Latest Releases
The Oldschool, Vol. 17
Niko De Luka, Linda Newman, The Henchmen, David Puentez, DJ Fist, Rio Dela Duna, Kid Shakers, Mick Kastenholt, Brown Sugar, Terri B!, Stev Bray, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Teddy Richards, Riddimjunkies, Ellroy Clerk, At It, Andy Silva, Souljackerz, Mastro Deejay, Matt Myer, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Tiff & Trashkid, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, John De Mark, Peter Brown, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Alexei, Carlos Kinn, J.lynn
Bigtime EDM, Vol. 10
Aggero, Fabulous Addiction, Halogen, Maxim Leity, Cub'X, Glazersound, System B, Irrenhouse, Robin Bright, Deep Fish, NekliFF, Alexandre Fossard, Tonny S, Kimberley Wardle, Diaz, Luna Moor, Shishkin, Skvatt, Lowave, Angerwolf, Unknownz, Eva Menson, Buck Lesson, Tricky Play, RockSaw, At It, Rod Debyser, Decca T
Get Together, Vol. 10
Niko De Luka, The Deep Project One, Teddy Richards, Riddimjunkies, At It, Buck Lesson, Tricky Play, RockSaw, Jon Craig, Tonio Liarte, Peter Brown, Cristian Moxt, Deft Duo, The 80's Ghetto Collective, A.C.N., Stev Bray, FOS, Michael A.M, AFM Groove, Mat Batur, Fabio Castro, Tavo, Jim Cerrano, Val Entin
The Old School, Vol. 9
Majuri, Brown Sneakers, DJ Fist, Rio Dela Duna, Looka, Yanter, Superball, Mick Kastenholt, Rod Debyser, Aleks Cameron, Will Diamond, Niko De Luka, The 80s Ghetto Collective, Funky M, Dagna, Jussendo, Feltting & GeRich, DJ Chick, Daniel Patt, Pipe Cruz, Riddimjunkies, Andy Silva, Dirty Shade, Anthony Attia, The Riberaz, Fuseboxers, At It, Hermetic Dust, Ellroy Clerk
The Oldschool, Vol. 5
Niko De Luka, Linda Newman, The Henchmen, David Puentez, DJ Fist, Rio Dela Duna, Kid Shakers, Mick Kastenholt, Brown Sugar, Terri B!, Stev Bray, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Teddy Richards, Riddimjunkies, Ellroy Clerk, At It, Andy Silva, Souljackerz, Mastro Deejay, Matt Myer, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Tiff & Trashkid, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, John De Mark, Peter Brown, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Alexei, Carlos Kinn, J.lynn
The Old School, Vol. 3
DJ Fist, Rio Dela Duna, Yanter, Superball, Peter Brown, Ellroy Clerk, At It, Andy Silva, Dirty Shade, Derek West, Midnight Beats, Mastro Deejay, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, The Riberaz, Roger Slato, Victor Brown, Lesina, Teo Moss, Damien N-Drix, deziBL, Funky Dice, Goose Bumps, Tonio Liarte, Duher, Niko De Luka, The 80's Ghetto Collective, Ash Paine, B. Vivant, Ange, Fine Touch
The DJ Battle, Vol. 1
Mark Bale, At It, Teo Moss, Aggero, Luke Tolosan, Haxent, Christian Weber, Jay Rocves, Vigo Qinan, Tiff & Trashkid, Majuri, Brown Sneakers, Roger Slato, Victor Brown, Lesina, Futurism, No Nation, Michelle Labelle, Bruno Kauffmann, Ann Shine, Ludo Kaiser, Matt Sanchez, Diaz, Luna Moor, Andrey Exx, Fred Del Mar, Groove Bandits, Jaques Le Noir, funKid
House to Remember, Vol. 1
Brown Sugar, Corey Andrew, Math Delekian, Peter Brown, Talkboxx, Ann Bailey, Moonwaker, Rio Dela Duna, Niko De Luka, Terri B!, Mick Kastenholt, The Freshguys, Alexander Adstedt, Looka, Relanium, Anthony Attia, Carlos Mendes, Tom Leeland, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, Futurism, No Nation, Michelle Labelle, Tonio Liarte, Andy Silva, At It, Ellroy Clerk
Hard Night, Vol. 18
Rene, Matvey Emerson, Funky M, Dagna, Lima, David Costa, Simonne Cooper, Unbreakable, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, DJ Chick, Daniel Patt, Pipe Cruz, Ellroy Clerk, Vivi, Tiff, Trashkid, At It, Andy Silva, Souljackerz, Hermetic Dust, Carlos Mendes, Tom Leeland, Angel Stoxx, Matt Myer, Futurism, No Nation, Michelle Labelle, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Frater & Stent, Tom Da Lips, Groove Bandits
Spring Progressive Music, Vol.2
Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Mark Bale, Aybewan, O.B, Brown Sugar, Kid Shakers, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Teo Moss, Damien N-Drix, Frater, Stent, DJ Pearl, Vertical Smile, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Anthony Attia, The Riberaz, Derek West, Midnight Beats, At It, Dirty Shade
Suka Loves Paris, Vol. 5
Matt Myer, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, Souljackerz, Tonio Liarte, Angel Stoxx, At It, Hermetic Dust, Vivi, Tiff & Trashkid, Ellroy Clerk, Jussendo, Gerich & Feltting, Simonne Cooper, Unbreakable, Reza, Rene, Matvey Emerson, Funky M, Dagna, DJ McKoy, Subcquence, Aad Mouthaan, Rude Vinyl, Discojack, Candy, T.e.d
Winter Progressive Music, Vol. 3
Deft Duo, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Tonio Liarte, Dion Mavath, B.Vivant, DJ James Munich, A.C.N., Charlenn, Anthony Attia, Damien N-Drix, Mark Bale, Brown Sugar, Midnight Beats, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, The Riberaz, Madness, At It, Shytsee, Dirty Shade, Christopher Damas
Courchevel Session, Vol.2
Lemon3, Stereo Tonic, Avaro, Massive Vox, Jim Cerrano, O.B, Glazersound, System B, Irrenhouse, Christopher Damas, Madness, At It, Derek West, Midnight Beats, Anthony Attia, The Riberaz, Brown Sugar, MC Shurakano, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Daft Steve, LeksTone, A.C.N., Vivi, Goose Bumps, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Tonio Liarte
Suka Addict, Vol.16
Niko De Luka, The 80's Ghetto Collective, Math Delekian, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Brown Sugar, Corey Andrew, Lima, David Costa, Simonne Cooper, Unbreakable, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Dany Cohiba, Vivi, Tiff, Trashkid, Riddimjunkies, At It, Souljackerz, Futurism, No Nation, Michelle Labelle, Tonio Liarte, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Carlos Mendes, Tom Leeland, A.C.K., Slyax, Roger Slato, Victor Brown, Lesina, Groove Bandits
House Angels, Vol. 16
GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, Vivi, Tiff, Trashkid, At It, Andy Silva, Souljackerz, Futurism, No Nation, Michelle Labelle, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, Roger Slato, Victor Brown, Lesina, Sebastian Krieg, Strobe, Frater, Stent, Tom Da Lips, Brown Sugar, MC Shurakano, Alexandra Prince, Kid Shakers, Block, Jolene, Crown, AFM Groove, Linda Newman, The Henchmen, David Puentez, BK Duke, Ezzy Safaris, Chris Crisp, Majuri, Brown Sneakers, Stephen Pickup, Rio Dela Duna, Arone Clein, Niko De Luka
Suka Loves Hollywood, Vol. 03
Lima, David Costa, Simonne Cooper, Unbreakable, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, DJ Chick, Daniel Patt, Pipe Cruz, Riddimjunkies, Vivi, Tiff, Trashkid, Ellroy Clerk, Hermetic Dust, At It, Andy Silva, Souljackerz, LT Brown, Lucas Reyes, Rafael Saenz, Carlos Mendes, Tom Leeland, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, A.C.K., Slyax, Frater, Stent, Tom Da Lips, Groove Bandits, Fuseboxers, Alexei, Carlos Kinn
Dancefloor Suka, Vol. 8
At It, Hermetic Dust, Angel Stoxx, Futurism, No Nation, Michelle Labelle, Tonio Liarte, Souljackerz, Matt Myer, Luna Moor, Stan Williams, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Carlos Mendes, Tom Leeland, Sebastian Krieg, Strobe, Groove Bandits, Frater, Stent, Tom Da Lips, Alexei, Carlos Kinn, Brown Sugar, MC Shurakano, Lemon3, Tiff, Trashkid, Kid Shakers
House Music All Night, Vol.13
