Ne·o·ter·ic : A modern person; a person who advocates new ideas. (We had to look it up too). Forever on the search for the perfect beat, never constrained by genre, nor expectations. We can all admit, it's not the best moniker ever thunk, but it's certainly fitting. It's this tireless dedication and undeniable passion for music that has established Neoteric as an internationally renown touring DJ, producer, and tastemaker.Beginning in Canada, and continuing now in Europe, 2011 has been a breakthrough for Neoteric. A collabo with Crookers, the Gonzo 'Springer' saw massive supports and festival plays from the likes of Jack Beats, Annie Mac, even Erick Morillo got down. Followed by the anthemic 'Go Deep' (with Australia's Wax Motif) on Fatboy Slim's Southern Fried Records. Heavy charting and plays from