They began their career playing their music separated inREALINE. His music is heard on dancefloors throughoutAndalusia during strong years of tearout-break.Soon influenced by artists such as Noisia, Blacksunempire,Stereo:type ... they were interested in the art of production.Many hours behind the computer have formed this groupwhose project includes all the styles of the bass music,always dominating their rude character.The lethal combination of harsh sounds and powerfulrhythms can not leave you standing.Recently this duo has been signed by theBASSINVASIONSPAIN's booking, the next season will seelive.You are hearing what we call REGUN.***********Empezaron su trayectoria por separado pinchando para lapromotora REALINE. Su música se escuchó por las pistasde toda Andalucía durante los años fuertes del tearoutbreak.Pronto influenciado por artistas como Noisia,Blacksunempire, Stereo:type... se interesaron por el arte dela producción.Muchas horas detrás del ordenador han