Şablon belgelemesi[oluştur]
This template rounds down (aka “truncates”) a numeric value to a limited number of decimal places.
- Usage:
- {{Yuvarlama|value}}
- {{Yuvarlama|value|decimals}}
- Both parameters can be any valid numeric expression.
- The decimals parameter defaults to 0 and is rounded to the nearest integer.
- decimals can be negative to round down to a multiple of a power of ten.
- If decimals is not between -20 and 20, the value is returned without rounding.
- Examples:
- {{Yuvarlama|3.14159|3}} = 3.141
- {{Yuvarlama|0.123|3}} = 0.123 (should be 0.123, not 0)
- {{Yuvarlama|0.00032|3}} = 0 (should be 0, not "-0")
- {{Yuvarlama|-0.123|3}} = -0.123 (should be -0.123, not 0)
- {{Yuvarlama|-3.14159|3}} = -3.141
- {{Yuvarlama|0.31415|0}} = 0 (should be 0, not "-0")
- {{Yuvarlama|0|0}} = 0 (should be 0, not "-1")
- {{Yuvarlama|-0.31415|0}} = 0
- {{Yuvarlama|314159|-3}} = 314000
- {{Yuvarlama|314.15|-3}} = 0 (should be 0, not "-0")
- {{Yuvarlama|-314159|-3}} = -314000
- Note:
- {{Floor|value}} is equivalent to {{Yuvarlama|value}}.
- See also: