Latest Releases
Decibel 2014
Psyko Punkz, Zatox, Brennan Heart, Bass Modulators, Noisecontrollers, Tatanka, Max P, Raxtor, MC Villain, D-Block & S-te-Fan, TNT, Audiotricz, Atmozfears, Adaro, Mc Nolz, Frontliner, Radical Redemption, Activator, Outbreak, Kronos, Gunz For Hire, Jack Of Sound, Alpha?, Art Of Fighters, Dj Mad Dog, Amnesys, Tommyknocker, Lenny Dee, DJ D, Endymion, The Outside Agency, Koozah, Promo, Anime, The Viper, MC Jeff, Diesel, Alee, Kasparov, Noize Suppressor, Xcite, Ruffneck, Ophidian, Sei2ure, Synapse, Mad Dog, Unexist, The Unfamous, Phrantic, Artic, Xaline, Desnar, Donkey Rollers, DJ Thera, Exit Mind, Zany, Hard Driver, Energyzed, Zirkum, The Vision, Prefix & Density, Primefire, MC I See, Kevin Kaos, Chris One, Phuture Noize, Regain, B-Front, Thera, Deetox, Warface, Low Profile, Delete, The Machine, The Geminizers, E-Force