Both are daughters of classical musician Lourens Krouwel. Marilou followed in the footsteps of her fatherand is the conductor of several choirs and studied at the conservatory with flute and conductor.while Cathy found her way into pop music as a singer she developed as a producer, singer songwriter. Sang in various bands. Currently in Shakes + Seven, Sjansaar.Along with Marilou they bring as C & M. K ambient and melodic chillout with a hint of classical music.
Latest Releases
Settled Sounds 008
Sauco, Das.RBT, Andre Wildenhues, Deep Division, Vox President, Koncise, Wang, Andorra, Syncbat, Audioglider, Edvard Hunger, Leion Delta, Natune, Frainbreeze, Angel Falls, Dr.Insider, Manuel Costela, DJ Dani, TimeBounds, Kubbix, Oded Nir, Tears, Rafael Francesconi, Simza, Malina, Nygma, Remeya Kingston, Mikas, C&M.K
Deep Focus, Vol. 09
Erik Thompson, Samsara Inc., Adam Firegate, EL Music, Bogdan Ioan, Cash Andrein, DJ Biopic, Dirty Tremollo, Akku, Futureworlder, Monsieur Le Détraké, The Sunchasers, Arianny Celeste, Giovanni Lucchetti, Zweig, Col Lawton D90, C&M.K, Jay Frog, Slippy Beats, Sendust, Arthur Reynolds, Ilya Golitsyn, Waxing Moon, False Identity, Mauro Quintero, David Chalon