AbnormalBoy (Manuel Ugulin) born on 22/06/86. From an early age he started to love music,with his dad he listened to rock such as :Pink Floyd,The Doors, Yes,King Crimson,Jethro Tull, Led Z eppelin,Bad Company, Uriah Heep....& the first electronic music like Jean Michele Jarre!!!At the age of eight, he got his first turntable Tosca 20. In 1997, Manuel started to listen to electronicmusic, following purchases of techno compilations such as Future Trance,Technodrome,Trance Nation... Since 2002 he has actively played at privateparties and in 2004 he bought his first dj equipment. From 2006 Manuel started to be a resident dj in Max Magnus (Pazin, CRO).In 2007, with the help of dj v2 he dj-ed at Monvi center for the first time.Currently he competes at KIRK5(Rijeka) and won the 2nd place on contest