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Deep Movements (The Special Compilation of Deep House Music)
U.M.S., Aksel Mogensen, Silly Crawl, Tony Afrique, Clear Artery, Norma Reagan, Trapped Ambitions, Supermodels, The Model Motel, The Grand Groove, Claude Fatton, Sun Flowers, The Modell, White Grooves, Tony King, Project 444, 2nd Rhythms, 6ex, Jaques Dacoste, Alexander Prince, Harry, Fitch, Sandrino, Modell, Mercier, Roko, Johnny Divine, Room 88, Johhny French, Salvador Diqui, Tony Deep, House Sinergy, Vince Lourenzo, Sebastian Hector, Montuno Hands, Mark Sanderson, Deep Hotel, Klimt, Jeff Goldman, Anthony Maserati, Santos Pasha, New Rhythms