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The Lonely Titan

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Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy ep 96
RBA-TheLonelyTitan-Wedge in chair.jpg
"The Lonely Titan"
Production code 244
Season 2
No. in season 44
Production company Allspark Animation
Airdate June 9, 2020 (UK)
May 8, 2021 (US)
Writer Marc Seal
Director Pete Slattery
Animation studio Boulder Media Studio

When Wedge tires of his friends constantly interrupting him, he volunteers for a solo mission on a Titan. But seeing how much the Titan values his companionship, Wedge gains a new appreciation for the value of true friendship.



Wedge is carefully working on his scale model of the academy when he's interrupted by Hoist asking if he wants to practice rescue alarm drills. Wedge says he's too busy working on the model of his proposed extension, which is promptly demolished when Hot Shot bumps into him. Whirl and Hot Shot invite him to play rescue tag, but this mostly results in him blowing up at them. Medix also arrives seeking Wedge's opinion on something, but he kicks everyone out so he can be alone with his model. Moments later, Heatwave summons him to a briefing. They've received a garbled message from Citadel Secundus in deep space, and since they don't know what exactly is wrong, they all need to head out and check on the Titan.

They arrive on Citadel Secundus, who is vague but says only one bot may enter. The idea of finally being alone has Wedge volunteering, and he dashes inside. He's relieved to be alone at last, but it turns out Citadel Secundus is thankful to have company for once, and invites Wedge to the bridge. As he walks, Secundus asks him why he's so happy to be alone, and Wedge confesses he's bugged by his friends. On the bridge, Secundus asks Wedge if he'd like to play a game called "Stack Attack", and Wedge agrees - this turns out to be Secundus dropping irregularly shaped bricks for Wedge to stack. With that game complete, Wedge expresses how much fun he's had, and realizes it's more fun when you're with friends. Secundus reveals that he's received a signal from the other Titans and has been heading towards the source, so he wanted to practice the art of conversation with someone.

Back on the bridge, Secundus has Wedge take manual control to steer him out of the nebula. They successfully clear the nebula, only to find empty space — the other Titans are long gone. Wedge suggests Secundus instead come to Earth, believing Perceptor and Heatwave can help, though Secundus decides to try once more searching by himself first. Returning to the academy, Wedge has the other recruits help him complete the model. Medix is puzzled by the absence of the extension, but Wedge is hoping that Secundus will someday come to Earth and be the extension.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)


"Ah boy! It's so good to be ON MY OWN!"
"Greeting recruit Wedge. Do not be alarmed, I am the city. It is so good to be not on my own."
"Right, ah, thank you, your immenseness."

Wedge is not finally on his own because Citadel Secundus is there.

"How long ago did you get that signal?"
"Not long. Four, maybe five hundred thousand years ago."

Wedge and Citadel Secundus


Continuity notes

  • The recruits found and reactivated Citadel Secundus back in "The Empty City".

Transformers references

  • TBA

Real-world references

  • "Stack Attack" is suspiciously similar to Tetris.

Animation and technical errors

  • TBA


  • The door Wedge enters through is adorned with Egyptian-style hieroglyphs, though not any that match real hieroglyphs. One of the symbols used appears to be a griffin. There are also a pair of griffin-esque statues on Secundus's bridge.
  • Secundus's image of Earth has Cybertronian labels that reads "TERRA" and "LUNA".

Foreign localization

  • TBA

Home video releases

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