favourite physicist rolling in their grave.


BW II ep33 Angolois Ball.jpg
  • Just after Hellscream and Max-B transform to confront Tripledacus, Dirgegun is shown as present instead of Hellscream.
  • Lio Junior's face is drawn horrifically off-model while he builds his Angolmois Ball attack.
  • As Hellscream falls from the floating iceberg, he cries out for Max-B to save him. Max-B obeys by walking off-screen whilst mid-air, rather than floating down or flying. (Likely repurposed animation frames)

Home video releases

All releases listed are in Japanese audio unless otherwise noted.

Japan 1999 — Beast Wars II: Super Lifeform Transformers — ACT. 11 (Pioneer LDC)

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