Fading Soul was born in Athens. He started experimentingwith music as a teenager. After studying music in theconservatory, he soon gained his own show in the 90’spopular radio station ‘Jeronimo Groovy’. The genre herepresents is Deep House/ House. Success begun in 2000with ‘Odyssey’ when it came out in the collection ‘Caprice ofMykonos bar -Collection’, followed later on by other hits as,‘Let me be there’ in the Galleraki Mykonos bar Collection,‘First Love’ and ‘Connected’. Moreover, Fading Soul isparticipating as guest dj in many popular clubs/bars inAthens city such as, Mamacas Club, Story bar, Terraza,Kabar, Loop bar and various clubs/bars in very popular fortheir night life- and not only- islands, such as Astra andGalleraki in Mykonos island, as well as, Santana, Caesarand Yazoo in Naxos island. In 2013 he made a comebackwith