
Y.A.M.A. living in òbidos, is in love with music since ealychildhood.T hat passion for music made him get interested in Dj'ing,fact that led him to buy professional gear to explore theworld of music mixing. At a certain time, his evolution on thatmatter gets noticed and at the year of 1999 he gets his firstgigs. For improvement he gets a dj'ing course, oriented bythe famous Dj Mig'l at Dance Planet school. At this momenthis technique and musical flavour is capable of making theparty people fly.Now he has gigs all over the country, and his musical stylevaries with the people he gets on his front. it goes frommainstream music.. to his preference ( Progressive / TechHouse ). He makes dj mixes for radios allover the country.Has played in several clubs such as:

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