Satoshi Imano is one of the most hotly discussed technomusicians in the industry at present, drawing attention bothdomestically in Japan and further abroad in Europe.Since his debut in 1999, his meteoric rise to success hasshown no signs of slowing, with his achievements includingentering the charts in Europe for both singles and albums.Winning the grand prize in Sound & Recording Magazine's"the HIAT US 'T hirst' Remix Contest" and composing forvarious stage and screen projects, his multifaceted workhas transcended the club scene, and he commands a greatdeal of respect in many areas of the entertainment industry.From January 2014, he has planned, produced andcontributed artwork to "Tokyo Techno Liner", a program runby Liverpool-based station Framed.FM, and the UK's first tofocus exclusively on Japanese techno DJs. Operating asthe program's main DJ himself, he continually