X-Guerrero, Javi Ortiz, Tony Cox, Lemon3, Lucas Reyes, Dany Cohiba, Alexandra Prince, Kid Shakers, Frater, Stent, Tom Da Lips, Roger Slato, Victor Brown, Lesina, A.C.K., Slyax, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Matt Myer, Tonio Liarte, At It, Hermetic Dust, Angel Stoxx, Riddimjunkies, Vivi, Tiff, Trashkid, DJ Chick, Daniel Patt, Pipe Cruz, Simonne Cooper, Unbreakable, Funky M, Dagna, Rene, Matvey Emerson, DJ McKoy
Listen & Play, Vol. 13
Niko De Luka, The 80's Ghetto Collective, Brown Sugar, Corey Andrew, Promonova, Jesty Beatz, DJ James Munich, B. Vivant, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Tonio Liarte, Fuseboxers, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Carlos Mendes, Tom Leeland, Hermetic Dust, At It, Lima, David Costa, Funky M, Dagna, Mixline, Blayze, Luna Moor, Mitch Major, Mat Holtmann, DJ McKoy, Jaques Le Noir, Robin Bright, Jem's
Sound of Underground Vol. 4
Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Tonio Liarte, Angel Stoxx, At It, Jussendo, Gerich & Feltting, Lima, David Costa, Subcquence, Aad Mouthaan, LT Brown, Lucas Reyes, Rafael Saenz, Souljackerz, Rude Vinyl, DJ Junior, Viktoria Metzker, Lemon3, Tom Leeland, DeadHouse, Roy Morgan, Mario Chris, Majuri, Alex Berti, Patrick Hagenaar, I-fan, Mitch Major, Mat Holtmann, Marco Vistosi
Pool Beach Vol.11
eSquire, Tom Leeland, Lima, David Costa, At It, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Brown Sugar, MC Shurakano, Alexei, Carlos Kinn, J.lynn, Linda Newman, The Henchmen, David Puentez, Jay Ronko, Josh Newson, Talkboxx, Mixline, DJ Junior, Viktoria Metzker, Tom De Neef, GeRich, Feltting, Jussendo, deziBL, Funky Dice, Tanya Michelle, Cosmic Funk, Fine Touch, Mc Shayon, Yanter, Superball, Peter Brown, Niko De Luka, The 80's Ghetto Collective
Suka Addict Vol.6
A.C.K., Slyax, Souljackerz, L.a.b, Tom Leeland, Discojack, Christian Weber, Jay Rocves, At It, Kaysee, Rogue Elementz, Alexei, Carlos Kinn, J.lynn, Tanya Michelle, Cosmic Funk, Ellroy Clerk, Carlos Mendes, Tiff, Trashkid, Peter Brown, Niko De Luka, Mick Kastenholt, Teo Moss, Daniel Shems, Fabulous Addiction, Tom De Neef, Mat Holtmann, SL Curtiz, Domovnik
Progressive Anthems Vol.7
Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Teo Moss, Mike Pearl, Ellroy Clerk, Luke Tolosan, Haxent, Louise Browne, At It, Anthony Attia, Daft Steve, LeksTone, Midnight Beats, Yeray Rocha, Omy Cid, Dirty Shade, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Brown Sugar, Mark Bale, Aybewan, Vertical Smile, DJ Turtle, Floran. C, Damien N-Drix
Hard Night Vol.7
Luke Tolosan, Tom Buster, Matt Myer, A.C.N., Alexander Avilla, Mastro Deejay, Luke Lawson, Adrian Ford, Duher, Mr Disto, At It, Unknownz, Eva Menson, Teo Moss, Shadow Stars, Lucas Reyes, Gosha, Buck Lesson, Tricky Play, RockSaw, Angerwolf, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Aggero, Simonne Cooper, Unbreakable, Rod Debyser, Blayze, Luna Moor, John Konnor
Suka Addict Vol.4
Duher, Rod Debyser, Angerwolf, Rene, Matvey Emerson, At It, Buck Lesson, Tricky Play, RockSaw, David Hopperman, Nick Waters, Mr Disto, Mastro Deejay, Ellroy Clerk, LT Brown, Lucas Reyes, Rafael Saenz, Luke Lawson, Adrian Ford, Luke Tolosan, Tom Buster, A.C.N., Alexander Avilla, Aggero, Damien N-Drix, Simonne Cooper, Unbreakable
Progressive Weapons Vol.1
Yeray Rocha, Omy Cid, Anthony Attia, Eric Tyrell, The Whiteliner, Natasha Burnett, Damien N-Drix, At It, Manolo Ribera, Jose Ribera, Teo Moss, SL Curtiz, Domovnik, Vivi, Goose Bumps, Luke Tolosan, Mike Pearl, Ellroy Clerk, Tim Silent, The Riberaz, A.C.N., Mark Bale, Aybewan, Glazersound, System B, Irrenhouse, Haxent, Louise Browne, Urban Tunes, Funky Fresh, Armin Van Eijk